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View Full Version : Import of Vehicle into Canada

09-17-2009, 02:57 PM
I am hopeful that one of you can assist me. I have read all the literature regarding the import of vehicles to Canada from the USA, however it remains unclear to me how sales tax is treated. From what I have read, upon entry into Canada I am subject to Canadian Federal Tax (known as GST). When the vehicle is licenced in Canada I am then subject to Provincial Sales tax based upon the market value of the vehicle. The question I have concerns State Sales Tax. As an importer of the vehicle (Prevost in this case) would I be subject to State Sales Tax. Seems I would be paying the same tax twice albeit to two different jurisdictions.

I am aiming for a Liberty or Marathon Coach (in the near future) probably purchased at either of these Dealers. Both manufactures qualify for import to Canada.

Sometimes the Can/Usa border can be a real pain. Cheers.......

09-17-2009, 03:21 PM
Call Marathon and Liberty. They should have an answer. They have certainly sold buses to Canadian customers.

09-18-2009, 05:45 PM
Hello Allan,

We imported our bus to Canada in March of 2008. It is not as difficult as the paperwork makes it out to be. If you would like to know how we simplified the process, please call me at 310-990-2198 and I will be happy to help.

Short answer is we had a Canadian dealer make the original purchase and they imported the bus with their import agent. They charged us $1000 CAD and it was worth every penny.

I will be happy to go over the details with you.

Judi Brown
09-21-2009, 11:16 AM
We brought ours into Canada in 07. Was quite simple. You have to notify
U.S. customs 72hrs before you arrive at border you will be coming in from.
Canada charges you GST on the purchase price. We just used Visa. If you buy off ebay, they look up add. Ours was a 1991 and we didn't have to get it inspected. Just payed PST when bought plates, was more simple then we thought.