View Full Version : Opinions? "Welcome To The New Corporate Jet "
04-05-2009, 04:29 PM
Some how, this makes me feel just a little bit uncomfortable. Is that reasonable?
Here's the title of the forbes article in case the link soesn't work.
"Welcome To The New Corporate Jet "
04-05-2009, 05:00 PM
I think the world is basically moving at a faster pace every year. Right now, we are in a slow period, but it won't last. A year or two from now people will be buyng jets again to get whereever they need to be 24/7. It's the rat race.
Does anyone really believe the corporate world wants to stop and smell the roses?
04-05-2009, 05:05 PM
Hey All....
They are still buying jets, just not from me! Who cares about the toilet when you are moving at 500 miles per hour...
BTW fix someone up with a nice Lear Jet 24, fast mover, less than 300k.....
Jon Wehrenberg
04-05-2009, 05:24 PM
OK, John.......after they spend a measly $300,000 on that Lear, tell them the rest of the story, like what it will actually cost to own that puppy.
And even though that kerosene powered bullet will eat fuel at a rate that makes a diesel locomotive seem like a Prius, that will be the cheapest part of ownership.
04-05-2009, 05:38 PM
Seems the last I looked, the 24 had 23 minutes of fuel. with full tanks, at sea level. However it gets much better at 410 (it's only altitude) almost 2 and one half hours..................
Didn't say that operating the pup would be cheap however, you have to admit, it would be a hellava lot of fun...think about last week with the mutz....nuff said......
Jon Wehrenberg
04-05-2009, 05:56 PM
You are right. Last week would have been a whole lot of fun in a Lear compared to slogging along in the crud.
I remember a Lear driver telling me one time that even on short hops that aren't long enough to get to their cruise altitude they just keep it pointed up until they need to descend for landing. An Erie (PA) controller told me of a flight he had in a Lear from ERI to BUF. They climbed the first half and I think he said they got just to the flight levels and then descended into BUF.
It took 14 minutes.
04-05-2009, 06:25 PM
A friend of mine fly's to all his performances..and I can't tell you how many messages I've gotten in the last couple of months about delays and changes to plans because of mechanical, or weather related issues.
I keep telling him...BUS...that's the answer. :)
Jon Wehrenberg
04-05-2009, 07:40 PM
Time to spare........go by air.
04-05-2009, 09:37 PM
If corporate America is or isn't buying and flying corporate jets, well, at this point in my career I just don't give a rip.
What bothers me is that some one pointed the finger at a converted coach and declared it to be the new corporate jet. I'm not sure that it truely was a compliment in the eyes of many.
Now, the normal readership of Forbe's doesn't worry me because I know they'll deal from me (pun intended). I've seen them coming for years. And the one's that read the Federal Register along with Forbes are too busy trying to figure out the auto industry. I am concerned about the barber shop readers and news stand grubs who have been reved up by current conditions and maybe recently unemployed and who just might interpret this as - them pesky varmint CEOs, bonus stealers, cash statchin and bad deal makers are now sneaking around in them thar fancified school buses bought on the taxpayer's dime, my dime. I'll show them.
Maybe you experienced guys have figured out where the buttons are on your coach to get to 30,000 ft at 410 mph. I haven't. Neither have I found the buttons for the Prevost optional awning of invisibility.
My thinking is, that with curent conditions and recent events that we don't need anyone pointing a spot light on us. It is tough enough to be inconspicuous in a 45 ft, custom work of art, which just screams "rich dude on board" rolling down the open road.
Maybe I'm just being paranoid. However, too many times have I had the lesson that "Just because I'm paranoid, it doesn't mean that they aren't out to get me."
Sorry up front for the rant.
04-05-2009, 11:50 PM
After I've taken my Prozac and removed my tin foil hat, I often wonder the same thing. But there's more admirers than detractors, so I don't worry much about people. Now, the Goverment is another thing. Has anyone checked their File with the FBI lately.
04-06-2009, 12:05 AM
Thanks Gary. I guess I won't put that contemplated third layer of foil in my windows.
Now about hat FBI file thing..............:rolleyes:
Jon Wehrenberg
04-06-2009, 07:56 AM
Over the years we have seen other people's opinions about the coach shift. In 1990 there were few conversions relative to the number now on the roads. Entertainers were almost exclusively Eagle and the occasional MCI. So a Prevost was rare, and because they were relatively recent as motorhome shells they were new and looked exceptional compared to what entertainers used. People, and especially truckers wanted to know all about them.
