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View Full Version : Help finding thread

10-06-2009, 11:04 AM
In the last couple months there was a tread with contact information for a person at Prevost to get background information and history on our buses. Does anyone know where the thread was. For the life of me I can't seem to find it. Much appreciated.

10-06-2009, 12:08 PM
Email or call Josyane at Prevost Quebec, she has all the answers, give her your last 4 digits of your Prevost Vin # and she will give you the history, she is a very nice young lady.


Josyane Côté | Gérante Pub. & Représentante Tech.– Pub. Manager & Tech Rep.
850 Chemin olivier
G7A 2N1

Tel.: +1 418 831-5432 x247 | Cell.: +1 418 554-0871 | Fax: +1 418 831-9301

10-06-2009, 07:01 PM
A book from Viv again...Smile...

Hi Pam & Bruce,
I just found this post and wrote to Josy...sent her my vin last 4 .... Thank you much...

I'm having my first breakdown and boy it's not fun...

I was ready to back out and head for Florida after taking my bus over to the Terminal where I used to work...

I've joined a group of other retiree's who are refurbishing very old busses for a museum being started in Pa..Some the very same busses I drove over 35 years ago...It's been wonderful...

I'm not much good for any manual work but I'm a good gofer for coffee and other errands to pick up parts saving time for others to do the manual work of dismantling parts they'll be using to repair busses for the museum...

I planned to take my bus over to the terminal where the work is going on for everyone to see it just before I headed south for Fl...

Not even out of the yard yet.... and I learn my batteries probably need replacing badly as well as that maybe not being the only problem when a bus turns over but just won't start..

Prevost in S.Plainfield, NJ sent me to Napa for the batteries..4.. 12V Group 31's...which they brought a few minutes ago and the mechanic wasn't sure he could do it properly so he called Napa back and they gave him someone else to call...and that is the person I'm to call in the morning...

Until then I know no more...but I wanted to tell you I'm finding out owning my own bus is going to be something else...and how...

I spent the last 3 days having progressive roadside send me 4 different assist's that all left without being able to jump start the bus..The last one broke two of the terminal clamps and left with out repairing one of them and that was just now discovered by Napa's man...surely being the reason the bus would now no longer turn over at all after they left me...

I'm mostly writing this to see if anyone disputes the type of batteries they plan to install...because...

When I called C&D Technologies whose batteries are the ones in my bus right now ... hoping to replace them with same...I was told those batteries should never have been installed in my bus at all..because they are "industrial" batteries...and furthermore C&D does not make batteries for busses...!!!

But those batteries were in the bus when I bought it and Don and I drove the bus 975 miles from Birmingham, Al. to Brick, NJ...without a hitch...It was a wonderful trip...and I was in 7th Heaven every mile I was behind that wheel...Ir ran beautifully all the way home...stopping only 4 hrs to rest and other stops to eat..

I blame myself for it not starting because I was busy moving into it and maybe should have started it and let it run a half hour more often than I did...I thought because I had it plugged into the 50 Amp. outlet I've had installed on my house that the batteries would be kept up by that...I know now that isn't the way it works...on the engine batteries ...only on the house batteries...

Hopefully I can have a mementary switch set up eventually, like I had in my Dolphin to couple the house and engine batteries together just for starting when the engine batteries are too low...Does anyone know if this can or can't be done, please..??

I already have purchased a separate battery charger just for the Generator Battery...and that starts like a charm...
I'm learning little by little..

Hugs to Everyone...Always Viv...

10-06-2009, 07:18 PM
That information may have come from me. Here it is for a build sheet.

Maurice Gagne
National Service Manager USA & CANADA
Prevost Car Inc.
Phone 877-520-7386
Cell 418-558-2793
Fax 418-831-9301

10-06-2009, 09:50 PM
Thanks, that is exactly what I was looking for.

10-07-2009, 08:28 AM
Hello Viv,

Group 31's 12V are used for the chassis batteries. It would be helpful to know the amp hours and the rest of the data for each battery so we can tell you if they are the correct size for your bus. If they are chassis batteries are you replacing all 4?? Also do you have any type of automatic charger for the chassis batteries when you are not using the bus?? There can be many issues related to poor chassis battery life and it will be important to get to the bottom of the problem. Q, how many group 31 batteries are you replacing, all, and how many??


10-09-2009, 11:54 AM
Oh Gosh Jim..Viv's at it again...Don't get mad at me Please...Big Hugs...

