View Full Version : laptop in coach
02-08-2009, 07:51 AM
what's the best wireless card to get for travel in the coach?
02-08-2009, 08:38 AM
what's the best wireless card to get for travel in the coach?
Vita and I need to know this, as well. Also, we need guidance from veteran POGgers as to the least expensive way to get mobile internet service in the coach for both of our laptops. At face value, I'm guessing that we need a wireless air card of some sort and a wireless router. Beyond that, I'm clueless, but really need to find the least costly recurring (monthly) expense solution. Can any of you ladies and gents make recommendations?
Many thanks,
Michael & Vita
02-08-2009, 08:38 AM
Welcome to the asylum Chtree.
Don't know the answer to the best, but I personally have Verizon. I would hope it is not the best, but close as I can get for the coverage area that I need. It sometimes is slow and as result I have recently purchased a wilson amp for cell service that improves the signal, but have not properly installed it yet in the bus. I will do that soon hopefully, when recess is over. I am going outside to play now.:cool:
02-08-2009, 08:47 AM
what's the best wireless card to get for travel in the coach?
Verizon, Sprint and ATT&T all have data cards. It depends where you want to travel. Check each providers web site and look at thier coverage maps for the areas you want to travel in. East of the Mississippi, I have had real good luck with Verizon. I use a USB720 data device and an MBR1000 router. Works good for me.
Your best bet is to look at all the info on this site:
Then call the people at this site ( they are all the same group):
I strongly recommend an external antennae and a wireless amplifier. The metal bus shell really cuts down the signal.
Joe Cannarozzi
02-08-2009, 09:21 AM
We use Verizon but we need no data card no additional # and had to sign no new contract.
I use my existing phone and #. We can have the service turned on and off at will and are only charged for the time it is on. The Internet time is unlimited for 49 a month.
A 1 time purchase of a mobile office manager package is required, 49 bucks. It contains a disc to download to your computer and a cord to plug your phone to your computer.
We can receive calls while surfing. Its speed is the same as home service.
02-08-2009, 09:26 AM
Been using a Verizon card for years, no complaints and it's worked all over the country. The new air cards are now free and monthly service runs about 50 bucks.
Joe Cannarozzi
02-08-2009, 09:49 AM
Tom do you have to pay for that service continuously or can you shut it off during the months you are not traveling?
02-08-2009, 10:11 AM
Warren or Jello Jeep on the forum had sent me a Verizon card last fall and I haven't used it yet. I might not ever the the way the wireless hotspots are coming on the scene. I will give it back next weekend at the Lake Havasu rally. If you contact him, he might give it to you.
02-08-2009, 10:22 AM
The way we understand it, Verizon looks at a phone card the same way they look at a phone. In other words you sign up for a 2 year continuous contract if using a card. Joe's answer is much better since the contract is for the cell phone service. You can then use the phone as a broadband modem which is an additional service that can be added and removed when not traveling.
In our experience the cell phone actually has better reception than the aircard unless the aircard is hooked up to an external antenna. The phone we use is an LG 5350 (unfortunately discontinued) which has an external antenna jack also. Using it with an external antenna gave marginal improvement. Would guess Andre has the answer there by adding a booster.
02-08-2009, 10:27 AM
I use an AT&T Aircard. It works fine almost everywhere we have cell service.
It just plugs into the side of the laptop.
Turn the service on and off when you are not travelling, but you have to commit to two years of use. 2 years of time it is turned on and being paid for.
The gizmo cost about $100.
02-08-2009, 10:28 AM
We just started using the system Joe C described and it is great. We downloaded the mobile office program from for free. , bought a USB to MINI USB cable to connect phone to laptopfor $17, Called Verizon to add "mobile connect unlimited" feature to Eric's phone. That service now is unlimited usage(for certain phones only) for 59.99/month,(most phones now are limited to 5G/month, but ours is unlimited) but you can turn it on or off and only pay for it when you want to use it. Its speed was faster than our DSL at home. $2.00/day for mobile internet, only when we are on the road and want it, seems like a real deal. We have been singing Joe's praises for telling us about it.
If you call Verizon,make sure they scroll down far enough to find "unlimited". Most everyone there thinks they don't offer that anymore, but we had them look for it based on what Joe told us, and sure enough, it was among the stuff they offered. Hope this helps. Deb
02-08-2009, 10:48 AM
Welcome to POG.
Check this out over at Prevoman. There is also a new model the KR2.
02-08-2009, 02:17 PM
Like Andre said, it really depends on where you are traveling. We used to use an AT&T card and it worked decent most everywhere. Really well when we were close to any large city. I got a notice from AT&T saying that we were using the card out of their service area more than our contract allowed and at renewal time the monthly would go from $65 to $120. We now use an Alltel card and it works just as well, but doesn't fit in our wireless router so we now have two Alltel cards. We use the air card connection for business while traveling, so it's got to work and usually does. Big cities and the Interstate corridor are always great.
