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View Full Version : Graduate School, here I am!

08-13-2009, 04:14 PM
To be posting on the Prevost Owners forum, I feel like I am going to Graduate School. 10 years Rving, 3 rigs, and now we have decided the last and final rig will be a Prevost! And all these years I thought a Prevost was a Prevost, until I started looking into all the different conversions! Yikes! So, please bear with me, I have a million questions, and then I will buy our first Prevost! And man, am I looking forward to it!
Mike from Rock Creek, Montana

Gary & Peggy Stevens
08-13-2009, 04:25 PM
Welcome Mike to POG.

Give us an idea of what your looking for, in a bus, and we will try and help you spend your money. You may not know about all the sites out there to look at buss's, but I assure you we do. :)

Good Luck

Gary S.

08-13-2009, 06:08 PM
Welcome Mike,Most of us have experienced the learning curve but we are still learning,it is a great time to look and buy,good luck,it should be fun.

08-13-2009, 06:22 PM
Welcome to POG Mike: I will let you know something that will make your selection easier. LIBERTY is the finest Prevost conversion on the market!!! Just a few reasons are outstanding workmanship, best quality materials, OTR which is short for over the road bus air conditioning, cruise aire house a/c units instead of roof a/c units used on lesser coaches, transmission retarder instead of jake brake, single holding tank for black & grey water (this keeps tank cleaned out). There are many more reasons to choose Libertry, but these are enough to justify the decision.

Jon Wehrenberg
08-13-2009, 06:57 PM
Mike, welcome to the asylum. This is the place to get all the answers to your questions. Sometimes we actually give a correct answer. Most of the time we make things up because it is easier that way.

Ed Saylor does not work for Liberty. (I thought I would throw that out. He does get a big commission if you buy one.)

Whatever you do, do not ask any questions about over the road air, or which conversion is best. We are running out of bits and bytes and the ensuing debate will use them up.

As you proceed along your journey to buy a coach you will find this group collectively has a ton of knowledge and is not the least bit shy about sharing it (Ed is the shyest one in the bunch by the way.) This group of rejects also can give you some pretty good advice about mechanical things as well as how you need to spend your money.

08-13-2009, 08:29 PM

Welcome aboard, you have come to the right place for Prevost info. If you have any OTR questions, I'll be happy to answer them!:rolleyes:

08-13-2009, 09:29 PM
Thanks Guys! Fun to get the response right out of the chute! funny Ed should coem on so strong. Liberty is on the short-short list. I am seeing some good buys on some 2 sliders, and that's what the Lady wants, as I spoiled her with 4 slides ont he last purchase. If anyone sees anthing out there, I'm thinking XL over H3, although I have run into a couple of Featherlites that are nice, and the Wife likes them. I am just not sure about the H3 set up. Any debate about H3 over XL would be fun. Am I in the right Thread to bring this up?

08-13-2009, 10:04 PM

You will find this is a great source of information. The H3's are very nice and Marathon FL had a couple of very nice 2 slide H3's that were priced to move when we were down there in April.

I will say though that the stainless has become very addictive.:cool:

Jon Wehrenberg
08-13-2009, 10:05 PM
I should have told you about the XL versus H3 debate also.

Oh well, I can't remember anything anymore unless it is on a Post-it.

That's not a debate, but a personal preference. I like stainless and do not want a coach that looks like a plastic palace or any other motorhome. But you cannot beat an H3 for bay space.

That choice is solely yours because I don't think anyone can reduce that decision to anything other than which coach looks and feels right to you.

You should get to compare a Liberty and a Vantare by looking at them and talking to owners. I think it is safe to say we Liberty owners have some strong opinions about our coaches as Ed has demonstrated. He is correct by the way.

08-13-2009, 10:13 PM
Welcome, Mike.

You'll find a LOT of valuable information here, some of which is rumored to even be correct.

On a more serious note, there truly is a wealth of experience and expertise available here. My only regret is that I have so little to contribute to the collective knowledge base...... but I'm learnin'.

Oh, and the absolute best advice is to narrow that list down to either an Elegant Lady or a Liberty Lady Classic...:D

08-13-2009, 10:51 PM
Hi Mike. There have been quite a few people who have been wise enough to join POG prior to purchasing a Prevost. It will save you a lot of anxiety and money right up front to hang around and ask questions.
The information and just plain fun you will gain will give you a leg up in purchasing and operating these mammoth machines.

So, anything you want to know , throw it out there.
Oh, by the way, I own a Liberty as well.

08-14-2009, 10:26 AM
Welcome Mike. Liberty owners are a little like Democrats, they hog the press and will tell you anything to make a sale. :D I can say that tongue in cheek because I owned one too.

There are other choices and you would do yourself an injustice not to consider them. As to OTR, the main supporters live in the hot, humid southeast. Many westerners feel it's gross overkill. You might consider a visit to Coburg, OR, home of Marathon. They have a very large stock of coaches for sale, most of them are H3's. Another excellent resource is Steve Bennett of California Coach, a longtime POG sponsor and an absolutely honest, knowledgeable guy. Good luck.

