View Full Version : Anyone Know These Buses
04-01-2009, 09:02 PM
Today at around 10:00 AM I saw these two coaches coming up on me in my mirror, got the camera ready and snapped a few hurried shots. They were heading east on I-90 close to Ashtabula, OH.
Steve Cooper
04-01-2009, 09:20 PM
Very similar paint schemes and no toads or trailers. I'd say entertainer coaches but that's just a guess.
04-01-2009, 09:27 PM
They looked new so I was thinking going or coming to or from a show, or being delivered???
They seemed to have more side windows than the entertainers have.
They were definitely not thinking about fuel mileage.
Steve Cooper
04-01-2009, 09:47 PM
On the entertainers I always look for the lack of window awnings. Seems to be a dead give away. I'd also wonder about them heading eastbound this time of year. Perry was almost two weeks ago so those coaches would be back at the barn by now.
I'm sticking with entertainers or maybe minor league hockey team. My wife would say this is a classic "guy thing". We see something; can't figure it out right away; shortly start making sh*t up.
She's normally asks; "you're making that up, right?" Smart girl.
04-01-2009, 10:08 PM
Just realized I had a senior moment:eek: they were heading West.
04-01-2009, 10:49 PM
I agree with Steve. Look at the bay door config. It looks to me like they have the longer wheel base of the entertainer coaches.
Gary & Peggy Stevens
04-01-2009, 10:54 PM
I agree with Steve. Look at the bay door config. It looks to me like they have the longer wheel base of the entertainer coaches.
Hey sawdust, how can you see the bay door configuration, let alone the longer wheel base in those picutes, NOT that I am slamming Jim. C.'s photo technique, but I can barely make out their color scheme? :D
Gary S.
04-01-2009, 11:08 PM
"They were definitely not thinking about fuel mileage."
While the above statement may be true Mr. Jim C. The reckless individual who was driving in the rain with one hand while flumbling with a camera with the other hand is what caught my attention. What kind of examaple is that for all our new forum members. So, the snow has melted and you've gotten all giddy about driving again??
04-02-2009, 01:47 AM
Hey sawdust, how can you see the bay door configuration, let alone the longer wheel base in those picutes, NOT that I am slamming Jim. C.'s photo technique, but I can barely make out their color scheme? :D
Gary S.
Hey Gary:
The H345 entertainers that I have looked at have only one bay door behind the tag wheel because of the slightly longer wheel base in comparison to the VIP H345 coaches. On the XLII's, the bottom of the panels behind the tag are angled downward from back to front on the entertainers. On the XLII motorhomes, that downward angle does not reach to the wheel well and thus there is a flat area at the bottom of the body panel just behing the Tag wheel.
How you see that, well, take a look down at the bottom right of your display (Internet Explorer). See that little thing that looks like a magnifying glass, well, it helps. You can enlarge that image up to 400%. Remember, I said "It looks like...."
Sooooo Gary, care to explain how you manage to renew your license when you can't see the broad side of a bus?:p:D
<TABLE height=157 width=720 border=0><TBODY><TR><TD width=117 height=153></TD><TD width=593 height=153>Four Section Folding Cane for the Visually Impaired Four section folding cane with red plastic grip handle and strap. White shaft is covered with reflector tape for night visibility. Available in even lengths only-from 42" through 54". </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
Joe Cannarozzi
04-02-2009, 07:30 AM
I see 5 sections of that cane.
04-02-2009, 07:37 AM
Mel, notice the white hood in the picture as well as the ws/wiper. I'm in my pick up and driving one handed is derigour, or something like that. The camera is usually close by for point and shoot, I have a concealed to carry permit. :p
From what I saw in their passing I would be more inclined to say then executive coach as they had a lot of glass and not bunk walls.
Who knows just wanted to mention what I saw. They looked new, but no exhaust out the top.
Remember stick shift, one handed driving all day long.:eek:
04-02-2009, 08:11 AM
Yea, Jim, I didn't mean to throw you under the bus. Just couldn't help myself. But not knowing which direction your driving, that's just wrong. So, your driving one handed in the rain, looking through the viewfinder of a camera, have a cold one stuck between your legs and the floor of the truck littered with empties?? You'd be right at home in Texas!!
Jon Wehrenberg
04-02-2009, 08:13 AM
I'll chime in here and postulate that the one in the picture wasn't even converted yet.
I agree about the entertainer shell being identified due to the short rear overhang, but nobody mentioned the lack of rub rails.
Typically Prevost installs rubber rub rails with the reflective material along their length. Converters usually install their own stainless rub rails. The bus in the photo does not have either, sugesting to me these coaches are on their way to a converter.
04-02-2009, 08:48 AM
"They were definitely not thinking about fuel mileage."
C'mon, Jim......even Jon admits to exceeding 59 MPH :D
04-02-2009, 12:01 PM
I see 5 sections of that cane.
4 sections and a handle.
