View Full Version : Rally Pix
10-03-2009, 08:42 AM
Hey POGgers,
Here are a few pictures from the first day. Registration building, Parking crew, Kevin and Granvil take a ride, getting parked and setup, Pres. of OKC Chamber of Commerce, Chamber sponsored cocktail party, pot luck taking shape, pot luck dinner, awards of somekind already, Alice Skiff drew yours truely
10-03-2009, 08:46 AM
Here are the rest of the photos
10-03-2009, 09:40 AM
Thanks Ken, you guys have a great week!
Keep us poor soles at home posted. :)
Jim Skiff
10-03-2009, 11:16 AM
Here's a link to more photos. (
dale farley
10-03-2009, 03:35 PM
Dalej, We miss you, Jan and all the rest that couldn't make it.
10-04-2009, 07:14 AM
Hello POGgers,
Here are a couple of shots from Saturday--Some of our sponsors, going from sheep to cows??, Jim Shepard and SilverLeaf Electronics, Jay Fairs 13th birthday, Ray Davis with an old gun, JDUB cleaning his shotgun.
Will try to post more tomorrow--Ken
10-04-2009, 07:18 AM
here are the last 5
10-05-2009, 07:48 AM
Hello again POGgers,
Rain most of Saturday night and Sunday morning, United Engines made us feel welcome and put on two great presentations, rack of Allison trannys, under Kevin Erion's bus.
10-05-2009, 07:52 AM
5 more photos
Bill Jensen from Prevost under Kevins bus, oyster shucking, martini bar, Mango-Truk-JDUB, night time magic
Will do again tomorrow--Ken
Will Garner
10-05-2009, 10:40 PM
Here are a couple more pics from 5 October.
10-06-2009, 07:46 AM
Hey POGgers,
On our free day most of us toured a natural gas well west of OKC. JDUB had it all lined out for us and it was amazing. All the info was a little overwhelming. They say that this entire rig can be broken down in 1 day, moved to a new site, and put up in 1 day. So in three days they can leave here, and be drilling in a new spot. Also the Cat generators (3 of them) run 24/7 and burn up 1000 gal of diesel fuel a day each!! Rough costs to operate this rig is $50,000 a day. $8 million to get it to the point where there is a well head and valves.
First photos--picking out a hardhat, the well in early morning fog, going up into the control house (dog house), JDUB explaining how the drill works, down into the mud control area.
10-06-2009, 07:53 AM
the last well photos are--Cat generator, JDUB explaining nitrogen use, big mobile grill, steaks on the grill, Sawdust and Cindy enjoying a light lunch--steak, potato salad, corn on the cob, beans, and cobbler. One thing this group does well is EAT!!
Thanks Jerry for a great morning. This is something we will probably not do again in our lifetime.
Ken and Janet
10-06-2009, 08:05 AM
Sporting clays in the afternoon. 25 of us went out to Silverleaf Shotgun Sports for a round. First time for me, first time shooting in almost 20 years. Great fun.
Photos--Warren (Jello Jeep) Holm, Ray Davis, Mike (Buster) Simmons on crossing doubles, yours truely, and eating again. Dinner sponsored by Steve and Rhonda Bennett of California Coach. Thanks Steve!!
Will post again tomorrow,
10-07-2009, 08:25 AM
Good morning POGgers,
some rally photos for you--Ray Davis Special Award for hurling in the dining room, Bill Jensen from Prevost during Q/A, ladies making blankets for our wounded warriors, Special Award to Mike Anderson used to be for bent stainless, but Mike has an H now
10-07-2009, 08:32 AM
four more--"Buster" Simmons started a new tradition at Auction night, he spent $200 so his table could go first, JDUB/Mango doll, we'll sell anything for a buck, the recipients--Pilots & Paws, Coffee Creek Riding Center, and the local Humane Society
Get this--EACH charity received over $4300 from the auction--An all time high for POG
Will try to post again tomorrow--Ken
Jim Skiff
10-07-2009, 08:53 PM
Our members at POG 8 raised some serious money for charity.
I received this nice note from Joy at Coffee Creek Riding Center today.
You all should feel proud.
<style></style>Mr. Jim Skiff and the awesome people of POG,
On behalf of our staff, parents, teachers from school special education classes, volunteers and board of directors, please accept our heartfelt "THANK YOU!" What an unexpected blessing to come to our program (jesus always thinks up interesting ways to help us).
This most generous gift will meet so many needs in the next couple months and help make it possible to keep the program free for all our 180 children that we serve. Your gift will go on giving in the lives of the children every day. Today's first class was the hearing impaired and deaf children and we shared our story of blessing.
I have shared (with several people today) the pictures and the story of a lovely evening and the most amazing people and our incredible blessing. I believe that:
really stands for and is made up of
P eople
O f
Thank you again for touching the lives of so many children through your gift.!
(Pictures Below)
joy milligan
10-07-2009, 09:25 PM
I'll tell ya, if that doesn't make you proud to be a part of this group (and bring a lump to your throat) I don't know what will.
Glad to have contributed a very small part to the success of this event.
10-07-2009, 09:37 PM
I'll tell ya, if that doesn't make you proud to be a part of this group (and bring a lump to your throat) I don't know what will.
Glad to have contributed a very small part to the success of this event.
Well said Paul. I to was glad to have contributed a LARGE PART (thanks to Jerry & Loc) to the success of the event.
I'm still trying to figure out how Loc convinced me to bid $150 for my own trash can. That's just wrong. Remember Loc Ness, you reap what you sow.
10-08-2009, 01:08 AM
As some of you know our 26 year old son JJ is autistic and does not speak. When he was little we had him in a program called "Horses for the handicapped". He would ride with a helmet on, a helper on each side and a helper leading the horse around. They would have him spin in the saddle, first sitting straight foward, then side saddle, then backwards, etc. There was alot of petting of the horse. After the riding portion we would brush the horse our hand over his hand. He did this every week for several years. It was completly free of charge. Before he started in this program he couldn't pet a dog. He didn't like the feel of stuffed animals. He didn't like the feel of anything furry. I feel having him in the program helped him alot. Now he loves anything soft, furry, fussie etc.. He interacts with animals now. Dogs, cats, birds (Scott keeps pigeons) and horses. Ask Jack Tuls (Sid's bro) about the time his Fresian Stud was mad and bucking and JJ walked over and was hanging on him for several minutes and then horse just stopped and stood there and tolerated the interaction, when JJ walked away the horse was back to being mad again. Seeing the pictures posted brought back a flood of memories. You picked a very worthwhile charity to give to. The payoff for my son being in his program has been lifelong and brings alot of joy to him and us as his parents seeing him with animals. Thanks for being so generous in heart and wallet. You don't know how many lives you've touched.
As I said last night, thanks for being a good sport. It can't be wrong if it goes to help those charities. That trash can was a bargin at twice the price. It was a collector's item - limited edition - one of a kind. Also, can I really reap anything if I don't know how to sew??? I don't even have a sewing machine.
Xtreme James
10-08-2009, 10:54 AM
Man, if I had read that before the auction, I might have raised my own bids.
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