View Full Version : The Pinnacle of Success
Jon Wehrenberg
03-30-2009, 08:10 PM
I know most of you are aware I carry animals to safety in my plane. I know most of you are aware Debi and I started Pilotsnpaws. I never realized just how famous Debi and I would become.
I called my daughter in Jamestown NY this morning to let her know I was about to depart from Chattanooga with 15 puppies on board. I had a plane load and wanted to share how happy I was that 15 pups would not be euthanized, but would find great homes.
But her reaction floored me. She was pleased about the 15 puppies (a personal record for the number of dogs flown on a single trip). She was excited that she had opened up her copy of the National Enquirer and there it of yours truly, our own Debi Boies, and a couple of the other PNP pilots.
National Enquirer. I have arrived. For a small fee Debi and I will autograph your personal copies of the paper.
They never contacted us, never interviewed anyone we know of, took photos that were on the PNP site, and have numerous errors and attributed quotes to me that I never said.
I cannot wait for next weeks paper.
Joe Cannarozzi
03-30-2009, 08:16 PM
Maybe now you can get some exposure with and get those UFO guys on board:D
03-30-2009, 08:54 PM
Were you fully dressed and did your picture include 2 heads and a tail?:eek:
03-30-2009, 09:04 PM
I'll be at the super market check out line tonight.
03-30-2009, 09:09 PM
National Enquirer. I have arrived. For a small fee Debi and I will autograph your personal copies of the paper.
They never contacted us, never interviewed anyone we know of, took photos that were on the PNP site, and have numerous errors and attributed quotes to me that I never said.
I cannot wait for next weeks paper.[/QUOTE]
Jon, you have to be making this up, right???? I have never in my life purchased or read the National Inquirer but maybe Mango will pick me up a copy when he heads to the supermarket tonight! Geez, just the kind of fame we need but who knows, maybe some kinky pilots will join:D
Debi (always looking for the positive!)
03-30-2009, 09:18 PM
:confused:John, the NE magazine we got here in Key West had your picture in it, but it had a story that you had left your wife and gone to the dogs:confused:
03-30-2009, 09:23 PM
An autographed copy would make a good OKC auction item.
03-30-2009, 09:29 PM
Wow! Now y'all have really made the big time.
Jamie Bradford
03-30-2009, 09:42 PM
I hope you were not in your slippers & nitee with your hair in curlers:eek:
03-30-2009, 10:13 PM
Sue them for Defamation of Character!
03-30-2009, 10:43 PM
The article says that you fly nude. Tell us it ain't so, we all thought you were saving the pups from inhumane treatment.
And, Jon, all you celebrities say "I never spoke with them." Sure, we believe that.
03-30-2009, 11:02 PM
The scary part is Wendy is a NE subscriber!:eek:
What's up with that A-1?:confused:
03-31-2009, 02:56 AM
Congratulations Jon. I've never known any one who has really made it before now. Please, don't worry about all the snide comments from the others. It's a diversion. They are just worried that you might look at some back NE issues and see the pictures of them with animals:eek::D.
Now we're talking about some OKC auction items.
Jon Wehrenberg
03-31-2009, 08:53 AM
I do fly nude. I did have my skivvies on in the photos, and flying alongside of me was a UFO.
03-31-2009, 10:13 AM
Picked up a copy last night.
No Jon. Must've been a different issue. Bummer.
However did find this photo under "aliens in our midst".
04-01-2009, 12:10 AM
Dude. Way too much info. Way too many oysters for you!!
04-01-2009, 12:14 AM
Hi Jon. When's the 60 Minutes interview? Maybe Andy Rooney?
Jon Wehrenberg
04-01-2009, 06:57 AM
I'm holding out for Larry King. Deb wants Oprah. We will compromise and take Jerry Springer.
04-01-2009, 09:16 AM
They airbrushed out Jon's pink curlers, darn!~ Those "alien's" you sent a picture of are good friends of ours so please watch what you say, we helped transport them to this planet:D
Debi (just glad for the publicity, I think??)
04-01-2009, 10:46 PM
Hey Jon. Now that your a public Personality, you have to watch out for the Poparazi.
Jon Wehrenberg
04-02-2009, 09:06 AM
I've already had to give out my autograph.
I had to give one to Skiffer at the bottom of a check for membership.
04-02-2009, 04:35 PM
I've already had to give out my autograph.
I had to give one to Skiffer at the bottom of a check for membership.
I hope Jim remembered to charge you the celebrity rate to help subsidize us mere mortals! :p It's all the rage now - redistribution of wealth - all the libs are doing it! :eek:
Will Garner
04-03-2009, 08:58 AM
I could be mistaken here, that's why I asked for Lew. I am calling into question your spelling of Poparazi. In the specific case under discussion I firmly believe the correct spelling would be Puparazi. I can just see Jon, natilly attired in his Fruit of the Looms, fleeing from a pack of puppies, all with slobbering tongues out wanting to share their love!
Later ...
Jon Wehrenberg
04-03-2009, 09:20 AM
OK, I was fully dressed when this happened, but it has to be said to correct the impression Will has.
On Wednesday I challenged Mother Nature and traversed an area of very heavy weather extending from the gulf across the FL panhandle, southern AL and GA carrying two border collies. See and use N732JB as the tail number. I was fully dressed. The bouncing through some of the route was less than pleasant and apparently one of the pups decided his soft side crate was not where he wanted to be. I don't think he was slobbering to share the love and I can assure anyone I wasn't fleeing because I had nowhere to go.
