View Full Version : Indian Burial Ground Trip
Jerry Winchester
01-07-2009, 09:36 PM
Well at least it seemed that way. Sorry for the slow posting, but being off for two weeks is not such a good idea sometimes.
First off, thanks to all the California POG guys and gals for the outstanding hospitality. Between the visitation and the great rib feast at Kevin Erion's digs, it was the highlight of the trip.
As for the Indian reference, it seemed like there were little issues everywhere we turned on this trip; from the 14 deg. weather in Oklahoma, snow / ice across Southern New Mexico, the inadvertant awning extension somewhere between Abiline and Midland, the two hour shut down on I-10, the Webasto not working when you needed it most and then the ice storm in Texas, we wondered if we were jinxed.
But I really enjoyed all the company I had during the trip; I tried to tell them the Trukman life story, but I could never finish......
Even the flipping dog fell asleep.
Jerry Winchester
01-07-2009, 09:41 PM
We had a sweet tour of Kevin's new shop. It was way nice.
Jerry Winchester
01-07-2009, 10:14 PM
Then Kevin comes over with his honkin big step ladder and we (he) zip ties my errant awning down. More on this later.
Jerry Winchester
01-07-2009, 10:18 PM
Then we tour Ray and Kathy's new ride.
And since he has two Marathon owners in the coach, he asks about the elusive roof spot light controls.
After some digging we find the remote.
Jerry Winchester
01-07-2009, 10:27 PM
Kevin and Chicks
The McNews minus the Fat Beagle Hearder who was in the loo.
The Trukman Memorial Float - ACME
01-07-2009, 11:14 PM
Thanks for the nice posts Jerry, glad you had a good trip to So. Cal.
Ray Davis
01-08-2009, 06:00 PM
So, in my CC I had a spot light, and the controls were above the driver on the left side wall, above the window.
So, this new coach has a spotlight, but I'm looking for controls everywhere!
So, when Kevin and JDUB visit, I ask, "hey where are the controls for that spotlight". Who would have believed it's a remote control. We find it in a drawer (along with 20 other remote controls), in a sealed bag that appears to never have been opened.
How much you want to bet that was tested in the PDI :D
I am not sure I heard that correctly - is it "Herder" or "Hearder"? Thanks for the pics of the post hole digger bomb.
Ray Davis
01-08-2009, 07:22 PM
Did you get ahold of Zip Dee? Is there an approved solution for those of us with XL2's (i.e. no metal to put a latch on) with their awnings?
I'm sure this is a potential disaster waiting to happen to all of us.
To fill everyone in, on an XL2 body, the windows go all the way to the top of the coach. The means that the only place to put a latch (which must be screwed currently into the metal coach), is at the back of the windows. On the passenger side, in particular, there are no ratchet locks, so the only thing holding the awning up to the coach is the strenth of the spring, and one small metal latch at the very back of the awning.
As JDUB found, the wind got under the front of the awning, extended it, and snapped the latch right off. Something is needed to secure the awning at both ends.
01-08-2009, 11:57 PM
I forgot to show Jerry my Zip Dee latches on the driverside windows. They have a 3 inch square piece of metal w/ latch glued to the upper glass window , one at both ends of the large awning and the same on the bedroom window awning. So, Jerry, I would call Zip dee to see if they made this base or if it is a Liberty thing. The latches then attach to the zip dee arms.
Jerry Winchester
01-09-2009, 12:28 PM
Ray / Gary,
I did call Zip Dee and it was like I was talking in a foreign language. At first the guy said, "No, we don't have a fix for that. It just happens sometimes." To which I said, "Ok, you want me to post on the Internet that I called the self professed gurus of awnings and their answer was 'Tough shit'?"
Then he changed his tune and offered to carry my dilemma to the engineering department. I told him I would forward him some photos, but I had already envisioned something like Gary has described. If you don't mind sending a photo of that, I would be curious to see it.
