View Full Version : Pilots and Paws
mike kerley
09-17-2009, 10:00 AM
Made the news in Tampa Tuesday night.
Good reporting on a great organization.
Jerry Winchester
09-17-2009, 11:05 AM
Saw a nice ad in the American Bonanza Society magazine this month with Deb featured next to a plastic plane.
You have to love the P&P logo - V Tail Bonanza - that I am sure A1 was instrumental in selecting.
09-17-2009, 11:56 AM
I think Jon really enjoys all the support he receives along the way.
OSH 09
09-17-2009, 02:12 PM
We met a very nice lady who was our neighbor at the Rancho California Outdoor Resort a week or so ago who knew all about Pilots and Paws.
She was thrilled to learn that we knew an actual Pilots and Paws pilot!
Probably thought we were just Prevost snobs doing a little name dropping..:D
09-17-2009, 02:15 PM
Pilots and Paws made the local news cast in Northeast Tennessee last night. Featured three dogs in a V Tail plane.
What ever P.R. outfit those guys use sure are getting the word out!!
Jon Wehrenberg
09-17-2009, 02:36 PM
Me and Deb are the publicity whores.
It is the only way to effectively reach pilots across the country. This week because we are trying to move 5000 animals to safety we have encouraged every participating pilot and rescue to involve the media. When you want to make the best use of your resources you get others to do the work and that is what the media is doing.
The ABS ad was a freebie as was some in other aviation magazines.
I can't list here all the media contacts that we have had just this past few weeks. Deb has done countless interviews, she was on Good Morning America, NPR, and I have had coverage on most of my rescue flights this week. I cannot say others we are working with, but we know the only way to reach pilots and get them to volunteer is to blanket the country with media coverage. Over 950 pilots are now registered. When we hit 10,000 Debi is going to Wentzels and have a raw oyster. Only 9050 left to go Deb.
09-17-2009, 07:44 PM
Me and Deb are the publicity whores.
.coverage. Over 950 pilots are now registered. When we hit 10,000 Debi is going to Wentzels and have a raw oyster. Only 9050 left to go Deb.
I am ready Jon, bring on that ONE oyster. We are very fortunate to have had Good Morning America, the Associated Press, and other pilots who have had local media coverage on many of their flights this week from Jon's flights to NY,Chicago, NC, etc. to pilots in Iowa! In case folks missed it, here it the link for the GMA story....POG rules, without you PNP would still just be a dream.....
Jerry, the ads in Twin Turbine, Bonanza, Beechcraft, etc. have all been generously donated by the publishers....we could never afford those adds, even if I am next to a plastic plane. I will tell you though, that was a cool plane to fly in (Diamond D-40) but never, ever as cool as Jon's;) He has to live with the v-tail and it is now trademarked--ha!~!
09-17-2009, 09:44 PM
Nothing better than taking a dream,
turning into reality,
them making it big.
Jon Wehrenberg
09-18-2009, 05:44 AM
I'm sure someone would have figured it out one day, but the combination of Deb knowing rescues, and me involved in aviation was like Reeses peanut butter cups. When we got our collective knowledge together the concept of pilotsnpaws was obvious.
What was not so obvious was how each of us would be working so hard for so little pay. But that's OK. There are now thousands of great animals, mostly pups that have a full life ahead of them because hundreds of pilots and animal rescues care.
09-18-2009, 08:18 AM
Nothing better than taking a dream,
turning into reality,
them making it big.
Thank you Mango!! Spoken like a man who has done the same so he knows what he is talking about :D
I am fine with not getting paid but I think Bob sees the long hours spent as potential earnings lost--ha~!....ah well, the reward for looking into the eyes of these animals saved is payment enough for me and I know for Jon too......Three pregnant dogs moved these past two Schnauzer delivered 10 healthy puppies 30 minutes after landing and one Doberman delivered 9-- thanks to rescues and our pilots the dobergirl didn't have to deliver her pups chained to a tree again.....see what I mean?
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