09-10-2009, 09:11 PM
Don't know exactly if or when I would do this, but is there enough juice in the batteries to park overnight with the marker lights left on and still have enough kick to start the engine?
I guess I will try this tonight and know in the morning, but I was wondering if there was an answer right now.
I have leds. :eek: :p :)
09-10-2009, 09:17 PM
After a little thought I will just turn on the battery charger and all should be peaches and cream.
09-10-2009, 09:20 PM
The first post of a thread can't be erased, so your stuck with this nonsense forever.
Ray Davis
09-10-2009, 09:26 PM
I've often wondered a similar question, i.e. if I'm parked along a side street, or rest stop or similar, I would prefer to leave parking lights on. I've never tried to see how long the coach batteries would last with markers on. Hopefully enough to make it though the night, and still start the next AM?
09-10-2009, 09:41 PM
I have always left the marker lights on while parked overnight in rest areas. Never had any problem with the batteries being low and really never gave it much thought. It just seems like cheap insurance when the coach appears ready to roll as opposed to being asleep.
09-10-2009, 09:49 PM
That's exactly what I feel Ted, the lights seem to give an imposing if not menacing/threatening look that says don't mess with me, or if you mess with me I'm ready for you!
09-10-2009, 10:07 PM
Jimmy C: You got so many bright lights you will be cited and charged with LIGHT POLLUTION.
This is a law you may not be familiar with, but we have them in East Tn. - No matter - I was never good with following instructions anyway.
LEDs Forever!!!
Ray Davis: check Sailor Sams for more 12Volt Led lights for your coach.
09-10-2009, 10:45 PM
Roger, the power of the LED is AWSOME, they illuminate the whole bus barn and I have to be very careful when I go to check out the back of the bus that I don't burn out my eyes when passing them.
To look directly into them is a disaster in the making :cool:
Jon Wehrenberg
09-11-2009, 07:20 AM
Real buses have incandescent lamps and rivets. LEDs are eye candy like fake boobs.
09-11-2009, 08:08 AM
Some People like candy.
09-11-2009, 08:10 AM
Even though I read "tool magazines" I like eye candy !
09-11-2009, 11:01 AM
Jon, I am old school rivets with you, but in the spirit of full disclosure have been drooling over the led markers in the IBP catalog....complete with chrome housings!
They would just look so nice on that stainless.:cool:
Jeff Bayley
09-11-2009, 02:21 PM
From the personal diary: I parked in South Beach one night and totally blocked one of two lanes (going in the same direction) thereby blocking an lane of traffic. I was too messed up to attempt to find a more suitable spot so I just posted it there and hit the bed. I got up to take a whiz a few times and looked out the window to see a complete and total mess of traffic I was contributing too. I had the flashers on (like any responsible drunk would do) making a complete traffic jam. South Beach traffic on a Saturday night is bad enough without me blocking a lane of traffic. But there I was getting my beauty rest.
Bottom line, the flashers were still going along about 10am when I regained consciousness (that's another word for waking up). They were weak, but flashing. I turned on the gen, turned on the 24 amp chassis battery charger and the bus started after 15 minutes of charging.
Not one cop knocked on the door to see what was up. Not one drunk walking by banged on the bus. Not one beer bottle thrown at the bus (that I know of). Never had a problem in NY either. Maybe I do things that are just so out of line that it escapes the radar of a normal rational thought of "What the heck is that thing doing there?". I was parked in front of a Lowes hotel in Miami so they must have thought I was waiting for a group or something. I've posted other things like this about New York that goes to show you can really get away with a lot more in our buses than a regular RV. I got off track a little bit I guess. I regress.
I didn't have the generator and the 24 charger on and the chassis batteries let the lights flash all night. If you needed A/C, leave the charger on I guess. The lights were pretty weak in the AM but still kicking. I presume that on board charger doesn't cook the batteries and throttles back automatically if the batteries are charged since I've accidentally left it on in my yard hooked up to shore power for two months before and my chassis batteries are still ok.
Jon Wehrenberg
09-11-2009, 03:04 PM
Next thing I expect to hear is that you guys not only want LED lights, but you want them thar wheels that you don't have to polish.
What's next? Power awnings? Power shades? Power windows?
09-11-2009, 04:39 PM
Next thing I expect to hear is that you guys not only want LED lights, but you want them thar wheels that you don't have to polish.