02-08-2009, 09:25 PM
We use Verizon but we need no data card no additional # and had to sign no new contract.
I use my existing phone and #. We can have the service turned on and off at will and are only charged for the time it is on. The Internet time is unlimited for 49 a month.
A 1 time purchase of a mobile office manager package is required, 49 bucks. It contains a disc to download to your computer and a cord to plug your phone to your computer.
We can receive calls while surfing. Its speed is the same as home service.
My new Blackberry has the option built into the device. I believe I pay $15.00 per month extra for the service, thru Verizon like Joe.
02-08-2009, 09:31 PM
I wanted mine to be operational 24/7 and chose that plan. I use it all the time, not just while in the bus. I wouldn't want to miss an airstrike from the Turd Boys!:D
Has anyone found an aircard that works well in Canada without an extra minute charge???
We use Verizon, works well in the US but is outrageous in Canada
Joe Cannarozzi
02-09-2009, 08:14 AM
Good info Gary now we have the option to upgrade phones and reduce our internet costs both:) Great news
Gary & Peggy Stevens
02-09-2009, 11:10 AM
I too have a Blackberry Storm, and love it.
I chose not to turn on the other option available which was the Wireless Data Modem option, because I was told if you are using the phone to access the internet, then you don't have the phone free for other use, and I already had the Verizon Wireless card and router in the bus, which Peg uses constantly when I am driving.
I have Verizon on my Blackberry and on the Wireless card for Data usage on the laptop, and Peg has her Blackberry with AT & T service so we have dbl the coverage. Bottom line is we would be dead in the water without our phones and internet service? :eek:
Gary S.
Jeff Bayley
02-09-2009, 04:04 PM
Regarding Canada, I have Verizon phone and pay just a bit extra ($15 or $20 I think) to be able to use the phone in Canada (and Mexico I think) witout paying roaming charges. I have a dedicated Verizon Card on top of that for the lap top and another one for my wifes laptop and we use it around town in the car to keep working even when we are not traveling and I prefer that instead of using the phone as a modem although that option sounds more economical if you want to turn it on and off as you travel. BUT, where I'm going with this is that if you get the Canada Plan, ask them if that plan also work with the internet option and if it does, your all set I would think.
We have Verizon Cell phones with 3000 minute plans, 2 Verizon aircards the works. I was getting $700 phone bills while roaming in Canada, even near the Dam border in Northern Ny. I think my Cell Booster (50 mile range) was picking up signals in Canada while near the boarder. but I would sure love to know what plan you are on that allows for 15 to 20 cent minute calls in Canada because we do not have one here in florida.
I was planning on getting an ATT plan along with a Iphone to cover Canada this summer.
We have Verizon Cell phones with 3000 minute plans, 2 Verizon aircards the works. I was getting $700 phone bills while roaming in Canada, even near the Dam border in Northern Ny. I think my Cell Booster (50 mile range) was picking up signals in Canada while near the border. but I would sure love to know what plan you are on that allows for 15 to 20 cent minute calls in Canada because we do not have one here in florida.
I was planning on getting an ATT plan along with a Iphone to cover Canada this summer.
02-09-2009, 09:03 PM
We traveled to Vancouver several years ago. We called Verizon and requested a chnge to a 'North American Plan'. When we got back into the US, we changed it back to the 'America Plan'. Text messaging may not be included.
02-09-2009, 10:13 PM
Now if you really want to get this done on the cheap? Stay at RV parks or near other areas with WIFI. Get s "Magic Jack" $19.95 per year plug it into your USB connector. Use a earphone w/ microphone in another USB port, or use a phone plugged into the "Magic Jack". For 39.95 first cost gives you their hardware and one year phone use. Unlimited calling from anyware in the US or world to the US for that 19.95. per year. They furnish you a Phone number with any area code you want to use. Choose one in an area you frequently call and those in that area get a toll free call when calling you. My friends wife went to a library in Ireland using their WIFI and her lap top called home toll free. He received another call from FIJI from someone on a Magic Jack.
02-09-2009, 11:46 PM
Has Apple worked out the problems with the iPhone in Canada? I heard when they frist came out people were getting $1000 phone bills from ATT while in Canada. Appearantly Apple had worked out the coverage with ATT Canada.
02-10-2009, 09:20 AM
I tried out the Magic Jack and the delay in conversation was so bad, I sent it back. Sounds like others have had success with it, but it didn't work for me hooked directly to my home PC on DSL.
Now, get to the Lake and keep that bunch in line!:D
Judi Brown
02-10-2009, 12:13 PM
We have a Rogers Stick, Have got 3 bills now and all were $25 a month.
Were told not to use out of Canada or roam charges kick in.
Would like to get something like it to use in Mexico.
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