View Full Version : OKC Rally Sign Up
Jim Skiff
05-24-2009, 09:04 PM
Here is the link to sgn up for Oklahoma City.
Click here POG OKC (
This rally, for now is open only to POG members.
This will be the best POG Rally ever!
05-25-2009, 07:58 AM
Forgot to add this to registration:
Please include with your registration:
-Coach length 45'
-Trailer? - trailer length no
-T-shirt sizes med & med or Lrg??
-Slide-Outs? - Both Sides? NONE
-Towed vehicle? Yes, Jeep Commander
-Special requests at meals NONE
Jon Wehrenberg
05-25-2009, 08:05 AM
The check is in the mail:D
As silly as this sounds, if the turnout for this rally is as anticipated, right now is the time to be locking in a campground for the next one.
I suggest this in the hopes that we can get one with enough sites to accomodate everyone that wants to attend so the group is not split up. As the number attending gets bigger and bigger the choices for locations are going to be less and less unless you decide to split the rally into left and right coast rallies for even numbered years, and do a central one for odd number years.
05-25-2009, 08:52 AM
We're in.....
I also need to get you the following information:
-Coach length 45'
-Trailer? - trailer length no
-T-shirt sizes - 1 med, 1 large
-Slide-Outs? - Both Sides? NONE
-Towed vehicle? Yes, Jeep Liberty
-Special requests at meals - NONE
Will Garner
05-25-2009, 01:42 PM
Carole says the check is in the mail. I guess that means we are coming to OKC in Oct!
Please include with your registration:
-Coach length 40'
-Trailer? - NO
-T-shirt sizes: Large and XLarge??
-Slide-Outs? - NONE
-Towed vehicle? Yes, 2003 Dodge Ram 2500 4X4
-Special requests at meals NONE
We are still planning to be in Maine from 22 June (day after Father's Day) through the 29th. Hope to see you then.
05-25-2009, 05:08 PM
I paid using your PayPal feature. Below is the requested data.
.................................................. ........
-Coach length-45
-Trailer? - trailer length-none
-T-shirt sizes-1-large, 1-medium
-Slide-Outs? - Both Sides?-none
-Towed vehicle?-Jeep Liberty
-Special requests at meals-none
.................................................. .......
Lee and I will see all in OKC.
Jerry Winchester
05-25-2009, 08:17 PM
No Trailer
2X & Small
No Stinkin Slide Outs
Toad - F350 4X4
Special Food - Tacos
05-25-2009, 08:48 PM
-Coach length 45'
-T-shirt sizes - 1 med, 1 large
-Slide-Outs? - Never ever
-Towed vehicle? 08 Saturn Vue
Coach length: 45 ft
Trailer: None
T-shirt sizes: 1 large, 1 Med
Slide outs: None
Tow vehicle: Jeep Grand Cherokee Or Wrangler
Special request at meals: GOOD!
Thanks, Pete & E.J. Petree
05-25-2009, 09:41 PM
A F350 4x4? That only means your a man now, people will be watching you for leadership. :)
05-25-2009, 10:21 PM
Special food request: Real Good, -tacos, enchiladas -oysters- , Biscuits and gravy. 2 to 3 even 4 times Daily.
05-26-2009, 12:47 AM
Hey JIM,
We are a 45'er
No Trailer
T-Shirts, one (1) Large, One(1) Extra large
No sliders
Towed, Lexus 470, or if any four-wheelin' in OKC, maybe our new Jeep
Food Alergies: NO Dairy PROTEIN, which includes, liquid Milk, like used in mashed potatoes ( can be made with Chicken broth or Silk) etc, NO cream/sauces, yogurt, sour creme, All cheeses. Replacements are "Silk Brand Milk from Soy", CoffeMate (Soy) creamers for coffee.
I can bring my own if you like;)
"BUTTER" is just FAT, its OK, so is margarine like Smart Balance.
"Whey" or Sodium Caseinate, which is found in some baked goods is so processed I am fine with. Never saw a cookie, cake, or fruit pie I didn't like (ex. no carrot cake with cream cheese frosting or cream pies, cheese cake).
Failsafe, PB&J:D
Jim Skiff
05-26-2009, 08:39 AM
Please follow this link to the members currently registered to attend POG in OKC:
Click here! ( :)
Jamie Bradford
05-26-2009, 10:03 AM
Hi Jim,
Coach length: 45 ft
Trailer: None
T-shirt sizes: 1 XXLarge, 1 Large
Slide outs: None
Tow vehicle: '03 Escalade
Special request at meals:
Jamie & Debbie Bradford
Gary & Peggy Stevens
05-26-2009, 12:05 PM
Jim I think I already sent all this info to you but just in case:
Please include with your registration:
-Coach length 45'
-Trailer? NONE
- trailer length Still NONE (See Above) :D
-T-shirt sizes 1 XL / 1 Medium
-Slide-Outs? ONE Stinking Slide, that we JUST LOVE At least 50% or more of the TIME
-Towed vehicle? 2008 H3 X Alpha Hummer Striped to match Bus :D
-Special requests at meals Most Anything for Me, Vegetables / Protein for Peg ( Watching her girlish figure:) )
Ray Davis
05-26-2009, 06:01 PM
We're in ...