Jon Wehrenberg
08-14-2009, 10:39 AM
Ahem, Mr. Brian,

We had OTR and we lived in the snow belt of western NY where we travelled year round and had no need for OTR except when temps soared into the 60's.

I admit to a strong bias. That bias is formed by years of having it, and when a bad CB took it away on one trip I learned why I would never be without it. It was uncomfortable until I replaced that CB.

08-14-2009, 11:05 AM
Jon: I only wish Liberty gave more than a verbal "Thank You" for sending them a customer!

08-14-2009, 12:19 PM
If anyone sees anthing out there, I'm thinking XL over H3, although I have run into a couple of Featherlites that are nice, and the Wife likes them. I am just not sure about the H3 set up. Any debate about H3 over XL would be fun. Am I in the right Thread to bring this up?

Mike - the boss (my wife) much prefers the XL to the H3 - she doesn't care for the lower driver/copilot floor design of the H3. Also, we both are very partial to the stainless appearance over the European smooth sides (plastic) look. Whatever model and converter that you choose, I can tell you with absolute certainty that owning a Prevost is the most fun you'll ever have with your clothes on! Some of us have even been rumored to enjoy them with our clothes off - but this is supposed to be a family friendly forum, so I will not go into specifics (no sheep were harmed or molested during the typing of this post).

Enjoy the hunt and when you find the "one" - pull the trigger and prepare for life to really begin! :D

Oh - one more thing - notwithstanding all the Liberty "commercials" from current Liberty owners - Vita and I are quite happy with our Featherlite Vantare. To date, we have not required hands-on service from Featherlite, but have found them to be "johnny on the spot" in responding to my questions and very proactive in offering suggestions/resources to resolve any issues! Bottom line - if you choose a Prevost that has been well maintained and cared for in the manner she deserves, you can't really "go wrong" no matter who the original converter was. I've learned that with a few exceptions, house systems utilize readily available components that make solving issues easier than one might imagine, given the seeming sophistication of the systems designs. In the rare circumstance where components/parts are proprietary or no longer available, the house systems generally lend well to upgrade/a la carte "reengineering" to put things right (or at least like you want them).

Please keep us posted as your search progresses and do take advantage of the vast braintrust here on POG (before my fellow POGers die of laughter - let me be clear in stating that I do not suggest that I personally have any knowledge that qualifies me for inclusion in the braintrust, but I do know who to ask!) :p

Now back to your regularly scheduled POG lies, BS, and made up answers! :eek:

08-15-2009, 04:11 AM
Welcome Mike!

Ask your questions. You certainly will get answers here, some will even be correct. They might not be answers for your question, but they will be the right answer for some question. :cool:

Regarding the Liberty owners on this forum, well what can you say about them. They are mostly a harmless bunch. My advise, talk bling to them. Watch their eyes roll to the top of their heads as you talk about polishing wheels, pads and buffs. Send them into sensless euphoria by describing how you want to spend all your time and most of your money doing things like polishing copper plumbing pipes and clear coating them. If they aren't calmed and breathing smoothly, talk polishes, rouges and paste waxes too them. If you need to make a quick get away from them, ask "what is that spot on your wheel?" This will create a stampede as they break out the microscopes and magnifiers looking for the culprit spot. They will migrate to each others buses looking for that spot to see if Liberty designed it that way or is the owner with the spot really a low life slug. A slob who will be banished to parking between the dump station and the trash dumpsters at all future POG events.:eek:

But for God's sake man, don't turn into one of them. :D

X vs. H

Plastic blah blah blah! European smooth sides (plastic) look blah blah blah!
A coach that looks like a plastic palace or any other motorhome blah blah blah!

H345 is the state of the art and the basis for the future of coaches. End of conversation.

Toy Box
08-15-2009, 09:04 AM
To Mike, Brian and Sawdust: I highly represent what you said above. Please send more polish and buffing pads!

Will Garner
08-15-2009, 09:27 AM
Not having done the polishing thing and being many years from being buff, how about having a seminar on polishing, buffing, waxing and rouges in OKC. I'm sure even the gals can give us a tip or two on using the correct rouge!

As far as the buses go, love what you got or go get something else. I love my XL even though the CC OTR has been a big pain in the ol' buffer.

08-15-2009, 09:55 AM
Mike welcome aboard.

Be sure to get a bus both you and your wife like. You will enjoy it more.
Being in Montana, bus heat may be important to you. Along with that will come over the road air.

Winston Churchill once said something like; first we shape our dwellings then our dwellings shape us.

By the way, if you make the wrong decision you will know it very soon after you leave the sellers facility.

Good luck and have fun.


Jon Wehrenberg
08-15-2009, 05:23 PM
Sawdust saw my plumbing (of polished copper of course) and was left speechless. I see he got his voice back.

I believe Ed's idea of class is polished plastic.

08-16-2009, 02:57 AM
Jon next you will be telling me that class is putting a spit shine on your sewer pipe. You have a better chance at selling me a an official Liberty polished stainless steel skyhook. Come on. Paying any amount for polished copper plumbing isn't classy. It's ............ well it is just not smart.

