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07-14-2009, 07:27 AM
It's been a few weeks now and probably won't affect many POGers.
FYI, the State of Ohio no longer has the dual speed limits on the Interstate Highways.
The 55 mph for trucks and non commercial buses and 65 mph for cars, have reverted to 65 mph for all vehicles.
Jon Wehrenberg
07-14-2009, 07:37 AM
Are you kidding? That is going to have a huge affect on POGGERs.
I for one will step it up to 62.5 mph. I was previously living dangerously and getting as high as 59 mph.
I'm just surprised it took them this long to figure out how dangerous the dual speed limits were. Now if only the other states with dual limits will follow.
In TN, in the metropolitan areas such as Knoxville we have dual speed limits also, but they are justified by reducing the speed of trucks to improve air quality (?). But fear not, there does not appear to be any significant differences in speeds between cars and trucks.
07-14-2009, 11:13 AM
Dual speed limits?
I thought those were for the other guys.
07-14-2009, 01:33 PM
Is this new speed limit for all Ohio Interstates besides the Turnpike? The Turnpike was listed at 65 the last time we went thru this past April with the new Airstream 270 Coach.
07-14-2009, 03:18 PM
If the speed limit is autos 55 trucks 65, to me that means you can go 120 if you want to. Is the bus an auto or a truck? In California, on I-5 in northern CA they say 55 for 3 axles or more, but in southern CA is just says trucks and trailers...not very consistent.
I always believed that if they post a speed limit of say, 55 miles per hour, than the only way they could cite you is if you actually traveled more than 55 miles in one hour, not if you just happen to travel more than one mile in one minute. yeah, convince the judge I know you will all say.
But really, why not post the speed limit in feet per second. Everybody will enjoy traveling at 100 feet per second, and then the Highway patrol would only have to check your speed for one second.
If only I were king of more than crap.....
07-14-2009, 04:09 PM
In the west the speed limit on interstates is 75 for all if you want to go that fast.
Jerry Winchester
07-14-2009, 05:36 PM
So Peter if you get stopped near the 3 axle sign, can you lift the tag and tell them you were only running on two so you could drive faster?
Jon Wehrenberg
07-14-2009, 07:04 PM
Must be Brian ordered a load of fertilizer from Peter, and Peter is delivering it.
Will Garner
07-14-2009, 07:58 PM
Someone once told me those speed limit numbers that are posted are only SUGGESTIONS!
07-14-2009, 09:21 PM
The 65mph Jim, is for all Ohio Interstate roads.
Now the funny part is that very many trucks still go along the way we do in P O G, 58 to 62 mph.
That is what they drove before the change too. I am not talking about those few who before and now exceed the current 65 mph.
Up through the 60s when we used to be able to buy AMOCO no lead hi test gasoline and mix it half and half with SUNOCO 260 and run 14:1 compression we had one speed limit and it was very high :) to say the least.
07-15-2009, 12:17 AM
Jon, I seldom need to order it and calling it "Fertilizer" doesn't give it justice. Peter is yachting around Puget Sound this month and doesn't have much more to do than remind us of his exhalted Czardom. :D
Jon Wehrenberg
07-15-2009, 08:04 AM
If he is gone yachting, and you are at home it would be my guess that Peter has just made a tactical error, and he may end up loving moles.
Has the Czar left security forces in place at his home?
07-15-2009, 11:46 PM
When you get to Lew's and my age you don't have to worry about getting stopped for speeding. We just tell the officer we have to hurry before we forget where we were traveling to.
Sid Tuls
07-15-2009, 11:50 PM
Come on Harry you ain't that old:D
05-05-2010, 04:48 PM
This may be way old news but in CA the signs entering the state from AZ state trucks and "Auto's pulling Trailer" 55 MPH. Going 68 MPH pulling a Jeep got me a ticket for nearly $300 as I recall. I was informed that an rv is and auto and a Jeep is a trailer. I paid the fine under protest as the signs were confusing as compared to other states and wrote to every big wig in CA that I could think of starting with Mary Bono, US Congress, the head of CA Highway Patrol, head of the highway commission and probably a street sweeper in Encino. The short story is I was contacted the a ChIP supervisor, and part of my defense was RV'ers rarely break the speed limit when they know what it is but just after I received my ticket and was driving 55 until I reached AZ every RV on the road passed me going 70. A couple of months later I got my money back with a notation from the court that the charges were dismissed " in the interest of justice". A month or so after that the CA department of Transportation sent me a copy of their new sign which was much more clear as to the rules. They said the old signs were being replaced as they wore out or were damaged. The highway patrolman who gave me the ticket made it pretty clear that RV's and truckers were easy pickin's. Moral of the story is be double careful in CA now that they really need the money.
