View Full Version : Advice on NYC
TG Transport
03-28-2009, 10:10 AM
My wife and I are heading to Niagara Falls in June and would like to spend a night with friends on the return trip in NYC. Does anyone have any advice on where to dock for the night in some proximity to Manahattan?
03-28-2009, 10:35 AM
Liberty Harbor Park RV in Jersey City, NJ is just across the bayou (actually river) from Manhattan. It is not a very nice campground (gravel sites) but the location is excellent. Here is a site that will tell you more about the park.
If you want some alternative ideas about camping IN NYC you need to hear from Jeff Bayley. He is the POG expert on how to camp in New York City. Jeff can you chime in!:)
03-28-2009, 04:05 PM
Welcome aboard, glad to see another GA bus!;);)
TG Transport
03-29-2009, 09:33 AM
Thanks for the advice. It looks like the hook-up. We do not tow a vehicle so access to ferry and subway is just what we were looking for.
03-29-2009, 11:49 AM
Thanks for the advice. It looks like the hook-up. We do not tow a vehicle so access to ferry and subway is just what we were looking for.
Is there a direct link to this magical spot? I'm always looking for a place to park my rig near NYC but as of yet have had no luck.
Kenneth Brewer
03-29-2009, 02:32 PM
Kenneth Brewer
03-29-2009, 02:35 PM
Liberty Harbor RV Park: Contact & Directions <!-- InstanceEndEditable -->
<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="MainContent" -->Contact:
Liberty Harbor Marina & RV Park
11 Luis Munoz Marin Blvd.
Jersey City, NJ 07302
Carmen Aponte: (
03-29-2009, 09:34 PM
We're about 15 miles north of the George Washington Bridge in New Jersey. Off RT. 17 (Mahwah, NJ). An easy run to the Big Apple. We have one 30amp hook up and water if you need it.
03-30-2009, 11:05 AM
FYI, I emailed them and they said price is $60 per night. Water and electric at site, sewer on premises but not at individual sites.
TG Transport
04-07-2009, 05:44 PM
I guess that's not too bad for NYC pricing. Looks like we will be there the evenings of June 14 and 15.
Will Garner
04-07-2009, 07:59 PM
We are going to the US Open in June. Our reservations are for the Battle Row Campground in Nassau County. It is a County Park that takes reservations first from residents but is open to the public if spots are available. This link will take you to the contact information for Nassau County Parks and Recreation Department. Carole spoke with them and they were very nice to deal with. If I recall the rate was $26.00 per day with hook ups. Not bad for being just east of NYC. The park is in Old Bethpage which has an LIRR station for trips into the City. The trains are electrified all the way to Manhattan. No more changing at Jamaica Station.
I think to get there in the bus you may have to go across the George Washington Bridge and drop back down to Long Island. I have to check into the routing later this month while meeting with the NYS Police.
Hope this helps.
Ray Davis
04-07-2009, 08:21 PM
I take it you won't be back in CA this year?
Will Garner
04-08-2009, 07:30 PM
This year is an East Coast event for the Open. Its at The Black Course in Bethpage Long Island. We lived near there for seven years back in the 1980's. My how time flies! Next year it goes back to the West Coast - I think it is to Pebble Beach. We have not even discussed any routing for that trip. We will probable delay that discussion until early 2010 just to see which routes we want to take out and back.
We are talking about the possibility of going to the last couple of days of the Baloon Festival in New Mexico (I can't spell the darned name of the City)
Hope all is well with you guys in Ca.
04-08-2009, 08:51 PM
This year is an East Coast event for the Open. Its at The Black Course in Bethpage Long Island. We lived near there for seven years back in the 1980's. My how time flies! Next year it goes back to the West Coast - I think it is to Pebble Beach. We have not even discussed any routing for that trip. We will probable delay that discussion until early 2010 just to see which routes we want to take out and back.
We are talking about the possibility of going to the last couple of days of the Baloon Festival in New Mexico (I can't spell the darned name of the City)
Hope all is well with you guys in Ca.
Will: I was thinking the same thing about the Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta. We need to talk about that. Anyone else?
