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05-01-2009, 11:31 AM
Hi all,

What a long week but we made some great contacts for Pilots N Paws and also got to see a few fellow Poggers! Wish we would have had the time to party with them all.

Jon did have the opportunity to head over to Gran and Kim Tracy's coach for a homemade meal. Bob was still in Sanford having our one roof air replaced so we had to miss it. Missed that helicoptor ride too, darn! (I hear Jon chuckling, he knows how I love to fly--NOT) We had a surprise visit from Paul and Janice Horner and friends. Jon chatted with the previous owner of his coach, Kim?, and also with some flight instructors he knew from years ago. All in all a worthwhile trip and we accomplished what we intended.

I'd attach some photos but I would have to resize them all first so instead, here is a link to the web album with some nice pics.


Thank you all for your support of Pilots N Paws--we continue to grow and have close to 400 volunteer pilots and almost 2000 registered users on the website. Our best guess is 1000 animals saved. Just proves that if you are passionate about something you can make a difference with the help of others!

Debi and Bob-05 and holding........

Joe Cannarozzi
05-01-2009, 11:44 AM
400 pilots, lets see, what is that Deb about 1/20th of the way to seeing you eat raw oysters:rolleyes:

We are all anxiously awaiting that day.

Maybe at a future charity auction we could take bids on each one that you eat:eek: Help you acquire a taste for the slimy little things.;)

Jon Wehrenberg
05-01-2009, 12:04 PM
Here are some pictures of our booth in Lakeland, FL. The last photo was one of the six pups I did on a transport yesterday that was going to be euthanized. She is now in safe hands looking for a permanent home and she epitomizes what pilotsnpaws is all about.

Jon Wehrenberg
05-01-2009, 12:08 PM

Don't pick on Debi. With all the work she has put into this I would never make her eat oysters if she doesn't want to. That would be like asking someone on the gallows to tie their own noose. She is working like I am to get as many pilots on board as possible so pups like shown above can get to forever homes.

Joe Cannarozzi
05-01-2009, 01:49 PM
I won't eat the slimy things either:o They were suppose to be motivating comments.

Jon Wehrenberg
05-01-2009, 03:13 PM
Work with me, Joe, not against me.

If Debi thinks her hard work is going to increase the number of pilots to the point that she has to eat one of those slimy things, she may just lay down on the job.

Right now she is working like a borrowed mule. She needs encouragement, not the potential for raw oysters at the end of the day.

Deb, ignore Joe and his misguided comments. I would not let you eat an oyster if you were not going to enjoy it. That would be wasting one that I could enjoy.

05-01-2009, 03:14 PM
I won't eat the slimy things either:o They were suppose to be motivating comments.

Joe tell you what, if we do reach Jon's magical "oyster eating" number of pilots I will be happy to hold my nose and swallow one. Will you join me?? :D

There was not an agreement that said I needed to eat more then one oyster but you know me, if POG members decide we are a worthwhile cause for another auction I may have to re-think my position! Anything to help the animals in need...

Thanks for having my 6 Jon;)