04-02-2009, 10:35 PM
The second bus has the Prevost Sign on the back with OTR grills on the passenger, Starboard, side. It kind of looks @ 400% like it has rub rails, and a canopy up top over the starboard front Galley area. Also, two drivers license plate positions on the back which I see on Marathon's. There also appears to be a seam at the back starboad side which indicates possibly a slide. There also is something at the top on the port back end which I can't make out.
04-03-2009, 08:56 AM
I drive 60 mph Paul when not in a hurry, that gives me 18mpg.
I sped up after they passed me and they were going 75mph. The rain and not being able to get far enough away from then on the side limited the photos that might have been more interesting.
In that part of Ohio, that's pushing your luck. OH is 55mph for large trucks and commercial vehicles.
Not seen in the pictures the roofs were loaded with accessories.
Because the paint schemes were so similar I think they had the same owner.
04-03-2009, 11:41 AM
Jon: The shells don't come with a back up camera do they? A converter adds those? Otherwise, wouldn't we all have the same BU camera systems installed by Prevost at least in groups by years?
I have to side with Gary. That license plate configuration really stands out in my mind. It struck me the first time I saw it on a coach. Also, I tend to agree with the observation that there are awnings (the new integrated cover kind) which at first glance made me wonder H? or X?
Ah maybe I'm all wet too. I need to go for a coach ride.:(
04-03-2009, 03:07 PM
I believe those were the same buses I saw going West on I80 in Indiana on Wednesday. There were three- two traveling together and several miles back was the third. They all had similar, if not exact paint schemes, and had five roof airs on them in addition to satellite domes.
04-03-2009, 03:12 PM
The five roof airs is usually a good indication of an entertainer coach
Entertainers - notice the flat panel between the bays and the windows. No ribbed stainless. Dead give away that they are entertainers.
04-19-2009, 11:18 PM
Notice anything different on this good looking Bus?
He was my neighbor at TJCC this past week and he had to leave early his wife became ill and they had to get her to the Dr. in Florida. Wish them the best.
dale farley
04-19-2009, 11:34 PM
I "think" I see exactly what you are talking about.
04-20-2009, 10:20 AM
It is a great looking coach. Is that a handicap door? If it is, it's the nicest one I've ever seen.
04-20-2009, 05:12 PM
I Know, I Know. Pick Me ! It is an XLII with small windshields.
dale farley
04-20-2009, 05:21 PM
Jim, You should get ready to celebrate. Roger will probably be sending you some significant prize money. I would explain, but I don't want to steal Roger's thunder, since he was the first to notice this at the rally.
04-20-2009, 10:45 PM
Small windshields is the correct answer!!!.
Mr. Jim Keller. Congratulations you have just won the grand prize. An overnight visit from my wife and I that will boost your light bill, water bill, and exposure in the community to a new level, perhaps the highest it has ever been (not). This comment is reinforced by the fact that I pulled into a rest area and a guy comes up and says he saw me parked at your place - His name Bob Huff? This prize will also require you to spend your time entertaining us and taking you away from your required duties and chores. Your wife will be required will no effort to provide the best of the best southern hospitality known to man.
The answer for the small windows is the original owner ordered the coach with the small windshields. That is the explanation I received and it made sense and looked good too.
As some of you probalby guessed we visited Jim and Karen at their beautifully restored house/home/store/workshop/cottage in Franklin, NC and did exactly as stated above and they are Winners for sure.
ps The old GE refrigerator photo in another post is from the Kellers!
Gary & Peggy Stevens
04-20-2009, 11:39 PM
Roger, I looked and looked at that picture, cause it looks almost exactly like my bus with different colors, however my windows are not actually small windows, they just have the upper area masked,because I have overhead equipment racks inside the bus.
Notice the blacked out part at the top of my front windows makes them look smaller too. But behind my windows in the overhead are my electronics, A/V and Trace Panels and gauges.
Oh well, I didn't win nothing anyway !
Gary S.
04-21-2009, 09:33 AM
Dale F. & Ted/Mel--thanks for your participation..
Consolation prizes are being forwarded to all other contest participants. Just watch your mail box and the when you see the return address "U S Treasury", you will know that you got yours.
Gary: This XLII had a fiberglass cap that came down in the front like an XL. The windows are smaller than other XLII. I am not sure but, I may like it better than the huge windshields that I have. Keep trying to post the pix- Inquiring minds need to see.
Gary & Peggy Stevens
04-21-2009, 04:29 PM
Dale F. & Ted/Mel--thanks for your participation..
Consolation prizes are being forwarded to all other contest participants. Just watch your mail box and the when you see the return address "U S Treasury", you will know that you got yours.
Gary: This XLII had a fiberglass cap that came down in the front like an XL. The windows are smaller than other XLII. I am not sure but, I may like it better than the huge windshields that I have. Keep trying to post the pix- Inquiring minds need to see.
There you go Roger, I had too many Pixels in my Pic. the first time, I hate it when I do that!
Gary S.
TG Transport
04-23-2009, 11:28 PM
Those look like entertainer buses because of the longer wheel base plus if they were going that fast they're burning someone else's fuel.
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