04-01-2009, 05:13 PM
After all the tracking around that we did before and after the shuttle launch, I have finally figured out that we are trying to process nearly 4000 still frames of the launch. About 3000 of these are from the defragmentation of an HD video shot by someone we met at the launch. Abuout 200 are froma Cannon 40D mounted on a telescope, and about 400 are what Cindy and I shot with 40D's. We do not yet have the files from others we are sharing with. I wanted to get some of these posted asap however, I have run into some issues. Maybe some of the photographers out there can help.
We shot everything in RAW format. The files are huge (12-13 meg each?) . Any advise on how to get them down to something that could be loaded to POG (a few good ones) without smashing the quality would be helpful.
Are there any suggestions on a site that they could be loaded to for sharing?
In the mean time, here is a a link to the official NASA site containing pictures of the launch that are just spectacular p61 - 65. I beleive they were shot from the wildlife refuge accessible via Biolab Rd. It is closed to the public 24 hours before a launch. It is about 6-8 miles out.
We were set up at Veteren's Park where the Spacewalk is located. We were apporx. 12 miles out with direct line of sight to the launch pad.
Here is one of the shots we took. I think the image is at about 40% of it's size. I will try to post a few more of the shuttle and the vapor trail rainbow that so many people have talked about.
Again, much thanks to Andre and Anne for helping us accomplish a life long goal.
We shot everything in RAW format. The files are huge (12-13 meg each?) . Any advise on how to get them down to something that could be loaded to POG (a few good ones) without smashing the quality would be helpful.
Are there any suggestions on a site that they could be loaded to for sharing?
In the mean time, here is a a link to the official NASA site containing pictures of the launch that are just spectacular p61 - 65. I beleive they were shot from the wildlife refuge accessible via Biolab Rd. It is closed to the public 24 hours before a launch. It is about 6-8 miles out.
We were set up at Veteren's Park where the Spacewalk is located. We were apporx. 12 miles out with direct line of sight to the launch pad.
Here is one of the shots we took. I think the image is at about 40% of it's size. I will try to post a few more of the shuttle and the vapor trail rainbow that so many people have talked about.
Again, much thanks to Andre and Anne for helping us accomplish a life long goal.