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View Full Version : Viv's Le Mirage and Meeting People from POG

09-16-2009, 09:54 AM
Morning All,
Yes I finally can say I've met at least one Member of POG...
in Person...and Boy O' Boy...is Joe C. ever a doll...!!!

Eric who's bus Joe worked on before he came to me liked him
so much he actually drove him 13 hundred miles to meet me in
Marlton, NJ. at a Diner..and I drove Joe the 50 miles back to my house..
so Eric could get right back on the Interstate and head straight
back for Tn...not having to deal with the intricacies of finding my
house too...Thank goodness for Cell Phones...LOL

Joe is exactly the same age my son would be if he was still with
us...After my husband Leo died my Bobby became my right
arm and for a few days there I almost felt like I had him back...

I know Joe and Jim S. have differences but Jim I hope you let me tell the folks what Joe had to say about me...

Quote..."Finally got to meet Vivian and see her 88 American conversion. I went with the intention of making a social call but she roped me in and worked me like a dog.

I had a lot of fun. Vivian is just what I expected and she has a great bus. I think in great part to all the help and advice she received from many on POG.

Vivian turns out to be quite humble. Quite the craftsman and artist in a wide variety of mediums: jewelry making, painting, miniatures and models not to mention obviously being a very professional driver back in the day. Quite the renaissance girl and at 85 has just as much energy as I.

Her camper is now sporting a new chandelier over the dinette as well as rope lights in the front room windows that it previously did not. "UnQuote"...

Hey, He didn't tell anyone how he hollered at me for being the pack-rat I
can't help being...but anyways he did put in those goodies I
wanted so badly that didn't come in my Le Mirage...

I'm in Joe's financial bracket but we sure do manage to enjoy
our Prevost's as much as any of you do yours...maybe even

I have to find my amenities on the open market...and jury
rig some of the connections but that's OK with me as long as
I can find a way to get them at all...and I have found
everything I wanted most except those wee Curio Cabinets that
go on the ends of the Kitchen Cabinets...They were what first sold
me on Prevost...I love Glitz...so I'll be on a hunt
for some way to get them...I may eventually have to go the
conventional way there but I'll keep at it until I finally get
them or find something to do the trick...If anyone didn't like
theirs and they'd fit in my coach I'd buy them in a heartbeat...

Soon as I get all moved into the Pre I'll put pictures up of all
Joe did and more...

I won't get to the Rally in Oct. I'll be in Fl. by then...but
I hope I can make the next one when I'll be more familiar with
my Coach too...but I tell you I couldn't be happier...!!!

It drives like a dream...!!!..Puts all the rattle trap busses except the MCI
Hounds I used to drive to shame...It may ONLY be an 88... to most of you
folks but to me it's over 20 years newer than any of the busses
I drove commercially for 19 years...It's my long dreamed of
"Palace on Wheels" ... with everything I'd wanted in it plus
much, much more than I ever expected to get...

I named her ..."JourneyOne's Cruiser"...
Blessings, Safe Driving and Love to All...Always Viv..

PS: I'm going to try to attach a pic of the Nose. Forget it, I can't do it here..maybe Jim will help me for next time...but you can see it if you click on this URL...

Gary & Peggy Stevens
09-16-2009, 05:19 PM
Vivian, congratulations again on your new bus. You have waited a long time to make this dream come true, and we are all so happy for you.

But after all of this, I can't believe you AREN'T going to make the OKC Rally?

Girl you are missing the event of the year, and it will be another year before another one of these comes along, and it may be a lot farther away to drive too?

Better reconsider if at all possible?

Drive Safe.

Gary S.

09-16-2009, 05:39 PM
So Sorry Peggy and Gary,

But I have commitments in Fl...made long before I got my bus...I would have gone to Fl. this winter even if I had to take the Coach House Class B...and now especially that I have my Bus I'm obligated to keep my promises...I have not only relatives but long time friends I'll be with...I can't change this late in the day...

No one will miss me in Ok...but if you see me on the road and blink your 4 ways I'll surely stop for a hug ...

Hugs for your thoughts ....Love Viv...

09-16-2009, 10:39 PM
Viv: Congratulations girl. The picture looks great. I can sure see why you are so excited about your find. Safe travels and we look forward to meeting you down the road.

mike kerley
09-17-2009, 09:58 AM
Viv, Great looking bus. Its your dream come true...

Safe travels and if your in the Ft. Pierce/River Ranch Florida area, call us, we'd love to meet you.

Mike and Karen Kerley, 772-201-7344

Ray Davis
09-17-2009, 01:40 PM
No one will miss me in Ok.

Quite the contrary Viv. We were all hoping to meet you! :D

09-17-2009, 02:03 PM

Have a safe and "uneventful" trip to Florida.

Keep us posted as to your travel progress.

09-23-2009, 06:57 AM
Hi Karen & Mike,
I have two cousin's, Mel & Barb who gave up after their many years of pulling their TT back and forth to NJ and now stay in their cottage at Road Runner CG in Ft. Pierce..instead..Just drive the car back and forth.. They're on my Must See List and I'll call you too when I get there..

Many Thanks for the invite...anxious to meet you too..
Thank you to everyone who commented on my Bus...It's becomming more mine everyday..I'll be on the way to Fl..very soon...getting cold here and I may not finish moving out of the Dolphin altogether until Spring...lol...
Warm Hugs Always Love Viv...

Viv, Great looking bus. Its your dream come true...

Safe travels and if your in the Ft. Pierce/River Ranch Florida area, call us, we'd love to meet you.

Mike and Karen Kerley, 772-201-7344