It was very rare when the comments were envious. The truckers wanted to know if we won the lottery, had a star on board, how many it slept and what it cost. We rarely went through a day without hearing those questions.
Today Prevost conversions are all over the highways. What we sense is changing is when people realize a conversion is not an entertainer's they accept the fact it is a motorhome without any further interest or comment, or they openly express their opinion about "rich bastards". I don't know if our observation squares with what other owners are seeing and hearing because with an XL we are now an older vintage. I suspect owners of H and XLII models may still experience a little of the awe that was common in 1990, but I also suspect there is resentment.
I have been a little surprised at how bitter some people are when they see a Prevost conversion. Rather than being happy about someone's success it seems as though some people feel we all got successful by cheating someone else.
I agree with Ed. I would rather be below everyone's radar. At least in the plane the general public has little or no contact and thus cannot vent their unhappiness, but in the bus we apparently represent the bad guys to some people.
04-06-2009, 08:39 AM
Listen here sonny, you see that bus over there, with all that shiny metal! That driver in there is a chauvinist Capitalist Pig, you be ware!
Yes Grandma.
04-06-2009, 08:50 AM
There can be some legitimate concern here.
Unfortunately, there appears to be a percentage of people who believe that only millionaires own a Prevost bus (boy, are they wrong! I'm barely a thousand-aire) and that somehow we certainly must have cheated somebody somewhere to get that much dough.
And there may even be some that would like to separate you from what they believe to be your riches. So it pays to always be aware of your surroundings and play it safe.
It can be real hard to maintain a low profile while driving a 45' bus with a whole lot of stainless just sparkling in the sun!!
04-06-2009, 09:21 AM
Better get used to it with the new administration continuing to incite class warfare and the "fairness doctrine." At some point being a productive citizen refusing to graze at the public trough will ensure you are a persecuted minority - bus or no bus....
Over the years we have seen other people's opinions about the coach shift. In 1990 there were few conversions relative to the number now on the roads. Entertainers were almost exclusively Eagle and the occasional MCI. So a Prevost was rare, and because they were relatively recent as motorhome shells they were new and looked exceptional compared to what entertainers used. People, and especially truckers wanted to know all about them.
It was very rare when the comments were envious. The truckers wanted to know if we won the lottery, had a star on board, how many it slept and what it cost. We rarely went through a day without hearing those questions.
Today Prevost conversions are all over the highways. What we sense is changing is when people realize a conversion is not an entertainer's they accept the fact it is a motorhome without any further interest or comment, or they openly express their opinion about "rich bastards". I don't know if our observation squares with what other owners are seeing and hearing because with an XL we are now an older vintage. I suspect owners of H and XLII models may still experience a little of the awe that was common in 1990, but I also suspect there is resentment.
I have been a little surprised at how bitter some people are when they see a Prevost conversion. Rather than being happy about someone's success it seems as though some people feel we all got successful by cheating someone else.
I agree with Ed. I would rather be below everyone's radar. At least in the plane the general public has little or no contact and thus cannot vent their unhappiness, but in the bus we apparently represent the bad guys to some people.
04-06-2009, 02:39 PM
After thinking about this over night, I recalled a few quips I heard at the TGO in January and Oyster fest II. Which might be employed as self defense measures.
"Rich?! Hardly, I'm homeless and I live in my vehicle.", Janice Horner
"I know nothing, I'm just the driver.", several POG members, but I think I heard it from Lew first.
"I just drive the bus and we don't travel with cash. Company policy."
"If I (accomodated their request to board, look inside, tell who is in there,...) I would get fired. I'm just the driver."
and some smart Alek stated "If I were rich I'ld have one with slides!"
From another H3 driver, "Me rich? You don't see all that shiny stuff on this RV do you?"
Which although are funny, I am only going to deliver these should there arise a moment of true desparation. I am not inclined to throw fellow POG members under the bus with slides nor the shiny bus.
So, what other effective, defusing comments have you developed?
I've thought about reversing the ploy, I've run out of fuel and my wife and children (or dog) are hungry and in need of medical assistance, could you spare a $100?