05-05-2010, 07:54 PM
This may be way old news but in CA the signs entering the state from AZ state trucks and "Auto's pulling Trailer" 55 MPH. Going 68 MPH pulling a Jeep got me a ticket for nearly $300 as I recall. I was informed that an rv is and auto and a Jeep is a trailer. I paid the fine under protest as the signs were confusing as compared to other states and wrote to every big wig in CA that I could think of starting with Mary Bono, US Congress, the head of CA Highway Patrol, head of the highway commission and probably a street sweeper in Encino. The short story is I was contacted the a ChIP supervisor, and part of my defense was RV'ers rarely break the speed limit when they know what it is but just after I received my ticket and was driving 55 until I reached AZ every RV on the road passed me going 70. A couple of months later I got my money back with a notation from the court that the charges were dismissed " in the interest of justice". A month or so after that the CA department of Transportation sent me a copy of their new sign which was much more clear as to the rules. They said the old signs were being replaced as they wore out or were damaged. The highway patrolman who gave me the ticket made it pretty clear that RV's and truckers were easy pickin's. Moral of the story is be double careful in CA now that they really need the money.
Good for you jj628, we need people like you that stick up for their rights and do more than complain!
05-06-2010, 07:15 AM
I believe the Ohio Turnpike had a sign saying something to the effect...55 MPH FOR ALL NON-COMMERCIAL VEHICLES 4 TON OR MORE.....i cannot remember the exact wording at this point...once, when returning from a MICHIGAN - OHIO STATE game in ann arbor, I was stopped for going 62 MPH....i inquired why i was stopped....the arresting bastard told me I was speeding....actually my lawyer, an alum of Michigan, was on board....I was furious...and commented to the officer, after I tried every ploy not to get a ticket, how lucky he is to have such an important job...and further asked when he finished grad school at Ohio State?...he turned real, real red....after my lawyer kicked me he then gave me advise in one i drove away, kept my Michigan hat on, gradually became less upset and now hate the buckeyes that much the way...on another note, ADAM DEGRAFF and RUSSEL - AKA THE DUELING FIDDLERS, were in NYC on some business last week...I have been trying to connect with Adam for a few years...anyhow, on saturday they performed at my house for 40 or so friends....HOLY BAT-SMOKE, about, first, 2 gentlemen....then, talk about talent and entertainment quality....hey all...Adam is a member of POG...if you are ever near a performance, GO...I have seen alot over the years....these 2 guys are on the Shookie on this always...
05-06-2010, 09:05 AM
I have seen the signs posted in both California and Ohio. I always figure that if I can loosely interpret the sign as applicable to me, then certainly the courts will.
Then I drive accordingly. I actually didn't mind driving 55 in California at all.
05-06-2010, 03:06 PM
This may be way old news but...
I'll tell you what not old news, John - you slipping into POG without introducing yourself! :rolleyes: Tell us a little about you, Charlene and your motorcoach! If you don't feed us the facts, we'll just make stuff up about you anyway! :p Having said all that - WELCOME TO POG! Post often, give as good as you get, ask questions about what you don't know, and share your knowledge/experience on what you do know! That's how we roll here! :cool:
05-06-2010, 03:34 PM
Mike--I'm an old submariner so I tend to slip in without announcement. I joined this site because we are in process of buying an H3-40 and I like to know what I'm getting into. I met a fellow last year at the rv park in Mesa who turned me on to this site. I've been reading the discussion board on Prevost-stuff for a year and when I found the bus we wanted I joined POG. This POG site has been great.
Charlene and I retired about eight years ago, bought and American Eagle and hit the road for a couple of years. We've had great fun. We are ready for a new adventure as we hope the new "Old Family Bus " will provide. This particular unit is a Liberty Elegant Lady with the decor we like to describe as early disco/cat house/strip club. I've considered putting a stripper pole in the salon but the girls riding most of the time are between 58 and 88.
I prefer to comment on things I know nothing about and ask questions in areas where I already know the answers so I know who is making stuff up :-) .
I may have made all of this up just to beat you guys to the punch. Thanks for the help. jj628---John & Charlene Flynn, Nevada, MO ( Formerly USS Tecumseh SSBN 628)
05-06-2010, 04:41 PM
John - I can already tell you're going to be trouble - which means you'll fit in just fine around here! :D I know you guys will love your new Liberty conversion and joining POG was a very wise move! (it's the best $10 you'll spend on your bus every year!) As I'm sure you've noticed, there are many Liberty owners/proponents here - so you'll be in good company with lots of support! When you get her home, be sure and post pictures (we like pictures - lots and lots of pictures).
05-06-2010, 06:03 PM
Interesting enough in California RV's are not motorhomes. Dept of Motor Vehicles calls them "house cars". I'm glad you got you $$ back.
05-06-2010, 06:16 PM
Last summer Ohio changed their interstate/trurnpike speed to 65mph. You have to be careful because in congested areas it reverts back to 55.
05-07-2010, 01:53 AM
John, you are not far from us in Harrison,AR just south of Branson. If you go through Branson southward towards Little Rock & the rest of the World, you pass within about 1/2 mile of us. Give us a call....POGS always welcome.
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