Joe Cannarozzi
04-08-2009, 09:59 PM
Give the dog some pepperoni
Jeff Bayley
05-17-2009, 05:06 PM
Thanks Lew for remembering about the NYC stories. I only wish I hadn't lost more of the photos from NYC. I have them saved in a PDF file which won't post here but anyeone that wants to see us lounging in Rockafeller center outside the bus on the sidewalk in our Yes, I spend 9 months RV'ing there with not so much as a single piece of trouble. Some said on the prior threads on the subject they wouldn't dream of spending one night there. Just keep your bay doors locked is all.
Rather than recount the whole thing, I've managed to find the two other long links on the subject ; one of which includes a NYC link to where you can find legal, legit "Bus Lay Over" parking. Just a few miles from Times Square is where we stayed. But I also stayed right in Times Square. Frank Sinatra Park right across the river has a good spot to but it's a bit harder to find 3 spots in a row there. You want to stay there for several days once you post it. I saw a meter maid through the window walk by my bus, see it expired and just kept on walking. What I learned is there are a lot of exceptions for buses like ours (like parking in a fire zone for 2 days w/o getting a ticket). Fire zone, automatic open cars there. Dangerous and unsafe for the public ? Not if your in the bus and can move when you here the fire trucks pull up it's not. So if you want to park there and watch TV while the family hits the shops then your good.
These other links go on and on about how to get water and the whole thing. I think I had more than these two posts. Go to these pages, scroll down until you see my name and you might want to page through the entire threads as I think memebers kept sayign "but what about this" and "but what about that" and I had answers for everything. One important triva detail. You can't fit through the tunnels in an H3. Must use G.Washington Bridge. You also aren't allowed to have propane but I think most all of our buses are all electric. Driving through the city not hard. There's tons of commercial buses and 18 wheelers down there everyday. Do it. It's fun. If you like to get woke up early to live famous performers, park at Rockafeller Center where they have the Today Show and a different free concert almost every morning. Only about 3 or 4 songs but you get up close there. Wish I had the pictures showing me made up in a sleeping bag like a panhandler. Fun stuff.
Start here:
and here
05-17-2009, 05:59 PM
We are going to the Albuquerque Festival. I have been once before and had a great time.
Hope to see you there
Gary & Peggy Stevens
05-18-2009, 11:28 AM
Ray, We are talking about the possibility of going to the last couple of days of the Baloon Festival in New Mexico (I can't spell the darned name of the City)
Hey Will, its Albuquerque, and you can't spell Balloon either! :eek: :D
Thought I would point that out, before Lew wakes up from his morning nap.:o
Gary S.
05-18-2009, 09:42 PM
Damn it Gary, I dozed off for a couple seconds and you jumped right into my job on the spelling, etc.
TG Transport
05-20-2009, 09:10 AM
Jeff, thanks for the advice on the NYC in-town parking. My wife and I have had similar experinece in the downtown areas of other cities. It is amazing what you can get away with in a bus. We have driven into festivals, marinas, and resorts and no one has ever said a word. I just assumed NYC was another animal. We made a reservation at the Liberty Harbor Marina. Perhaps I will stay there the first night, venture into the city, and scope a site for the next evening. I like the Times Square concept. We will take some pictures.
Jeff Bayley
05-20-2009, 11:09 PM
Two good spots to park besides the ones on the link I supplied which shows you "official bus lay over" parking. Remember, we are in "buses" which are really RV's but they are also really buses. NYC cops have better things to do like bust drug dealers and resell their dope then to stick a microscope up our butts at these designated spots. So we can get away with a lot more with our Buses because they don't look like RV's or the typical RV.
Oh, the two good spots. The ones I'm giving away that I should keep secret but I know that hardly anyone is going to use them anyway so what difference does it make ? Rockafeller Center right in front of the Today Show. The private security monitors Rockafeller and they call the police if they need something. They automatically presume the bus is there for either the bands that play every morning outside in the courtyard (park as close to this courtyard as you can) or they figure it's a guest on the Today Show. You slip by with diplomatic imunity of sorts.