Speechless? Absolutely. I just didn't know what to say when you returned after you ducked into your coach to dress in your official Liberty bling tour guide and driving suit.


What is it you guys call that suit? A Libertard or a Libercrotchie? Is it true that at POG rallies all Liberty owners dress up in these bling suits and sneak out late at night to dance with sheep around a totem pole of LEDs, speak in tounges and howl at the moon?

You Liberty guys need to start ventilating better when you're using those polishes. Especially you Jon!!

Jon Wehrenberg
08-16-2009, 07:46 AM
How come all the folks that wish they could own a Liberty act this way.

It's terrible I tell you, just terrible.

We didn't buy the best coaches in the world because the pipes are shiny, we bought them because they are the best. We have shiny pipes just to get reactions from those driving SOBs (some other brands).

Excuse me, I have a whole crate full of new polishes to try out this morning. I'll be in the the garage if you want me, massaging my Liberty.

08-16-2009, 08:37 AM
Hey Dustman, don't bring poor innocent sheep into this debate!:o

Jon - Ever notice the gleam in the eye of a non-Liberty owner when he see's one?;) I actually saw the Dust Dude fondling your tailpipe in Mobile...

Jon Wehrenberg
08-16-2009, 08:46 AM
I'm just glad I did not personally see the belt changing debacle. I can only imagine how everybody was salivating over the highly polished copper piping. Now I have to get out my polishing material to remove all the fingerprints from everyone that was caressing my pipes.

Dusty was badly influenced by everyone at OSH. As the sole Liberty there all the wannabees were doing their best to hide the envy, but I saw through it as usual.

08-17-2009, 12:13 PM
Oh yes. Jon and Truk are organizing the Liberty Driver Suit Annual Ball, meeting of the Liberty Mutual Self Admiration Society, and Annual Polish Contest. Collectively these activities comprise Liberty-Palooza

Oh yeah. Truk stop sucking up to Jon and go back and park at the dumpsters. Your dreaming if you think that your banishment is over.

Now you liberty guys go sniff polish and howl at the moon ................ like usual.

08-17-2009, 02:56 PM
Harsh Dustmite, very harsh!:rolleyes:

08-17-2009, 04:23 PM
Howdy Mike, welcome..

Hope you find just what you are looking for!!!

I might have to pick your brains about Mt. at some point... It is on our short list for summer locations!

Good luck.

08-23-2009, 10:59 PM
I don't know if I can take all of this sniveling about polished copper tubing vs "painted plastic look"!! But it is sure fun reading! I am going to have to hang out and get a defense built for whatever decision is made! Keeping both of us happy---well, that is the ultimate challenge. Where we are from, heading east, we would go right past the Rochester Featherlite operation to get to the Liberty factory. Liberty is EXACTLY the same distance from us as Marathon in Colberg! So, it's going to be one of the 3! We have graced Featherlite, and now on to Liberty and Marathon!!

Jon Wehrenberg
08-24-2009, 09:21 AM
For those who wish to have a less ostentatious show of good taste Liberty makes a model that does not have highly polished copper piping. They do what the rest of the industry does with that particular model, they hide the plumbing behind a panel.

That of course does not diminish the Liberty quality or strong support of their product.

The bottom line is there are systems and features we all require based on how we use our coaches. When deciding on a coach those that are true requirements (for us it is OTR, private toilet, long range fuel) must be on any coach we consider, but after that the decision comes down to cosmetics. And you will find that you will know the coach you are going to buy almost the minute you walk up the steps.

08-27-2009, 08:12 PM
I'm new to 45 footers. Can you run all four airs on shore power at a 50 amp pole in a park?

Ray Davis
08-27-2009, 08:33 PM
Generally you can, if you don't have a lot of other things running, like the washer/dryer, range etc.

Personally, I've found that three still work fine in most cases. In my case turning on the 4th A/C in the bathroom doesn't do a lot to help the coach.


08-27-2009, 10:51 PM
Yes you can if you manage the load,a cruise air draws about 14 amps,water heater,chargers etc must be considered.The chargers in most cases can be reduced to only draw about 5 amps of AC current.

Jon Wehrenberg
08-28-2009, 07:19 AM
Usually the only reason to run 4 AC units on shore power is because the coach is heat soaked and all four are needed to bring the temps down. It is usually very hot outside when you experience this.

As Jack points out energy management is critical. Any other loads such as the items you cannot control that are going to cycle on and off without input from you probably need to be turned off. Hot water heater and aux air compressor are two things that come to mind that will add a lot of amps. Also as Jack pointed out you need to even control how much current draw the inverters will have, either by programming them for the lowest charge rate, or by limiting the amount of DC current you draw.

The reason energy management is critical is that the running current draw on an AC unit is likely around 13 to 15 amp. but if they start cycling as the temps come down the starting loads will hit as high as 40 amps. All it will take is for a HW tank to kick on at the same time an AC unit starts up and you have tripped the shore power breaker.

If you really need to run heavy loads, start the generator.

08-28-2009, 07:54 AM
I have run 4 rooftop units many times when plugged in without a problem>