View Full Version : Attn:JDUB,Jon,Mango and all pilots!
08-16-2006, 09:01 AM
We thought of you during the Wheels Museum tour at the Pariliament rally-I thought this might be the plane ya'll have been looking for:rolleyes: It is a Miller lightplane--sorry, no Coors, Bud or Corona light:D
Debi and Bob-00
Jerry Winchester
08-16-2006, 02:02 PM
Thanks so much for thinking of us. I know Lew would do the same thing.....NOT.
Looks like you are having a good time. Now, why not Santa Fe?
08-16-2006, 03:20 PM
Thanks so much for thinking of us. I know Lew would do the same thing.....NOT.
Looks like you are having a good time. Now, why not Santa Fe?
Bob-00 has a job now--still learning about his company, what they sell, the clients, etc. We already had the Parliament rally scheduled before he was "gainfully employed" and we were only an hour away if he needed to run back and check on things.
Wish I could say we will see you and Rae in Santa Fe but how about POGIII?? He should have everyone whipped into shape by then and maybe, just maybe, he really will retire one day. Appears doubtful though, the man just loves to work--go figure!......
Debi and the absent Bob-00
09-21-2006, 08:25 AM
Hey Oshkosh POG'ers--this link was sent to me this morning from a friend of mine who lives in California. The photos this man took are amazing. I thought you might enjoy seeing the view from another pilot's flight to the land of cheese:)
Debi and Bob-00
09-21-2006, 09:06 AM
What great pictures, sure is hard on an planeless pilot!:(
Hey Deb, Pog 3 is up to you, any thoughts about location? I know you can get Bob away if it's closer to home.:D How bout Myrtle Beach, Hilton Head, etc.
Jerry Winchester
09-21-2006, 11:03 AM
I think Jon already mentioned this, but I/he/we think POG III needs to be in the MIDDLE of the country. His suggestion was Branson / Table Rock Lake area, but as long as Lew can make it, I am good to go.
09-21-2006, 04:04 PM
Hi Tom and Nancy (who must be lurking somewhere??)
Yes, any of the Carolina Coastline areas are wonderful, Charleston included. I think that Jeff was actually the first one to mention POGIII and then he tried to get me to "own" it:D It will likely be unfair of me to own it because I am not sure we will even have a coach by the time POGIII arrives:( If not, then we will just have to drive the car<G>
JDUB is right (I hate it when that happens:p ) Jon did mention Branson and I believe Jeff mentioned the Florida panhandle. I think it is a hoot that we are already discussing POGIII and II hasn't even taken place yet. Do the words over achievers ring a bell for this group? ha~!
I appreciate your consideration of Bob-00 the working man--I will pass the word on to him. Hi to Nancy!
Debi and Bob-00
Jon Wehrenberg
09-21-2006, 04:39 PM
I'm going to start a new thread on POG III.
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