I think the Border Collie wanted to help fly, so he worked for quite a while attempting to join my fully clad body in the front seat, while I worked for the same amount of time attempting to keep him in the coach class seating.
Undoubtedly the NE will report this as my having flown a flight while fondling a puppy (who weighed about 50 pounds). Pilots will appreciate what it is like hand flying an ILS with a 500 foot ceiling with one hand while petting a dog with the other to keep it calm (it had gotten up on top of the crate and was now right behind my shoulders).
The thrill is certainly back in flying.
04-03-2009, 09:35 AM
That only shows your leg back home...what's with the 12000 feet I think 240 may have been better at least till you were past Macon, after all it shows P-210! Looks like you got outta FLA just in time, kida red over there to your left, probably got a good jolt or two on the climb out as well..............
04-03-2009, 09:39 AM
Sounds like quite a thrill! ..............
Glad you destinated safely!!
Jon Wehrenberg
04-03-2009, 10:01 AM
On thre same day the leg from Folsom County, Cullman GA to KGNV shows the worst of it.
The trip home at 12,000 was uneventful with very little turbulence and mostly light rain and IMC until Dublin. After Dublin I was on top
It was the trip southeastbound in the AM that was bouncy.
FWIW, I have always bitched at guys that use XM weather to thread their way, but on that particular day it seemed XM had gotten their act together. The weather was refreshing every 6 minutes and as a long range tool used in conjuction with my radar and strikefinder I had no issues apart from the bumping going through the area of weather. If I recall some of the tops were running between 31,000 and 45,000 although my path was well away from those. 24,000........I wish. Us guys flying GA stuff have to rely on skills rather than big expensive planes.:D
04-03-2009, 10:27 AM
Jon my dear friend, don't get cocky. :eek:
04-03-2009, 10:34 AM
Couldn't agree more on the XM, great long range planning tool however I would never attempt to "pick my way thru" an area with XM only...that's nutz.
I couldn't tell from flight tracker the cloud tops however red is usually a pretty good indicator that they could be up high.........
I often fly my Seneca at the higher levels (for pistons) 180-220 and other than needing a week or so to get up there, it does allow me to miss a good deal of the weather and to take advantage of the winds West to East, although the canula is annoying. I watch the weather closely however, winds get much above 50-60 knots I get outta there, having soared heavy airliners in a mountain wave over the front range a time or two! Those things are no match for light aircraft........
Finally, you were flying around with two dogs, try 13! Same thing, moaning about "how long is it gonna be ruff", "the passenger in 23j is starting to bark, I mean barf", "Is that Woof creek down there?"
Jon Wehrenberg
04-03-2009, 11:43 AM
Brian and John........
I have a severe case of chicken.
I was measuring tops with the radar, and what was seen to ATC as extreme was a hell of a lot of rain at just below my altitude to the ground. I went through a couple of areas painted bright red on the XM which matches what ATC sees pretty closely, but which was rainfall mostly below me. I was in cloud, but not precip. I was at 13,000 and anytime my radar picked up precip at my altitude I measured its height and determined my path accordingly, hence the small deviations you see.
None of the tops I measured was above 15,000 along my actual route. There were areas of thunderstorms but at the time of my passage most of them were approaching the Atlantic coast.
As I was breaking out of the heaviest precip that I was mapping I asked for and got lower because I wanted a very slow descent to keep my air speed down in case I got back into turbulence.
I suspect no airline pilot would have considered me sane. They have used different approaches to dealing with crap like this, and I suspect the most used approach is to be at high altitude and visually go around the buildups. Unfortunately us low level guys don't have a chance to do that. So for me a trek through the crud is a high workload affair measuring tops and then remembering in a map created in the brain which tops are still going up and which are descending to forecast the best path. It ain't fun, but it is the only way I know of getting to where I am headed.
When I do not see a path at least 20 miles wide away from the thunderstorms (which I never saw on this path) I land or turn around.
04-03-2009, 12:02 PM
Pilots&Paws should ask National Enquirer for donation.
Perhaps another larger plane ;)
04-03-2009, 09:24 PM
and Jon, let's not forget the flight I was on with you and out of no where you said "I don't like the looks of that!" I stopped breathing for a nano second, asked "what?" and you replied "Oh nothing!" Yeah right, the oh nothing was lightening registering on the convection device or whatever the heck that thing is called!
Trust me, if you are the least bit squeamish about flying, you do not want to hear those words from Jon;)
He is an excellent pilot, I was never really worried but admit to being glad when we were finally out of the thunderstorm dance and on the ground. I understand now why the Pope kisses it! (the ground not Jon:p)
Jon Wehrenberg
04-03-2009, 10:07 PM
Debi, The only times a passenger needs to worry in a plane is when the pilot says "watch this" or worse, "oh shit."
When stuff lights up my Strikefinder or radar, I go where it ain't lit. If you will recall I don't think with all the weather that was everywhere that day, we didn't even get the plane wet.
04-03-2009, 11:26 PM
Debi, The only times a passenger needs to worry in a plane is when the pilot says "watch this" or worse, "oh shit."
When stuff lights up my Strikefinder or radar, I go where it ain't lit. If you will recall I don't think with all the weather that was everywhere that day, we didn't even get the plane wet.
Yes, just a little sprnkle here and there but nothing took GREAT care of me, made my first GA ride a memorable one, and we helped save a beautiful dobe who is now in a loving home....all in all a wonderful day! Strikefinder, how appropriately named, and I have added that to my pilot vocab now:D
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