I also parked in front of the Starbucks directly next to the David Letterman Show. Same program with Cops figuring that it's carrying a musical guest or similar. As your starring at the front of the theater, look to your left and the Starbucks, and parking spot (which clearly says "No Parking" is where you park. I parked there to get in line early and get Letterman tickets (free by the way). I stayed there and went back and worked from the bus. Around 11 or 12, I watched out the window as no fewer than 8 Cops held up the outside wall of the Starbucks and drank their brew and never gave our bus a second glance, much less a parking ticket. The key is to not stay in one spot more than two nights. There is ample parking (fire zones) besides the official and legal "Bus Lay Over Parking" if you wish.
More later if interested.
Jeff Bayley
05-21-2009, 08:31 AM
<snip>. So we can get away with a lot more with our Buses because they don't look like RV's or the typical RV.
<snip> Rockafeller Center right in front of the Today Show. The private security monitors Rockafeller and they call the police if they need something. They automatically presume the bus is there for either the bands that play every morning outside in the courtyard (park as close to this courtyard as you can) or they figure it's a guest on the Today Show. You slip by with diplomatic imunity of sorts.
I also parked in front of the Starbucks directly next to the David Letterman Show. Same program with Cops figuring that it's carrying a musical guest or similar. As your starring at the front of the theater, look to your left and the Starbucks, and parking spot (which clearly says "No Parking" is where you park. I parked there to get in line early and get Letterman tickets (free by the way). I stayed there and went back and worked from the bus. Around 11 or 12, I watched out the window as no fewer than 8 Cops held up the outside wall of the Starbucks and drank their brew and never gave our bus a second glance, much less a parking ticket. The key is to not stay in one spot more than two nights. There is ample parking (fire zones) besides the official and legal "Bus Lay Over Parking" if you wish.
Jeff Bayley
Jeff! You are my new hero! In my younger days, I considered myself the king of "restricted access" by marching past any security point I wanted to with a long lense camera, a neck lanyard with multiple laminated passes (none for the venue/event I was at, and an outward demeanor of "I belong here"). I was almost never even questioned - much less denied entry! The same worked for me with my old bus (Barbara Mandrell's 1981 Eagle 10 entertainer) and we always had VIP parking (and often complimentary admission) to most any event we desired!
Now you've reminded me that my Prevost can be my new "long lense camera" and "admission ticket". We already get asked "who we're carrying" almost everytime we stop for fuel, shopping, or walk around breaks.
I've got to try your NYC suggestions sometime in the near future! What an adventure to spice up my "old age"! Keep 'em coming!
05-21-2009, 09:15 AM
Two good spots to park besides the ones on the link I supplied which shows you "official bus lay over" parking. Remember, we are in "buses" which are really RV's but they are also really buses. NYC cops have better things to do like bust drug dealers and resell their dope then to stick a microscope up our butts at these designated spots. So we can get away with a lot more with our Buses because they don't look like RV's or the typical RV.
Oh, the two good spots. The ones I'm giving away that I should keep secret but I know that hardly anyone is going to use them anyway so what difference does it make ? Rockafeller Center right in front of the Today Show. The private security monitors Rockafeller and they call the police if they need something. They automatically presume the bus is there for either the bands that play every morning outside in the courtyard (park as close to this courtyard as you can) or they figure it's a guest on the Today Show. You slip by with diplomatic imunity of sorts.
I also parked in front of the Starbucks directly next to the David Letterman Show. Same program with Cops figuring that it's carrying a musical guest or similar. As your starring at the front of the theater, look to your left and the Starbucks, and parking spot (which clearly says "No Parking" is where you park. I parked there to get in line early and get Letterman tickets (free by the way). I stayed there and went back and worked from the bus. Around 11 or 12, I watched out the window as no fewer than 8 Cops held up the outside wall of the Starbucks and drank their brew and never gave our bus a second glance, much less a parking ticket. The key is to not stay in one spot more than two nights. There is ample parking (fire zones) besides the official and legal "Bus Lay Over Parking" if you wish.
More later if interested.
Jeff Bayley
Gotta admit J.B., no one can accuse you of not sporting a pair....
05-21-2009, 12:42 PM
George a picture of what is necessary for travel in The City!