Hellooo Bruce,
Thanks for your most welcome reply...No one answered my first post about all this...I don't know the answers to your questions but I'll find out..Meantime Viv's Irish is up big time...The following copy of my letter to Progressive Ins. and friend Joe C. is self explanatory...I sure hope Bill did it right but everything works so far...I'll call you when I can...This may even help someone else on POG...Thanks again Bruce...All is well now..Hugs Always Viv...PS: Looks like I'll be getting back my old nick name of Quick Draw McGraw after finally getting my Bus...LOL..Ok with me...
************************************************** ******

----- Original Message -----
From: Vivian A. McGraw
To: jcannarozzi@comcast.net
Sent: Friday, October 09, 2009 11:12 AM
Subject: Viv's Prevost and new Batteries...
I've sent a copy of this letter to Progressive Road Service Insurance...
Joe Cannarozzi 708-243-7871
Bill Stoughton 732-642-4131
Hi Joe,
At last I've found a fantastic mechanic right here in my own wee town...of Brick, NJ..
But after talking to you on the phone just now I remember something that Bill couldn't figure out until something doesn't work off the Inverter inside the coach...
"Priced Right Towing and Service which was the 6th Company that Progressive sent to me broke two battery terminal ends off when they were testing the batteries...and told me two of the batteries were no good...Their mechanic did replace one of those round ends that attach to the battery terminal but one other one they left hanging and that has to be why the bus would no longer even turn over after they left...It had been turning over the entire 6 times Progressive sent their 6 idiotic Companies.. but it just would not start...but now after Price Right touched it, it would no longer turn over at all..was completely dead when I turned the Key...Wow was I ever worried now...scared something even more had gone wrong...
That was when I gave up calling Progressive and Called the Napa Store in Point Pleasant, NJ...I knew they would have to have bus batteries..!!..I got the manager on the phone and explained my problems to him...That was when he told me about Bill Stoughton...!!!!!!!!!! Whew...
Bill installed different batteries than even Napa had suggested...but the one battery terminal wire that Priced Right broke off and didn't repair was just hanging free when Bill came here and he saw it...and he can't figure out which battery it needs to go on until I find something in the coach that doesn't work because of it's not being connected...So far everything I tried inside the coach works...so Bill still doesn't know which battery terminal to attach that one still hanging free wire to...
but if you talk to him Joe I know he can tell you the source of that wire...he showed it to me but he still couldn't tell what it needs to go to...
Many thanks if you call him...and let him tell you what he knows...
Bill Stoughton is his full name and he calls the business which is all right in his Big Beautifully set up Truck with every conceiveable need for any repair to Trucks, Heavy Equipment, and Busses...I was really surprised to find such a Gem of a Medhanic at all...much less so close to my own home...But I know just enough to know if a guy knows what he's doing when he touches my bus...Thanks to you...!!!...
He calls it, "Up and Runnin" ...Perfect name...
His Number is 732-642-4131...
You must meet him Joe...Both of you would make a great team...and you're both obviously sorely needed for bus repair...not just mine...I can tell that by the asses that Progressive sent to me...!!!!!!
They need to sign both you and Bill Up Pronto...!!!!
Yeah...why aren't you already on Progressive's List...???? You never approached them and I guess neither did Bill...
Thank you for calling me today...What a relief that was to talk to you...!!!! I knew you had to be on the road not to have called me back sooner...
Progressive Bus Ins. sent me 6 Yes I said Six...Roadside Mechanics who could not change the 4 Engine Batteries it takes to start my bus...The sequence of the batteries was beyond their scope of knowledge...until finally I called the Napa Store in the next town to me, Point Pleasant, NJ...and they told me about Bill Stoughton...!!! They got the sale of the batteries because Bill buys some of his supplies from them...and I finally got...."Up and Runnin"... again...!!!
Forgive me for going on so about my Bus but it's the love of my life...
Hugs Always Love Viv..
"I get up. I walk. I fall down. Meanwhile, I keep driving."
Viv's Prevost...1988 Le Mirage Xl...One Gorgeus Bus despite it's age...
Learning About My Bus..
Making it Mine..

Hello Viv,

Group 31's 12V are used for the chassis batteries. It would be helpful to know the amp hours and the rest of the data for each battery so we can tell you if they are the correct size for your bus. If they are chassis batteries are you replacing all 4?? Also do you have any type of automatic charger for the chassis batteries when you are not using the bus?? There can be many issues related to poor chassis battery life and it will be important to get to the bottom of the problem. Q, how many group 31 batteries are you replacing, all, and how many??


10-09-2009, 12:10 PM
Gosh Yes Bruce,
Forgot to tell you I did already know I needed 4 12v Group 31 Batteries...Looked hard enough to find them, I better know that much...but I hope I can have whatever else it needs to keep those batteries up added if it isn't already there...Will Ask Joe or Bill...Wheeeooooo two mechanics...to ask...besides everyone here...Learning every day...but now it's staying with me...Gotta tell ya I am real nervous about getting my bus out of my yard...it has a knoll I have to go down on at an angle not to bottom out...and there's a huge rock at the very end of my property I've always used for the Grave Stone for my beloved animals buried in my side yard...It came out from under our pool 40 yrs. ago..no moving it..have to jockey the bus away from that rock to miss it backing down but had to have the bus closer to the house to get the power cord to reach my outlet...There's always a problem to overcome...but where there's a will there's also a way...glad I have that lifting tag axel...!!!
Hugs Viv..