I also complained that in the slightest of breezes, that particular awning wants to roll up on one side. It's like it needs dual tie downs on it, but I am not in favor of drilling two more holes in the side of the coach to accommodate the hooks. My point being, I don't think the spring tension is the culprit here either. If I tighten it up to keep in locked in place, then you would think it would compound this problem.
The old saw about a Zip Dee awning being able to handle any weather you can sit out in is bogus. A little stiff wind causes mine to shake like a dog crapping a peach seed.
Ray Davis
01-09-2009, 01:02 PM
Please keep us posted as you learn more. I'm concerned about mine. I noticed when I put the drivers side awning up (first time I'd used it) at Anaheim, I had to actually push it up with the handle a bit before the spring had enough tension to start rolling it in.
I kinda assume I need to tighten the spring. I am also thinking that a weak spring there would make it even easier for the wind to whip it out while driving.
01-09-2009, 06:40 PM
Ray Davis
01-09-2009, 09:17 PM
I don't for sure, but I've been told to convert my current bus from ZipDee's to Girards would be on the order $30 to $40K. Way too rich for my blood. I just want a proper catch to prevent awning issues when driving in high wind areas.
01-09-2009, 09:36 PM
Ray if you are interested in finding out the cost from Girard try calling Gary at 949 259 4000. They will sell directly to you. I can't imagine it costing that much.
Hope this helps!:)
01-09-2009, 11:10 PM
I'm still cracking up over the peach seed!:D
01-09-2009, 11:35 PM
JDUB: Have you got something like this on your awning? I stood on a chair with one foot & the other on the tombstone to get this picture.
It is glued to the glass. One on each end.
You have use the little metal rod with the hook on it to lock and unlock it. It hasn't come apart while in transit yet.
01-10-2009, 12:05 AM
JDUB, please post a picture of the dog. No, never mind.
Speaking of dogs, we're over in Dallas for the Dallas Safari Club show and I got wind of a Cavalier Spaniel show down the street at the Raddison. Off we went and I'll tell you the truth those are some mighty fine dogs. They were having the puppy show tonight and I just think I'm gonna have to get me one of um but none of these breeders have just the right one, yet.
Next time any of you all see Jan, ask her how the concealed hand gun class is coming along. She is a pistol packing momma and I am for sure on my new best behavior.
01-10-2009, 12:51 AM
JDUB: Have you got something like this on your awning? I stood on a chair with one foot & the other on the tombstone to get this picture.
It is glued to the glass. One on each end.
You have use the little metal rod with the hook on it to lock and unlock it. It hasn't come apart while in transit yet.
That is what I have as well. Its on the windows for both the front slide room and the back slide room, drivers side.
Jerry Winchester
01-10-2009, 07:21 PM
That has to be the solution. But is it a CC or Liberty part? The Zip Dee guy I talked to never offered any such solution.
01-10-2009, 11:01 PM
Is that the same dog you brought to my house? It looks like it grew some. Does feeding them Chili do that?
As far as the awning lock goes - I don't know for sure, but I would assume it to be a Zip Dee Part. Since Gary has the same set up on his Liberty and Mine is a non-Liberty.
The dude you talked to at Zip Dee may have had a tude. They are quite common in customer service circles now-a-days. That is why when I call I try to be ready with an attitude adjustment pill.
01-11-2009, 08:38 AM
Is that the same dog you brought to my house? It looks like it grew some. Does feeding them Chili do that?
As far as the awning lock goes - I don't know for sure, but I would assume it to be a Zip Dee Part. Since Gary has the same set up on his Liberty and Mine is a non-Liberty.
The dude you talked to at Zip Dee may have had a tude. They are quite common in customer service circles now-a-days. That is why when I call I try to be ready with an attitude adjustment pill.
Are you saying that there are Liberty's, and all the rest are simply non-Liberty's ??:eek:?? :D
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