A common thing on the farm. ;)
TG Transport
05-21-2009, 07:19 PM
Micheal- Let me know the next time you want to crash an event. I live in Fairburn so we can hit something around Atlanta.
PS. I am trying this from a Blackberry so apologize to all if it doesn't work.
05-21-2009, 09:28 PM
Mike..... You claim to be the king of "restricted access".
Do you know you are communicating with (Jeff) the the king of "unrestricted excess". Be careful what the readout is after he blows.
His stories sure do take the gonads of a donkey.
BTW, Jeff, you'll read this and you should not waste time and call Fantastic Fans and they will answer any question you have and be able to help you out on all things.
Jeff Bayley
05-22-2009, 06:42 AM
Lew- Yes, I think it's Fantastic Fans I'm thinking of, not Wonder fans. I'm getting my super hero's mixed up I think.
Ok, I'll call them to see about getting the parts.
Michael- I've crashed events before too but just with the "I belong here" attitude and failed to have the camera and neck props. I need to pick up an old broken camera with a long lens, a camera jacket that looks like a fishing jacket and really get in some trouble. I went to the Indy 500 with my brothers a few years ago (no bus) and got bored watching the noisy cars after about 20 minutes if that. I told them I was going up to the Pagoda (that 10 story building on the track where the stars and racers families and the owners of the track all watch and eat and drink free with a 360 degree view of the track. Everyone had on not just placards, but HUGE plackards. Kind you couldn't miss or tuck inside your shirt. I cased the situation for about a half hour. You have to be willing to case the mark and post people don't have the patience or desire for it but I find it fun. I wound up find entrance by way of an elevator dedicated for the wait staff and bringing up more food and drinks, etc. There was security there to but an hour into the race he wasn't paying very good attention so I walked by him and the elevator opened and I was in the party building. I got pictures with Aerosmith who sang that year and John Meloncamp and drank and ate the buffet and had a good old time for about an hour before someone finally noticed.............No Placard.
"Ummm, excuse me sir, but do you have your placard".
"Huh ? What's that ?" (I knew).
"How did you get in here sir".
"Well, I was on the track (I went passed security before the race started and got up close with all the cars and drivers" and when they cleared the track, I just followed the crowd into the elevator and came here. Isn't this open to everyone ?".
It's a good thing I played dumb because even with sticking to that story and playing dumb, (I think they knew it wasn't true but there was nothing they could do but for a few minutes I thought they were going to throw me out of the whole race. About a half dozen rent a cops descended on my to take me down the elevator along with Melencamps body guard (he was the one I had take the pictures, he,he)
The head of security kept asking me how I got in. After I was in the clear, I told him I would tell him where his weak spot was if he'd give me a placard to go back up for the rest of the race (I was still hungry and thirsty for more martini's) but he wouldn't cut a deal with me.
Must be a fun party like that at the Kentucky Derby too. One day when I'm in the neighborhood when that's going off. Anybody of know of any other good annual parties to crash ? Hey Michael and towsonengsberg; the 3 of us should team up and work together at an event like the way dolphins hunt in an organized fashion using sonar. Ha.
I could go on about others like the Les Paul 90th Birthday Part where we got to meet Peter Frampton and another dozen guitar legends but I'll get around to putting up a Flicker site one day and post all the photos and comments there. Stupid hobby of mine. Better than collecting stamps or insects.
05-22-2009, 08:34 AM
Micheal- Let me know the next time you want to crash an event. I live in Fairburn so we can hit something around Atlanta.
PS. I am trying this from a Blackberry so apologize to all if it doesn't work.
Towson - by all means - let's be on the lookout for an Atlanta area event that we'd want to crash together! I happened to notice your homepage link to the Crosstown Allstars Myspace page and looked it up out of curiosity as I am an ex-pro musician of over 20 years ("roadwhore"). I was pleased to learn that you are a drummer (like I was - pre-disability)! Don't be surprised when Vita and I show up at one of your local gigs to enjoy some good live music and reminisce about the "good ol' days"! :D
05-22-2009, 08:40 AM
Mike..... You claim to be the king of "restricted access".