How about: Yep $1million! But, I'll tell ya straight up. I'm in a bit iof a bind. If you're interested, I could let you have it today for $800k cash, no questions. Give me your cell number and I'll call you. Do you know anyone else who might be interested? What's their name, got a number? Damn, if they had just not taken my bonus. Say, have you got some money you could spare, maybe $one or two hundred. I'm good for it. Just give me your address and I'll put it in the mail to you next week.
Honestly, I hope that this is worry about nothing. However, even after just the few thousand miles I have travelled in the coach, I've had enough experience to teach me that I need to be prepared. My preference and first goal will always be to defuse a situation and drive away.
I will pray for, you may want to hope for or wish for, but let us all seek the safest of travels.
Jon Wehrenberg
04-06-2009, 02:50 PM
So Ed, what are you suggesting? When a trucker asks if we have a band on board are you suggesting I do not respond as follows.............
"We have no band on board, my name is Loc and I'm spending my $156,000,000 bonus before the feds get a chance to take it back."
I'm not allowed to say "I'm a former bank officer spending the money I stole before my prison sentence starts."
If however you want to endear yourself to folks like JDUB you could tell people your name is not unversally known, but that you were the inventor of Viagra.
Lately with all the kooks I just say all those things, but I am careful not to key the mike.
04-06-2009, 03:31 PM
Thanks Jon:
No, I'm not suggesting anything. I've decided.
I'm just going to tell them that I'm repo'ing the bus from the notorious fat cat Jon Wehrenberg. He invented Viagra and was so successful that he was asked to be the CEO of a major bank, which eventually got a lot of TARP money. He took the big bonuses he gave himself and spends his time doing the wine & dine thing for your daughter, wife and mother. He also managed to back this big, shiny, expensive bus over your favorite dog. Recently, he has taken to throwing his best friends on Earth under their own buses, repeatedly.
Would you like his address? :D
04-06-2009, 04:46 PM
Ed: Don't forget to add that he is a national celebrity known by every "lucky dog" alive & just made his first appearance in the National Enquirer or is it Inquirer.
04-06-2009, 05:49 PM
Roger: You're good. In spite of what Mr Fat Cat says about you.
By the way, I hope you are recovering from the injuries from yout last trip under your bus at Fat Cat's hand?
I figure with Jon's celebrity deal and if I can add in that necked flying thing spun into something about Jon flying necked, buzzing your Grammies house and mooning her. I've got security on the road for life.
Roger let's talk about this at the Tom Johnson rally.
Jon Wehrenberg
04-06-2009, 06:40 PM
It's gonna take more than you two to scare me. Remember, I not only fly nekkid, I snap my fingers to get coffee. C'mon guys, man up and be proud to tell the world you drive a Prevost because it is very rewarding making a fortune screwing the common man. Everybody believes that anyway, so tell them what they want to hear.
People get elected doing that, so it can't be all bad.
04-06-2009, 09:21 PM
How's about; ' I'm a Congressman '
Kevin Erion
04-06-2009, 09:34 PM
I drive a Prevost because I like to "get screwed" or so everyone that wants to work on it believes.
Thank goodness for POG and the fun I have playing with the bus when it needs some TLC!
Jon Wehrenberg
04-06-2009, 09:44 PM
You hit it on the head, but outside of this group of misfits who do you think will ever believe you are anything except some rich guy driving a megabuck bus that has "people" to do the menial labor on the bus.
Most people have a hard time believing we actually work on our own buses. For me apart from it being a neat way to travel it is a great hobby and I am always learning something.
04-06-2009, 10:41 PM
Those last three posts cinche it.
"I'm a moonlighting off the books mechanic test driving this for the congressman who owns it?
Yeah, that's the ticket.
04-06-2009, 10:48 PM
I don't know...I'm never quite sure why people point and stare when I get off's just my dark sunglasses and t-shirt that says "I'm Kind of a BIG Deal"
Go figure...
04-07-2009, 10:15 AM
I always like it when we stop somewhere and people will ask me when I get out..."Do you have anyone famous on that bus?" I reply, why yes I do! Then they will ask, "Who is it?" Then I say, My wife's on board, she famous to me.
I know it's a bit mean but I got tired of just saying no.
I never get ask when we pull our boat, just the matching trailer.
04-07-2009, 11:49 AM
Dale, You just brought a bit of dew to the corner of me eye. :)
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