-Coach length 45'
-Trailer? NONE
-T-shirt sizes 1 XL / 1 Large
-Towed vehicle? 2003 Honda Pilot
-Special requests at meals: Nope, surprise me!
Joe Cannarozzi
05-26-2009, 06:23 PM
How many spots total are available?
Jim Skiff
05-26-2009, 08:40 PM
The park is expanding on both sides. We want to make sure that we get the best sites that will accomodate 45 and 40 ft coaches. Will the park accomodate 60 coaches, yes, 75 or 80..we think so with the expansion, professional parking assistance by volunteer POG members and some serious tree trimming.
05-26-2009, 09:09 PM
We're 45 feet
No Trailer
T-shirts small and large
No slides
Tow vehicle-Santa Fe
No special requirements
05-26-2009, 09:14 PM
OK we just checked out the web site for the rally.......whats up with the STORM SHELTER?
Gary & Peggy Stevens
05-27-2009, 01:14 AM
OK we just checked out the web site for the rally.......whats up with the STORM SHELTER?
Rick, it's Oklahoma..... You know in the center of Tornado Alley?
But hopefully no Storms in October? :eek:
"In truth, all year is pretty much tornado season in Oklahoma. But the prime conditions begin around late March and go through August in a typical year."
Gary S.
05-27-2009, 06:07 AM
We plan to be there:
Coach length: 45 ft( 50' w/bike lift)
Trailer: None
T-shirt sizes: 1 XLarge, 1 Small
Slide outs: Two
Tow vehicle: none at this time
Special request at meals:
05-27-2009, 08:05 AM
OK we just checked out the web site for the rally.......whats up with the STORM SHELTER?
You'll want to make real sure that your insurance is both adequate and paid up before the rally !:eek:!
05-27-2009, 11:25 AM
The Conder's are in
45' Coach
Jeep Liberty Toad
1- Med t-shirt
1- XL t-shirt
Paid today by paypal.
Looking forward to it.
05-27-2009, 11:48 AM
Hello Jim,
We are in...
*Coach length: 45 ft
*Trailer: None
*T-shirt sizes: 2 x XXLarge
*Slide outs: None
*Tow vehicle: Full size Chevy Van
*Special request at meals: GOOD FOOD :)
Jerry Winchester
05-27-2009, 04:56 PM
Remember this was supposed to be a spring rally but all the hand wringer / bed wetter types couldn't do Oklahoma during tornado season, so it was changed to the fall.
But we have a backup plan............
Will Garner
05-27-2009, 07:55 PM
Uh Skiffer, does that comment mean we should bring our climbing hooks, safety ropes and chain saws? :D
Lets not even talk about tornados. Last June Carole and I thought we were heading into the big one - just 10 miles west of OKC!:eek:
05-27-2009, 08:58 PM
Count us in, check will be in the mail on my retyurn home next week.
Additional info:
Ed & Cindy Mrozek
Please include with your registration:
-Coach length---------------45 ft
-Trailer? - trailer length------none
-T-shirt sizes----------------1 - XL , 1 - L
-Slide-Outs? - Both Sides?----none
-Towed vehicle?--------------Dodge RAM 1500 quad cab
-Special requests at meals----No oysters, mussels, scallops, clams. I like them, they don't like me. What's new.
05-28-2009, 12:00 AM
We're signed up;
45 ft
Dbl. Slide
12.5 ft tall
no trailer at this time
no tow
T-Shirts; X large for me, Medium for Lise
What no Hats?
Meals; Ribs, Tri Tip, Mexican, Baked Potatoes,Sour Cream, BB & Chives
Pancake Breakfast
dale farley
05-28-2009, 08:44 AM
The check is in the mail today. Thanks. Dale
05-28-2009, 01:09 PM
Please count us in. Will pay through the link in the e-mail.
Donald & Bonnie Hall
Length: 45'
Slides: 2
Trailer: No
Tow: Saturn Vue
Shirt sizes: L and XL
Meal Requests: Look at shirt sizes--obviously not too picky! :D
05-28-2009, 02:30 PM
Just paid through Pay Pal. See you in OKC.