Lew - in my defense, I did specify "in my younger days"! These days, all I consider myself the "king" of is brain damage! :D
05-22-2009, 08:59 AM
Michael- I've crashed events before too but just with the "I belong here" attitude and failed to have the camera and neck props. I need to pick up an old broken camera with a long lens, a camera jacket that looks like a fishing jacket and really get in some trouble.
Hey Michael and towsonengsberg; the 3 of us should team up and work together at an event like the way dolphins hunt in an organized fashion using sonar. Ha.
I'll get around to putting up a Flicker site one day and post all the photos and comments there. Stupid hobby of mine. Better than collecting stamps or insects.
Jeff - eBay is your friend! LOL! I've recently bought really nice vintage Canon rigs and lenses off ebay for my 16 year old step-daughter for as little as $60!
I'd love to team up with you and Towson on a "mission" or two! I'm betting that I can learn alot from "Master Jeff"!
I don't consider your "hobby" stupid! It's fun, adventurous, harmless, and creates great memories! I'll take that kind of "stoopid" any day! The older I get, the harder it is to find "hobbies" that satisfy my desire for fun and adventure with a low risk, of arrest/prosecution, bodily harm/death, and/or divorce! :cool:
I'd love to see the pictures of your "conquests"! Please do post them somewhere at your earliest opportunity and let me know where I can find them! And, by all means - keep the stories and tips coming!
Jeff Bayley
05-22-2009, 06:24 PM
I have gobs of these but here are a couple of snap shots.
05-22-2009, 07:11 PM
I have gobs of these but here are a couple of snap shots.
Cool! Thanks for the couple of teasers! I look forward to seeing the "gobs" at some point! :p
Jeff Bayley
05-22-2009, 08:54 PM
Do any of you use Flicker or Photo Bucket or the others and which one is the best and why ? Once I start with one I doubt I'll want to change to another. I seem to get a lot of invites to Face Book but never signed up or accepted any them. Jim Elmore has Flicker I think and it let's you make sub folders and he catalogs all his travels and I don't know if they all work that way or not.
05-22-2009, 11:56 PM
Jeff - I use Flickr, Photo Bucket, and to warehouse pictures online. I also have several picture albums on both Facebook and MySpace. As much as I hate to admit it, Facebook is handy to keep up to date and in the loop with distant friends and family. I think you might enjoy it if you'd join! Each photo storage site above has its own advantages and disadvantages and all are pretty easy to set-up and use. It's really a matter of personal preference. I recommend that you try Flickr and also join Facebook! :D
TG Transport
05-23-2009, 10:16 AM
Michael, we are playing at Tom's Place at exit 293 in Cartersville next Saturday (May 30). They have a big parking lot and my bus will be there, probably several. The following weekend (June 6/7) we are in the Nashville area.
05-23-2009, 12:39 PM
Michael, we are playing at Tom's Place at exit 293 in Cartersville next Saturday (May 30). They have a big parking lot and my bus will be there, probably several. The following weekend (June 6/7) we are in the Nashville area.
Towson, Sounds like a good time! Our second grandson was born last night, but I think that by next weekend, I'll be able to drag Vita off of him long enough for us to bring the bus to Cartersville for a night of good live music and bus talk!
Thanks for the tip! See you there!
TG Transport
05-25-2009, 12:08 PM
Congratulations Grandpa. Hope to see you there.
05-25-2009, 12:40 PM
Congratulations Grandpa. Hope to see you there.
Thanks! We'll be there! :D
Gary & Peggy Stevens
05-26-2009, 02:30 PM
Michael, I have used Google's "Picassa 3" Photo software system for sometime now, and like it a lot. If you want to check it out.
Gary S.
TG Transport
05-31-2009, 02:00 AM
Hey Terrys, thanks for coming out tonight. I enjoyed meeting you all. Hope you enjoyed the show.
05-31-2009, 01:35 PM
Hey Terrys, thanks for coming out tonight. I enjoyed meeting you all. Hope you enjoyed the show.
Towson - we had a blast! Thanks for inviting us!
