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View Full Version : Progressive Industry Surge Protector

dale farley
10-16-2009, 11:37 PM
The last week we were in Yellowstone, the power pole we were plugged into shorted out and fried our Progressive Industry (PI) surge protector. There was 85 volts on one leg and 165 on the other. Fortunately, it didn't hurt the bus.

I called the owner of PI and told him what happened. He sent me another unit even though mine was well out of warranty, and the problem was certainly no fault of PI. Another example of excellent customer service.

10-17-2009, 12:49 AM
That's good to know. I just bought one and received it last week. When I spoke to them I got the idea they treat there customers very well, and your experience is proof of that for sure.

10-17-2009, 12:57 AM
Dale, how did you determine those high voltages?

10-17-2009, 07:51 AM
LarryB, Ask him to show you a picture of the box. When I saw it I was amazed it didn't burn !

dale farley
10-17-2009, 10:12 AM

I removed the surge protector from the circuit and checked the voltage on each leg at the pole. It appeared to be normal, so I thought I might have a problem with the surge protector itself. I turned off most everything in the bus and momentarily plugged my cord into the pole. ( I figure that statement will draw some fire, but remember, I had already checked the voltage at the pole.)

My CC man immediately said there was a problem with the electrical. My voltage inside the bus showed 85 and 165 volts. I unplugged the cord and called the electrician. He verified the low/high voltages on the pole when a load was applied. Some of the wires were shorting to the ground or neutral wire inside the receptacle. The wires were frayed and loose.

This happened about 3 a.m. in the morning. The power went off to part of the RV Park and came back on a few minutes later. When mine tried to come on, it didn't make it. As always, I had watched the voltage and amperage on my inside panel for the two months I was there and the readings were always normal up to that time.

It may be that a bison came by and caught the wire and jerked the pole. A bison had just ripped the wires off my neighbors satellite dish the day before, and there was a herd of about 75 continually moving back and forth through the park.

Fortunately, the CC man gave me the warning, I ran inside and saw the voltage and turned things off. The CC woman talks to us about inconvenience things (such as, "You are almost out of diesel"). When the CC man speaks, it is for emergency items.

The surge protector literally melted, but the only damage to my plug was discoloration from the heat of the box. I did check the wiring inside my plug also to make sure it was okay. I had a picture on my camera disk, but it is not there today. Maybe I formatted the disk.

10-17-2009, 11:25 AM
Thanks Dale. Earlier this summer I posted a problem with no power on the right side of the bus. Turns out I had a bad inverter. Prior to the problem I had plugged into a 30A outlet that had reverse polarity. Just wondering if my surge protector might be inoperative. I thought it should have protected the bus. Maybe just a coincidence that both happened at the same time?

lonesome george
10-17-2009, 11:59 AM
Larry, At the time of the failure were you using a surge protector or a power protector, Progressive's surge part number starts with SSP, power is EMS.

dale farley
10-17-2009, 01:00 PM
The one I was using was the Surge with Voltage Protection (EMS-PT50C). I also had one on my first Prevost and one on my 2 RVs before that.

When this one sacrificed itself, I ordered one of the SSP-50 Surge Protectors to use in the interim, and had it delivered to OKC. It was much cheaper than the EMS model, but the EMS performs several other functions. I just wouldn't want to be without one (of some kind) at any time. I keep mine connected in my bus garage all the time.

dale farley
10-17-2009, 01:08 PM
The SSP50 (on left) provides its readings via some small lights on the face of the unit. It tells you if there is reversed polarity, etc. Roughly $110 plus shipping

The EMS (on right) provides continuous information via a digital readout that rotates through a variety of readings on the little screen. Roughly $365 plus shiping

Either one will do the job. I think Jon has used the one on the left for several years with no problems.

I copied the pictures from a website, so I am not responsible for the out-of-focus shot on the left.

Jon Wehrenberg
10-17-2009, 02:03 PM
I do use the one on the left, and even in my garage I have it plugged in in case my electricity sees a surge such as from a lightning strike.

I like the simplicity of the unit and so far it has been reliable. What is not so good is that the lights which indicate the status are almost impossible to see in daylight. They could have done a better job with those.

The problem we all have with these devices is we hope they work when needed. And we will not know until it is too late. Based on Dale's experience I am encouraged.

Jamie Bradford
10-17-2009, 08:26 PM
Last week in Gettysburg I was awakened by the "Guy Warning System" , he told me " Reversed Polarity". I got up to check , it was 4:30 am and raining, and the voltage meters had 0 volts on leg 1 and 120 volts on leg 2. I went outside to see what was going on and saw my power cord going into the bus ON FIRE.

I turned off the power on the pole then got my fire extinguisher & put the cord fire out... Kinda scary...

I was plugged into the PI surge protector but I think the issue was at the plug on the bus cord. I had it replaced & was told the plug probably had a bad contact & the rain leaked in & caused it to catch fire???

Notice the prongs @ 9 & 12


10-17-2009, 10:04 PM
George, I'll have to see how the unit I have hard wired in the bus is labled.

10-17-2009, 10:08 PM
Jamie, Any adverse effects to your bus except the cord?

Jon Wehrenberg
10-18-2009, 06:58 AM
The quickest way to heat things up electrically is to create resistance. Resistance in the plug most likely came from a bad or loose connection. Once a connection is loose for example instead of a flow of electric through the plug into the wire, the power flowing through the connection is disrupted either by being forced to flow through a few strands of wire essentially causing too much current flow through too little wire, or the current flow is in the form of arcing across a gap.

The best way to get a sense of what this is like is to use a small 16 gauge extension cord and put a 15 or 20 amp load on it. The wire will get very warm or even hot.

With a 50 amp breaker the current flow was converted to heat, but the load did not exceed the breaker limits so the weak point was where the poor contact was made and the result was the fire.

Jamestown Advanced makes the power outlets used by campgrounds. We have learned that despite tightening the fittings in the power outlet to specified torque values that over time the fittings need to be retightened. This is an example of what happens when electrical connections are not properly made or tightened.

Good thing the damage was restricted to the plug.

Jamie Bradford
10-18-2009, 08:20 AM

The plug was the only thing damaged.

10-18-2009, 09:55 PM
George, I have a Surge Guard--an AutoPower HW-RV50 by Technology Research Corp. It has indicators for over/under voltage and a key for by-pass. I don't have the manual for it but it is hard wired. Don't know if it's factory or previous owner installed.

I suspect I should get one like Dale's.

10-18-2009, 10:07 PM
Surge Guard is a good product.

The only thing different is there is no display.

10-19-2009, 01:07 AM
Gary, thanks for the info. So maybe I don't need to run out and buy a different unit?
Anyone know if there is a way to verify that the unit is still functioning properly?

10-19-2009, 09:12 AM

Your surgeguard is factory installed. My 2000 (now Jamie's) had one and probably saved Jamie's electronics. It's a good unit and CC has used it for many years in their plastic line. Jamie has a manual for it in his books and manuals.

10-19-2009, 11:50 AM
Tom, thanks for the comments, I have a call into Surgeguard to send out a manual, otherwise I'll be contacting Jamie, 'hat in hand'.

Gary & Peggy Stevens
10-19-2009, 02:15 PM
I called Progressive last week, because my EMC-PT50's digital display NO LONGER was working. First Unit to Return !

It was still protecting the bus according to Progressive and getting power to the bus, but I wanted my LED's to work. :)

They sent me a new unit, included a tag for shipment back of my defective unit to their office, all AT NO CHARGE to me.

Very Happy Again. :)

Gary S.