05-28-2009, 07:13 PM
Mr & Mrs Truk are in!;)
Sid Tuls
05-28-2009, 07:17 PM
Jim, How quick does one have to sign up for the event? Also Jim could you e-mail me my password? I had trouble awhile back and you changed it for me and now I can't :confused::confused I'am going to do my best to make at lest the last 2 days. I do a charity sale for special kids each year and don't want to miss that. Thank-you
06-16-2009, 12:07 AM
Please sign us up!
Larry & Teddy Beer
45' coach
No trailer
T-shirt size 2 large
No slides
Towing Honda Pilot
No special food requests
06-16-2009, 01:20 PM
Were signed and paid.
45' no slides
tow veh.
XL & L
No grits, chitlins, or carp
Gonna be a great event. Jim count me in for any help needed.
Kenneth Brewer
06-27-2009, 10:01 AM
Please add us.
No tow
No slides
2 people
T-shirts - XL, XL
Thanks. Sending check.
06-27-2009, 05:19 PM
Ken, your bus makes 50 according to my tally, plus the converters.
07-12-2009, 08:10 PM
The Hoyum's will be there. Payment made through Paypal.
45' no slides
towing H3
lonesome george
07-22-2009, 03:34 PM
Length: 45
Trailer: no
Slides: no
People: 2
t's: L & L
Toad: no
Food request: no anchovies
Payment: pay pal
07-22-2009, 06:13 PM
We are already registered but don't remember if we sent the following:
-Coach length 40'
-Trailer? - NO
-T-shirt sizes - 2 XL
-Slide-Outs? - NONE
-Towed vehicle? Yes, Jeep Wriangler
-Special requests at meals: vegetarian options
07-22-2009, 07:21 PM
Did Pamela tell can just have both the t-shirts?
I know she is not a XL :)
07-22-2009, 07:26 PM
Yes she said she doesn't need anymore t-shirts and I go through one in a few weeks.
07-22-2009, 10:08 PM
We registered way early, but I am pretty sure did not supply the info...
-Coach length 45'
-Trailer? - NO
-T-shirt sizes - XXL, M
-Slide-Outs? - NONE
-Towed vehicle? Lexus GX470
-Special requests at meals: gluten & dairy free - dead animals esta bueno
07-22-2009, 10:24 PM
Yes she said she doesn't need anymore t-shirts and I go through one in a few weeks.
I once traveled with a freind who bought new clothes instead of washing his clothes. Lloyd, your supposed to WASH them. :D;)
07-23-2009, 01:52 AM
Oh is that how it works...
07-23-2009, 10:51 AM
Information for OKC:
Coach: 45 Ft.
2 Slide Outs
No Trailer
Towed vehicle: Buick Enclave
Special food: None
T-Shirts: 2 - XXL
07-23-2009, 12:40 PM
No slides
No trailer
Tow: Grand Cherokee
T-Shirts: 1 XL and 1 M
Jim Skiff
07-26-2009, 05:03 PM
If you were thinking of coming to OKC with a coach, please let me know in the next week or so. We are very close to capacity.
We still have room for folks attending without a coach as many POG members are learning and considering a purchase.
Don't see a friend on the current list ( (
Please let them know that it's time to sign up and pay for JDUB 09! (
07-31-2009, 07:02 PM
Jim, we our going to OKC the check is in the mail:rolleyes:I can see by all of the posts you need some information. So our coach is a red 3 ft. radio flier with black handle and some wild graphics.No slides,No trailer, I tried it but I could not pull it. Toad, a West coast skate board. Tee shirts, both large. Food,poptarts(strawberry). Any questions call me. Charlie:)
09-08-2009, 03:00 PM
If you are going to arrive early, you need to call Twin Fountains and tell them what day you are going to arrive. 405-475-5514
I was under the impression that Twin Fountains and Jim Skiff had agreed that Jim would give them the early arrival dates. Not so, or at least not in my case.
Ray Davis
09-08-2009, 03:17 PM
I called a couple of weeks or so ago with my early dates, and unfortunately the girl in the office was kinda confused. I tried to explain that Jim was not handling reservations (or more specifically monies) for anything other than the rally dates. That wasn't clear at the time!
I might just re-check to make sure!
09-08-2009, 03:41 PM
I had also tried a while back and got the same confusion. But today I had better luck. Seems like whoever is there today might have a clue.
09-08-2009, 11:59 PM
We are already in, but don't remember this info being tis
-Coach length 40'
-Trailer? - NO
-T-shirt sizes - 1 large, 1 XXL
-Slide-Outs? - NONE
-Towed vehicle? Yes, Honda Accord (for this last trip)
-Special requests at meals: Any kind of good Mexican
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