View Full Version : Next POG Together
Bill Price
10-06-2009, 06:29 PM
When and where will the next POG Rally be held?
We hate we missed this one.
10-07-2009, 12:31 AM
At your house next October. :D
dale farley
10-07-2009, 12:51 AM
My vote goes to Kerrville, TX.
Bill Price
10-07-2009, 06:59 AM
I see Donald wants to have it at my house !!
That would be fine except we could only handle 24 units max. Another problem is there is nothing to do or see here in Quanah, Texas. Anyone passing thru on Hwy 287 we do have free parking with 50 amps, water and sewer. We keep three spaces open all year for friends if anyone is interested.
You may call 940-663-2900 if you are headed this way. Quanah is located about midway between Wichita Falls and Amarillo.
Being a new member to POG and having never attended a POG function I realize my vote is weak.
However my 1st vote goes to Kerrville, Texas; Buckhorn RV Resort.
2nd choice Amarillo, Texas; Oasis Rv.
3rd choice Canton, Texas; Mill Creek Ranch RV Resort
10-07-2009, 09:54 AM
I would like to submit my vote for a POG rally at Bella Terra in Foley, AL (Gulf Shores), The park is wonderfully maintained, has a plethora of first class amenities, and much to do/see in the area. In addition, the Bella Terra staff and management are super nice and exceptionally accommodating! Vita and I have stayed there twice and have thoroughly enjoyed it both times. We will make Bella Terra a regular destination for years to come!
dale farley
10-07-2009, 10:00 AM
I hear the Gulf Shores site is a very nice place also, and it is very close to my house. But in keeping with the spirit of trying to centralize the rally, the West Coasters may not agree with the proximity.
10-07-2009, 11:07 AM
I agree with Dale and Paulette. Gulf Shores is very close for those of us who live on the upper Gulf Coast but not very centrally located. I think it's great to pick a location that makes it possible for POGers from both sides of the country to attend. By the way, Bill, I was just kidding about having it at your house. I doubt that anyone in the group has the facilities to handle 60+ rigs. This was our first rally but it certainly won't be the last.
Will Garner
10-07-2009, 11:47 AM
I know that title is a take off from the old Diana Shore Show for Chevy, but hey it works for me. I could not help noticing that all your rally preferences were in Texas. Seems to me you need to expand your horizons a little and, as the title says, See the USA with your POG today, America is waiting for you to come!
Its been real nice here in OKC, even the Texans that are here think so! Got to run for now,Mango is putting on his Webasto seminar.
Looking forward to meeting you somewhere down the road.
Gary & Peggy Stevens
10-07-2009, 12:46 PM
What about having the next rally @ Tiger Run in Breckinridge, Colorado?
We have never been there, but think it would make for a great rally place.
But would be happy to go back to Buckhorn too.
Gary S.
Sid Tuls
10-07-2009, 01:31 PM
Gary, It's a great place just make sure you bring your oxygen. I was there this past spring and it was awesome. But then again you young guys are in better shape after being @ POG 8:rolleyes:
10-07-2009, 09:40 PM
Elevation, Snowfall, and Sunshine
The town of Breckenridge sits at 9,603 ft./ 2,927 m. and receives an average snowfall of 250-300 inches per year. Our average days of sunshine are at a wonderfully high number of 300. Sunshine, though not always warm in the high country, helps to prevent the winter blahs and allows for a nice supply of vitamin D. People visiting our mountain town may notice an uplifting quality in our locals. Some believe sun helps with joyous spirits, however most locals live here because they like to have fun.
Speaking of the sun, it is good to remember to use sun block when visiting Breckenridge and surrounding mountain towns, even on the cloudy days. The sun is more intense in the high country, and you would hate to ruin your vacation because of extreme sunburn. Also, the reflection of the sun on the snow is intense and sunglasses or goggles are
10-11-2009, 06:50 PM
Karen and I also vote for Kerrville being the next Rally location.
10-11-2009, 07:04 PM
I second Tiger Run being a very, very nice park. I also highly recommend supplemental oxygen, if will will prevent altitude headaches. We enjoyed our time this summer there, but both Lee and I suffered from altitude headaches. I have never used supplemental oxygen before, will it prevent altitude headaches?
Four us 4X4 lovers, their are plenty of high mountain pass roads to test your metal.
10-11-2009, 09:52 PM
Here is a Resort in Colorado, at Colorado Springs. Garden of the Gods.
Its about 1 1/2 hours south of Denver.