To let everyone know what we're talking about - Vita and I took our bus up to Cartersville, GA Saturday to see Towson's band, Tommy Crain and the Crosstown Allstars, play at a really neat club called Tom's Place. The band plays authentic Southern rock and blues originals and covers from The Allman Brothers, Wet Willie, Charlie Daniels and many more! The band features outstanding musicians, including Towson on drums, Tommy Crain (20+ years with the Charlie Daniels Band) on guitar and vocals, Jack Hall (founding member of Wet Willie) on bass and background vocals, Bob Rumor on guitar and vocals, and Bob Jones on keyboards and vocals.
Tom's Place is a friendly, comfortable club venue that boasts "the Biggest, Hardest and Longest Deck North of Key West" for sitting back and enjoying a cocktail or two, great food, and "listening to some of the Best Rock, Country and Blues Bands the South has to offer under the stars."
Towson and I both brought our buses, parked side by side in the big back lot at Tom's Place and enjoyed touring each others coaches, comparing notes and talking buses and music!
The band was great, the beer was cold, the food was good, and the people were friendly (a lot of the guys were very friendly, flirting with and hitting on Vita most of the night! - What can I say? She's hot! :D)
I'll post a couple of pictures after while to give you all an idea of the fun that was had by all!
Thanks again, Towson! We enjoyed meeting you, seeing your beautiful rig, listening to the band, and partying with the fun crowd at Tom's Place! We'll definitely have to scope out a "mission" in Atlanta real soon!
05-31-2009, 03:13 PM
<a href="" title="Tom's Place by, on Flickr"><img src="" width="500" height="375" alt="Tom's Place" /></a>
Tom's Place
<a href="" title="Towson's bus on the left, mine on the right, by, on Flickr"><img src="" width="500" height="375" alt="Towson's bus on the left, mine on the right," /></a>
Towson's bus on the left, mine on the right
<a href="" title="Enjoying a cold beer &amp; hot music by, on Flickr"><img src="" width="375" height="500" alt="Enjoying a cold beer &amp; hot music" /></a>
Enjoying a cold beer & some hot music
<a href="" title="Tommy Crain &amp; the Crosstown Allstars by, on Flickr"><img src="" width="500" height="375" alt="Tommy Crain &amp; the Crosstown Allstars" /></a>
Tommy Crain & the Crosstown Allstars
05-31-2009, 03:21 PM
<a href="" title="Towson on drums by, on Flickr"><img src="" width="500" height="375" alt="Towson on drums" /></a>
Towson Ensberg on drums
<a href="" title="The hottest woman in the place! by, on Flickr"><img src="" width="375" height="500" alt="The hottest woman in the place!" /></a>
My bride, Vita, the hottest woman in the place!
<a href="" title="Our lovely bartenders by, on Flickr"><img src="" width="500" height="375" alt="Our lovely bartenders" /></a>
Our lovely and hardworking bartenders
<a href="" title="Two wild &amp; crazy busnuts! by, on Flickr"><img src="" width="500" height="375" alt="Two wild &amp; crazy busnuts!" /></a>
Two wild & crazy busnuts - just hangin' out!
05-31-2009, 03:25 PM
A view from the deck at Tom's Place
<a href="" title="Our buses from the deck by, on Flickr"><img src="" width="500" height="375" alt="Our buses from the deck" /></a>
Our buses from the deck - a beautiful sight!
05-31-2009, 06:04 PM
Great pix!
Thanks for sharing the good times....:)
05-31-2009, 09:45 PM
Damn, I was asleep at the switch on this one!:( I live only 15 miles from Tom's and Nancy and I stop there often on the bike. I stoped reading the thread anymore because I didn't give a rat's ass about parking in New York and missed it all!:rolleyes:
As Jdub would put it, I'm doing the walk of shame!:o
06-01-2009, 05:19 AM
Damn, I was asleep at the switch on this one!:( I live only 15 miles from Tom's and Nancy and I stop there often on the bike. I stoped reading the thread anymore because I didn't give a rat's ass about parking in New York and missed it all!:rolleyes:
As Jdub would put it, I'm doing the walk of shame!:o
Tom - no worries! That just gives us an excuse to do it again sometime soon! I'm sure that we can coerce Towson into letting us know the next time they play at Tom's Place and we'll plan another POG Micro Rally! :D
TG Transport
06-01-2009, 08:21 AM
Well, guess my cover is blown. We are back at Tom's on Friday, August 21. Let's see how many buses we can get up there.
