View Full Version : Outside Storage?
Ray Davis
06-24-2009, 07:03 PM
Well, as luck would have it, I was notified today that the hangar where I store my coach has been sold, and I need to vacate fairly soon.
I've found a place out where Warren keeps (used to keep?) his coach in Perris, which is reasonably priced (for CA standards), but it's a good 60-70 minute drive from my home. They have several slots available immediately, so I'm in no danger of losing a place to put the coach.
However, I was thinking, and wanted to ask those who keep their coaches out in the sun, like full timers out at various resorts like ORA's and alike.
The ORA at Rancho is about 45 minutes from my home. Right at the moment, lots there are really cheap, as compared to a few years ago. I was thinking I could potentially purchase a lot, and keep it out at the ORA. The upside to that is that I would have a place where the coach was fairly easily accessed, and I could drive out for weekends, and use the coachl, or even for 1 week stays, while working from the bus. Right at the moment, the bus tends to stay in the hanger for 1-2 months at a time. At least at an ORA it would get some use, even if it weren't driving around, although it would be probably pretty easy to at least fire it up once every couple of weeks, and drive around the park a couple of times.
However, it IS stored outside there. It does get fairly hot, near 100 degree mark for part of the summer.
So, what does the masses think? I know it's better to store indoors, but how bad is it for those who keep their coaches outdoors. Do you normally cover the tires when stored outside?
I've thought about asking the ORA whether it would be allowable to put up a shelter which would cover the coach from direct sun. Not sure if it's allowed, but that would be better, if it could be done. I'm sure it could be done to blend in with the other decorating done at these type of parks.
Any thoughts would be appreciated.
06-24-2009, 07:13 PM
I know a couple here in Oregon that lived and worked in CA and they did just that with ODR. No Shelter thought. MOved to Oregon and they did the same thing with a RV park near their home.
06-24-2009, 07:44 PM
There are several folks here at the ODR in Port Saint Lucie that use their lots as "storage".
The benefit seems to be that the lot becomes a place to take a short vacation from "home". A couple of owners also live primarily on a boat nearby and use the RV lot to store their bus while they're here.
Down side is that the bus is exposed to the elements and "heavy" maintenance is usually frowned upon...... however the limits haven't really been tested on that issue.
Good luck. Owning a lot and socializing while "visiting" the bus can be a lot of fun!
Sid Tuls
06-24-2009, 08:53 PM
Ray, i have a brother in law in Chino that is wanting to house Class A Motor Homes give me a call H 559-738-1751 M 559-901-6426 He is loacated On Riverside Drive & San Antone.
Ray Davis
06-24-2009, 10:53 PM
Sid, thanks for the referral. I've left a message with your brother in law, and I"ll let you know what he says when we've spoken!
Sid Tuls
06-24-2009, 11:06 PM
Ray, Thanks for the phone visit the more I think of it the more I think Brent needs a break!!! ( and I don't mean hitting a light pole ) No was looking were they Brent:confused:
06-25-2009, 10:54 AM
My coach is always outside. They are built to be outside. I own lots in two Outdoor Resorts, plus one in Dillard, GA. When we are at home in Biloxi, the coach is outside by my house. In hot weather, I always leave one A/C on set at about 77 degrees to keep interior reasonable. I have done this for at least 15 years with plastics, Blue Birds, and Libertys. Have never had problems from being outside all the time. Naturally, when hurricanes are headed our way, we use the coach to get away.
Ray Davis
06-25-2009, 01:49 PM
Ed, thanks for the comments. Because of outdoor storage, do you feel you need to handle maintenance differently? Like perhaps do you feel that tires age more quickly due to UV/sun exposure?
I am assuming it helps to keep a good coat of was on the bus. Do you feel that the exposure more quickly dulls the paint?
06-26-2009, 11:19 AM
I wax my coach once per year. Have never had a fade problem as the paint used for the past several years is really good. I do not cover the tires, but that would probably help. I only run tires for five years, which is what the tire people recommend. Some people run them for seven and if I were going to try for seven, I would cover them. I have not had any cracking on tires for five years, in the past. The one thing I do, as mentioned above, is to keep one A/C on in the middle of the coach to keep the interior from getting too hot and to keep it from getting a musty smell. That works really well.
06-26-2009, 03:24 PM
I own lots in two Outdoor Resorts, plus one in Dillard, GA.
Ed - where (which park) is your lot in Dillard, GA?
I happened upon River Vista Mountain Village in that area and thought it looked attractive.
06-26-2009, 08:48 PM
Michael: My lot is in the part of River Vista that was originally set up as "ownership lots", called Falls View. I own lot 254 which is at 138 River Vista Dr. This is a great place with a bunch of good owners. We are only 16 miles from Franklin, NC and only 14 miles from Highlands, NC. Good 4 lane highways from Atlanta (105 miles) and from Ashville (85 miles). Great place.
06-26-2009, 11:24 PM
Hi Ray. I keep my Coach outside. Wax twice a year. Wash every three to 4 weeks as needed. Tires stay cleaned and treated with UV protecton. All rubber treated with UV protection. No problems.
Jon Wehrenberg
06-27-2009, 07:03 AM
I am sure that with care a coach can be kept outside. However nothing beats inside storage. The sun is tough on anything that must withstand its rays. I have no clue if there are problems with the bonds or the structure, but a coach that is outside cools down in the evening, and then when the sun heats up the outdoors the coach side that is in the sun gets hot and expands. Our coaches grow almost 1/2" in temperature extremes. That means the coach is growing and shrinking all the time.
If the inside temperatures are not moderated by the heating or cooling systems it affects the laminates because the same growing and contracting affects them as well. Heat is what is used to soften and break the bond on laminates.
All rubber is affected if exposed to the elements.
Inside storage undoubtedly has a cost, but by storing a coach inside temperatures are easily controlled inside the coach, there is no exposure to direct sunlight, rain, hail or other potential elements that could damage the coach.
But I think you already know all of this.
Ray Davis
06-27-2009, 11:52 AM
Thanks for the comments, everyone.
Mike Simmons and I made a trip to 5 local RV storage locations, including Sid's brother-in-law's house yesterday.
Ultimately, I have procured month-to-month indoor storage at the same location where Jello Jeep keeps his bus. It's not really horribly convenient to my house (about 1 hours drive), but it's indoors 14x50 individual locked garage with 20A electric for $295 per month.
We looked at several places ranging from $295 to $570 per month. A concierge service wanted $400, but their place looked like an atom bomb had gone off in the area, coaches and trucks and stuff strewn everywhere.
I am going out to Ranch ORA week after next, and will look at a lot there. Not likely to purchase however, as I don't have an extra $60k lying around. But, prices are 50% of their initial published price. Owner still has a few lots left, and he's selling them cheaper than people who own lots can sell them for.
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