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View Full Version : Rod Burton Coincidence

04-09-2009, 09:17 PM
Howdy all from East Tennessee (Huntsville).

Today I was at my guitar lesson. Sitting in my chair across from my instructor (Randy Terry), I noticed a new wall decoration. It was the cover of a newspaper style publication, which I believe was called Gospel Music (or something close to that). On the cover was Rod Burton (one of our newest POG members), along with a smaller picture of one of the bands (Lakeside) my instructor plays in.

I thought that was kind of cool, so thought I'd pass that along to POG. I look forward to hearing your music in person someday, Rod.

Eric Faires
Huntsville, TN

04-09-2009, 10:14 PM
Hey there Eric...yep...that would be me. And as long as I'm not shown under the words "Wanted" or something...I'm feeling pretty good about it!

Great to meet you...hope to see you on the road somewhere!