06-01-2009, 11:33 AM
Well, guess my cover is blown. We are back at Tom's on Friday, August 21. Let's see how many buses we can get up there.
Okay - Atlanta area POGers - I believe that Towson has just issued a challenge! :p I'm going out on a limb by not consulting "the boss" (Vita) - but I'll be the first to commit to being there on August 21st for the second "multi-annual" POG Micro-Rally!
C'mon, POGers - who else?
06-01-2009, 03:26 PM
I'm in on August 21st, rope off the parking lot!:D
06-01-2009, 04:15 PM
I'm in on August 21st, rope off the parking lot!:D
Excellent, Tom! We're up to 3 buses already! (That's a 33.3% larger POG turnout than the first one!)
How about it Jamie & Debbie Bradford? Bob & Debi Boies? Jon & Diane Wehrenburg? Bueller? Anyone? :rolleyes:
TG Transport
06-03-2009, 09:27 PM
I have gobs of these but here are a couple of snap shots.
Jeff those are cool pictures. I will forward a few of my favorites when I get some time to learn how to shrink and post. We are heading up to NYC this time next week so this thread is likely over...except for the post mortem. I. I plan on scoping the parking at the Today Show.
Hopefully you all can make one of. my gigs in Florida. We are supposed to be at BB Kings in Orlando and Hard Rock in Tampa later this year.
06-03-2009, 11:11 PM
Towson, to size an image for posting, or anything else, use the linked program.
This is in layman's terms, as I know very little about computers. If I screw up, someone that knows it all jump in and correct me.
Open the link and left click it and drag to the border just below where you enter www info. This is for quick and easy access.
Go to the resize rectangle in the center of the page.
Temporarily skip step 1) and go to 2).
For POG set it up for 600 or 350 pixels.
Leave 3) set on greyscale.
Set 4) to the quality you desire. I use best.
Go back to 1) and click Browse.
This will open to a window in your computer where information is stored.
Hopefully it will be "my pictures". If not click on the button at the end of the line where you can type an entry. This will take you to a list of saved data on your computer. Images are usually stored under "my pictures"
Click on my pictures and look through them. After you have enough fun browsing around, make a new folder that is labeled "RESIZED FOR POG"
Click on the image you want to resize for POG and the computer jumps back to the resizing program.
Click the "RESIZE" box at the bottom of that rectangle and be patient and wait.
When the resized picture finally appears right click on it and choose "save image as" from the list. That will open the window, "save image". In the "save in" line of that window, you want see the name of the folder, " RESIZED FOR POG", if you do, click "SAVE" at the bottom of the window.
You may clear the download box off the screen and back out of the resizing program.
To post the picture just resized, post a thread or reply with verbage or images what ever you want.
For the image posting click on the paperclip in the top border.
Click on BROWSE.
In the entry line will appear the images saved in the folder "RESIZED FOR POG"
Click on the image you want to post and then "UPLOAD".
You may add more verbage or submit the post.
I hope this works for you. It works very well for me and is now very easy. It is more difficult to explain than to perform.
TG Transport
08-02-2009, 12:36 AM
OK guys, the August 21 Mini-Rally at Tom's Place is cancelled. Looks like the bar is feeling the ecomonic pinch as they cancelled our gig.
As an alternative, Tommy Crain and the Crosstown Allstars will be at GTO Concert Hall in Griffin GA on Fri Aug 7. We are playing with Jimmy Hall and Tommy Talton as well so its a good show. I will have our Marathon there.
Y'all come on.
08-02-2009, 08:46 AM
I was at Tommy's recently, they were having a bike weekend shindig and I thought the turnout was dismal. I doubt the Vendor's made any money.:(
08-02-2009, 11:18 AM
This is disappointing - but not entirely surprising, given the state of our economy (how much more "stimulation" can we endure?)! :eek:
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