Lots of things to see;
I have been to this area several times and it is absolutely stunning. It would be a wonderful place for Rally.
Jerry Winchester
10-11-2009, 10:30 PM
I stayed at this place in Colorado Springs in June and it blew. Pretty unlevel, lots of trees and they had power problems. It was also tight for a 45'er.
But there is a great Mexican food place across the street, so I'm okay with having a rally there......
10-11-2009, 10:57 PM
I would also agree that Tiger Run is a nice, nice RV resort.
But, but the altitude is like someone the size of Jdub sitting on your chest. It is tough to breathe. It is nose bleed heights for sure.
My bus works best 1500 to 3000 feet or at sea level.
I vote for Kerrville or surprise me with something really nice. Ken Robertson tell us more about Louisana???
10-11-2009, 11:27 PM
I stayed at this place in Colorado Springs in June and it blew. Pretty unlevel, lots of trees and they had power problems. It was also tight for a 45'er.
But there is a great Mexican food place across the street, so I'm okay with having a rally there......
They say they have some new 65 foot pull thru's so I will call and get more info.
Gary & Peggy Stevens
10-12-2009, 01:36 AM
They say they have some new 65 foot pull thru's so I will call and get more info.
Gary De:
Can they provide for 60 or more buses?
Can they accomadate 120+ people for indoor activities, meals, meetings?
Jim Skiff, please provide us with all of the specific things we need to look for in a campground, cause some of us are already scouting out for next years Rally. We need to know what to look for in a possible site.
Gary S.
10-12-2009, 06:41 AM
They say they have some new 65 foot pull thru's so I will call and get more info.
We'll be coming back from our Wyoming hunt in about ten days. Jan and I will try and make an overnight stop at this place. If the light is right (that's for you Lloyd) I'll take a few pictures.
There has got to be a rally worthy RV resort somewhere in lower altitude Colorado. We like Kerrville but it would be nice to go to a new park.
Bill Price
10-12-2009, 06:51 AM
Look at:
These are both first class parks. They have the room, the electricity and the meeting rooms. Canton is just east of the DFW area on I-20. Kerrville is just west of San Ant on I-10.
No altitude problems involved. I also like these as being a central location for all members.
If you want a mountain location look at:
This park is located in Red River, New Mexico. Red River is located near Taos, New Mexico. This area has many trails for the off road crowd. This park closes around the middle of September for the winter.
Take a moment and look at these. I thank you find these in the top of the nation.
10-12-2009, 06:56 AM
10-12-2009, 08:17 AM
Mornin All -
First of all......Hope everyone made it home or wherever, safe and sound. Had a GREAT time in OKC, seeing old friends and meeting new ones.
King - I'm still blinded by the glare from your new necklace - the ultimate bling status symbol!! - Over the years, I have been to several rally's at the Rayne, La. city RV Park - Lots to do in the area ( MOSTLY Cajun related ) and a VERY nice facility. Check it out at
See Yall Soon, Ken
Jon Wehrenberg
10-12-2009, 09:11 AM
I like Ken's suggestion for its more central location and because there is a lot to do in that area. I like Kerrville because of the fine RV park. I like Las Vegas since you never run out of things to do there.
I would also like to get something going up in Maine because we love lobsta.
But if I had to rank my choices they would be....
Rayne (because we haven't been in Cajun country for a while)
Kerrville (because that a first class place and has all the features for a great rally)
Las Vegas (just because it is Las Vegas)
Maine (just because I like lobsta)
10-12-2009, 11:30 PM
There's a lot of good choices. But keep in mind we are a Group from all corners of the US and many of the members still work. So, in order to get good attendance, we need to stay within a two to two and a half day travel limit.
Also, to attract POG members, visiting new areas of the country is also more of an incentive .
10-13-2009, 07:59 AM
Food for thought, perhaps we should plan the next rally around some event like a seafood fest or something. Also as something to do, I understand that not far from Tiger Run in Colorado is a mild 4x4 guided trip that anyone can take.
10-19-2009, 08:04 PM
Went to City of Rayne RV website. Love Cajun country so would have lots of fun, but would like sewer hook-ups> (Picky, picky!) OKC park was so scenic that parking side-by-side on concrete won't be quite the same. But the food and fun in Cajun country would probably offset the deficiencies.
10-19-2009, 09:23 PM
There was an article in the last Prouds newsletter about what a great time they had at their rally in Rayne. It was quite a list of activities. I can give you details if you want. I'm sure we'll have fun no matter where we go.
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