What's next? Power awnings? Power shades? Power windows?
Nope, no power stuff needed (ok, awnings would be nice)....just them fancy chrome shrouded LED's.
Jon, guess I am with you. I just finished replacing all of my side marker light lenses with new "original" style lenses. I guess "old guys" sort of like things the way they were...I still have the striped awnings you like so well, huh.
Gary & Peggy Stevens
09-11-2009, 04:56 PM
Next thing I expect to hear is that you guys not only want LED lights, but you want them thar wheels that you don't have to polish. What's next? Power awnings? Power shades? Power windows?
Yep, got them, love em.:) And at least last weekend, my slide worked perfectly. :p
Got an email today from Bill Jensen, thanking me, for letting Prevost learn so much about slides over the last 9 months. :rolleyes: :D
Gary S.
09-11-2009, 08:14 PM
"Got an email today from Bill Jensen, thanking me, for letting Prevost learn so much about slides over the last 9 months."
That's funny, Gary. I do hope they got it right this time. It gets to be a pain in the butt going back over and over again. Hector told me that.:D
09-11-2009, 08:19 PM
Jon, guess I am with you. I just finished replacing all of my side marker light lenses with new "original" style lenses. I guess "old guys" sort of like things the way they were...I still have the striped awnings you like so well, huh.
Pete are yours the double bullseye turtle back lenses? I looked everywhere for those things and finally ordered them from Prevost. On my old bus, they are all amber. The Prevost parts guy said the rear set is one red and one amber so that's what I let them send but I'm thinking he was wrong.
Ted, the Prevost guy is correct. The rear has one red and one amber, and yes they are as you described. It took them (Prevost) forever to round up enough amber ones for my coach. Some came from Ft. Worth, some from California, and some from Tennessee. Hope you don't have the same problem.
09-11-2009, 10:11 PM
Thanks for the conformation, Pete. Mine all came from the New Jersey facility. On the rear set, red on top??
I got the fire drill delivery deal awhile back when I ordered new rear lenses, but I did get everything reasonably fast.
I don't have the problems with Prevost that others have experienced. I always get excellent service at the price quoted. Of course I'm talking parts ordered over the telephone. I'm fast learner and one trip to Ft. Worth a couple of years ago for an OTR air fix taught me all I needed to know.
09-11-2009, 10:33 PM
Brake light lenses got me pulled over Sunday. Headed home to Austin from Arlington, local cop pulls in behind me on I35E in Hillsboro and throws on his lights. Tells me my brake lights are shorting out. One is bright and the other dim, but when I exited the freeway, they flip flopped. Told him I would check it out and get it repaired. After a short cross examination, he lets me go ("who you carrying driver?").
I go to the back of the bus and have Jenny pump the brakes. I then notice that the lenses have a directional design to direct light away from the center line such that if you are to one side or another, the far light looks dimmer. No short or problem. I had never noticed the outward directional design of the lenses which I guess is to ensure vehicles in the adjacent lane can see your brake lights.
Anyway, good enough reason for the local guy to pull me over and see if we had Willy in there I suppose.
Gary & Peggy Stevens
09-12-2009, 01:11 AM
Hey guys, I just read these posts about some of you wanting to replace your old side marker lights with NEW Old marker lights.
Thanks to Jdub, and Loc replacing their Old marker lights with the NEW LED marker lights, I can bring a bag of nice working OLD Marker lights, amber and red to OKC for you to pick over? Let me know if you want me to drag them up there for you?
No cost for the lights, Just a small diesel charge for bringing em. :eek: :D
Gary S.
Jon Wehrenberg
09-12-2009, 06:47 AM
Obviously those slide repairs are making Gary seek multiple ways of increasing income. Perhaps a tin cup and dark glasses and a busy street corner may be Gary's next venue.
Ted, mine has the red on the bottom, don't know if that is correct or not, but that is the way mine are.
Gary, I will take a couple for spares. Thanks
Gary & Peggy Stevens
09-12-2009, 11:21 AM
I will bring them with me to OKC.
Actually JDUB has some too, if he wants to bring his spares for everybody to choose from? JDUB works in the oil field, so he doesn't need any diesel compensation for bringing em. :D
Gary S.
Orren Zook
09-12-2009, 07:24 PM
The red lens on the rear/side is the marker light, amber is for the turn indicator.
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