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04-12-2009, 10:40 PM
Hey guys,

I don't know if anyone has the answer to this question, but it never hurts to ask.

First, a little background, and I'll skip the details and keep it brief. I live and work at a campground in Virginia Beach, and the work/living environment has changed, is hostile and nearly unbearable. Because my wife is active duty and stationed here, our options are limited. In an attempt to have a backup plan, I've called all other campgrounds in the area, but all are full for the summer already. (guess the economy isn't as bad as we thought) I've been told that if an employee/work camper is fired, they must leave within 48 hours. I have been here since last August, and thought that I was considered a resident after 90 days, with all the rights of a tenant.

So my question is, do I have any recourse if fired? I would think I'd have at least 30 days notice to vacate. Wouldn't they have to go though the legal system to evict someone, or are campgrounds excempt from this?

If all else fails, there are a couple large retail stores that have closed with large empty parking lots, would they be an option untill we could get into a campground?

Appreciate any help or advise.


04-13-2009, 07:09 AM

I can not help you with legal advice, but maybe I can give you a few ideas about how to find a place to stay.
I am retired Air Force and for 12 months I lived n my bus in the DC area. Stayed most of the time in the Andrews AFB FAMCAMP. But we also stayed in Virgina State parks, relatives driveways and did some traveling.
Have you checked with any of the local FAMCAMPS?
Is your wife deployed right now? If so, you could move further away from Virginia Beach to find a place to stay, at least to give some time to find something closer.
Check State and county parks, most have a 2 week limit, but it can be "gamed" once the rangers get to know you.
Old fashioned trailer parks will sometimes have a few places to park an RV, scout them out. It is not a perfect solution, but might work for a while.
Do not be afraid to have to move every week or two. Explore the whole area including the back roads and you might find a hidden gem.
Also, when you check with these campgrounds, ask if they have overflow or dry camping. In a pinch that works, and once you are in the campground, it is amazing what a little leg work and sweet talking can get you.
Have you checked the Williamsburg area up on I64? There are a bunch of campgrounds up that way. Also check with Elks Lodges and VFW's in the area. Some have hookups. Do not be afraid to mention your wife is active duty, there are a lot of patriotic people out there that will help a GI.
LAST NOTE, if they say they are all full for the summer, ask about short stay sites, 5 to 14 days. A lot of sites are "seasonal rentals" but they are not always used for the whole season.



Jon Wehrenberg
04-13-2009, 07:16 AM
Forget the legal system. Life is too short to be involved with that. If you have to move, sounds like Andre has some good ideas.

04-13-2009, 09:50 AM
I agree with Jon. If they demand that you move, you're probably not going to want to stay under those conditions anyway.

Andre has some great suggestions. And, we have stayed overnight in vacant strip mall parking lots on several occasions without incident or problem.

Good luck.

Joe Cannarozzi
04-13-2009, 10:11 AM
Even with propane on board, unless you have solar, to boon-dock full-time the cost to run the generator will be just as much, probably more than a monthly rate.

Then there is fresh water and dumping. Summers coming what about a/c?

You need to find a plug.

04-13-2009, 10:31 AM
Geoff and Joe,

The recommendation to dry camp was meant as a short term solution. If the RV parks full hook up sites are full on the weekends, then dry camp on the weekend and on Sunday night get a full hook up again.
Believe me, any campground that wants to make money will work with you. A lot of parks are full Friday night thru Sunday afternoon, and almost empty during the week.
An electric only site will also work. Fill with water and dump once a week. I did that for months and it worked fine.

04-13-2009, 04:24 PM
Thanks for the help, I had suggested a few of these ideas already to my wife, she replied that boondocking will not be acceptable because her command requires a physical address. My wife is returning from cruise/deployment this week, the first 4 months here were great, then started going downhill the last 4, untill now where things are getting ugly.(I still don't really know why) Before staying here, we were at one of the famcamps, but they a) are FULL for the summer, b) have max stay of 60 days. Of course max stay isn't that big of a deal, except that ALL the famcamps in the Norfolk area are full of military and retired doing what we are. Sadly the military isn't that familiar or friendly toward this way of life, even though they require us to move every few years, ironic. I guess I'll just have to do my best to deal with the situation I'm in as long as I can. I pray my wife and God can help keep me from snapping.

04-13-2009, 06:23 PM
There's an Outdoor Resorts in Virginia Beach. Maybe some inquiries could be made there to see if any of the owners would consider a long term rental.

Will Garner
04-13-2009, 07:36 PM

In 2007 Carole & I stayed at the Syria Shrine RV Parking Area. There are no campgrounds in Allegheny County PA. I would never have thought the Shriners would be an option but they had an area that the USGA was using for volunteer parking. The lead security agent, his wife, Carole and I were the only people in the RV Parking Area. The Shriners invited us to a Pot Luck dinner the night we arrived and then were gone after breakfast the next morning. The only resource they did not have was a dump station. There was a local honey wagon service that came to us and pumped out our tanks.

Check with the local Shriners and who knows, they may have some resource you could use temporarily.

Of course there is always the option of telling the wifey to just go back to sea - NOT!

Good Luck in finding something suitable for the both of you.

04-13-2009, 10:31 PM
I don't know the area, but in our area, there is always a ranch or property where the owner would'nt mind a few extra $$ for a Bus or RV parked for a while. My brother lived in a 5th wheel for several years on a ranch here locally. No problems and very quiet.