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View Full Version : Looking for a rising star in the non-profit world

05-31-2009, 04:00 PM
Hello Club.

I'm turning to you since you have proven yourselves to be an amazing fount of knowledge and collective wisdom.

I've been asked to lead the board at our local Boys and Girls Club next year. Right now, we are conducting a search for a highly qualified CPO (Boys and Girls Club language for CEO) for our club. I've been brainstorming where I might find such a person. I have a big dream for our club and I really want to put the right person in this position now, as I feel the right person can make or break my dream. We are, of course searching locally, and nationally on the Boys and Girls website, but I'm trying to be more proactive. I feel that if I do some looking around, I can find someone who is doing great in another organizaton, maybe in a support role or number 2 positon, who is ready to lead his/her own ship. We need a strong leader who has skills managing budgets and people, who also has a big heart for children and wants to develop and maintain relationships with our community and its leaders.

Having said all that, this is where I will ask you:
1. Does anyone know of such person
2. Does anyone have ideas about how/where to find such person.

We are in East TN, on the Cumberland Plateau, about 1 hour NW of Knoxville. Our whole county has 20,000 people, give or take. We have the Big South Fork National River and Recreation area here. Oneida is our biggest city(8-10,000 people), and that is where our Boys and Girls Club is located. We have one club now, for our county, but we have potential to serve (in the future) other surrounding counties, if we make ourselves strong enough to do so. In fact, we have 2 that want us to serve them now. Our physical facility is beautiful. Our board is working to make itself stronger, so time is great for new leader as we are all on board and want to see the club go to another level. Club is 7 (if my memory is correct) years old now.

I know this is not bus related topic, but POG is full of success stories, and big hearts. I'd be grateful for anything anyone has to share with me.

If you do know of someone who might be interested, they can submit resume to bgcscottcounty@aol.com by June 12 or call me at 423-663-8658. I'd be happy to answer any questions that I can for him or her.

Thank you.

Debbie Faires
Huntsville, TN

05-31-2009, 05:53 PM
I would speak with Jon, he must live somewhere near the region you live in???

Jon would know a few folks how might fit the bill, would be my guess..

05-31-2009, 05:58 PM

I wish I were in a better position to help you fulfill your dream for your worthy organization. I have a fairly strong background in management/leadership roles with nonprofit youth organizations, but the timing is not good for me to offer direct support. However, I'd like to suggest that you contact a friend of mine, George Hopkins, who is CEO of YEA! (Youth Education in the Arts!) in Allentown, PA. George has been at the helm of YEA! (and/or its affiliated programs) for over 25 years and is networked deeply into the nonprofit world. Hop (George's nickname) may have a young candidate in his "back pocket" or know of a good place to recruit qualified candidates. Take a look at YEA!'s website and you'll get a sense of the passion that Hop brings to serving youth. http://www.yea.org Indeed, YEA!'s mission statement reads:
"The mission of Youth Education in the Arts is to support the development of young people into magnificent human beings through participation in the performing arts."

Contact George via e-mail at hopkins@yea.org, or by phone at 610-821-0345 X114.

Good luck with your search. Please let us know how it turns out!

Jerry Winchester
05-31-2009, 09:52 PM

I would look at some of the regional universities or colleges. Find out who the number two person is with their foundation or alumni association and you will get a glimpse of the person you are trying to find.

Generally these university foundations have fund raiser type folks and one of them may be qualified and motivated for a position of this type. The gal who did the fund raising for our alumni association was recently selected to head the OKC Public School foundation and she was a great pick for the job.

The other draw is finding someone from that area who wants to move back. If there is a local university, talk to the business dean and see if they have any folks from the area looking to get back home.

05-31-2009, 11:43 PM

You might make contact with the faculty at Springfield College in Springfield Mass. The school was at one time known as the YMCA School. Here is the link to the main site:


In particular, you might have a discussion with the:

Sport Management and Recreation Department

The fields of sport and recreation are expanding as Americans have increasingly more leisure time. Springfield College graduates are recognized for their exceptional preparation for the growing range of management career opportunities. As a Sport Management or Recreation student, you will learn about event management, facility operations and maintenance, and business administration. You’ll also take courses in finance, technology, marketing, facilities, and operations.

Dr. Matthew Pantera, Chair
Department of Sport Management and Recreation
(413) 748-3749

Also, their alumni organization might have a chapter in your area and those folks would probably be a valuable asset in your effort.

Also, There is a very good Boys and Girls Club in Locust Valley, NY. Lots of very influential people have participated on the board of this club. Here is their web site.

WEBSITE: http://gbbgc.org

Jon Wehrenberg
06-02-2009, 07:30 AM
Eric needs something to do. He doesn't wash the bus, he doesn't repair the bus, he doesn't home school Jay, etc.

I cannot think of a better person because he has the skills to manage (get other people to do his work), he is definitely a people person, he likes kids, and this will give him a better reason to get up in the morning than to look forward to another 650 miles on the bike.

I vote for Eric.

(I'm assuming he is off on his one month ride and cannot defend himself, thus now is the time to select him for the position.)

06-02-2009, 10:10 AM
Deb: I second what Jon said.

06-02-2009, 11:01 AM
I'll bet with these last two posts that tinkerin' with the bus looks real good to Eric about now...:D

All kidding aside, Eric would be an excellent choice. I personally know of no one that has the right stuff more so than Eric.

Jon Wehrenberg
06-02-2009, 12:40 PM
Can we make this unanimous?

06-02-2009, 02:28 PM
Can we make this unanimous?

I will be sticking with my day job, and probably not running the local Boys and Girls Club. I have too many gas and diesel engines to maintain, and too much fire wood to split (lots of it courtesy of Jon Wehrenberg) as winter nears, and too many motorcycle and/or bus trips to take, to be able to lend my limited skill set to the local Boys and Girls Club. Thanks for all the votes of support, though. Besides, Deb would be my boss as Chairman, and we all know that wouldn't work very well.

Deb is doing a wonderful job in her current role as #2 on the Board, taking over next year as Chairman. I guess I serve as an unpaid outside consultant, and I think it best to keep it that way.

Off this thread topic, but my 6/3 departure for Canada motorcycle trip from Goose Bay, Labrador to Inuvik, NWT was postponed due to the ferries not running since there is too much ice. Now scheduled to depart 6/10.

Eric Faires
Huntsville, TN
'92 Angola 40 foot

06-02-2009, 07:16 PM

Is this trip going to be on the History Channel - Ice Road Bikers?

PS - I think that Jon and Roger on on to something here with the draft Eric for the job idea. Besides I know Deb takes care of the all engines anyhow.


06-02-2009, 09:38 PM
Did you say too much Ice?

What is it - have the folks in the frozen north not heard of global warming. There ain't no damn ice.

Can't be can it? Must be some kind of mistake.

Our news media, government officials and bleeding heart give away the nation liberals could not be possibly mistaken.

Kick the bums out.


06-02-2009, 10:07 PM
Did you say too much Ice?

What is it - have the folks in the frozen north not heard of global warming. There ain't no damn ice.

Can't be can it? Must be some kind of mistake.

Our news media, government officials and bleeding heart give away the nation liberals could not be possibly mistaken.

Kick the bums out.


Need to get with the program Roger - it is officially now "climate change" since Algore can't prove the earth is warming. Actually quite the contrary over the past decade, so now a different problem, same cause. More importantly, same solution - government control over our energy use and a huge new revenue source.

06-03-2009, 07:14 AM
Before we get too far off topic, I wanted to say a big "thank you" to all of you who gave me very good ideas and contact info. I really appreciate it. I'll let you know how the search turns out.

Thanks, again.