01-02-2009, 04:51 PM
Hi all,
Just a quick note to let you all know that the segment NBC NIGHTLY NEWS filmed last month for our Pilots N Paws programs is supposed to be aired tonight. It will be the kicker of the evening news, meaning it will be at the end of the broadcast under the "Making a Difference"'s hoping that Jon and I were able to hold our own and actually sound like we knew what we were talking about. Who knows, maybe they edited it down to just the rescue animals:D
Either way, we are grateful for the coverage as this will draw in more pilots we hope! Lew, if you watch it, please be kind it was raining and a bad hair day--LOL
Debi (hoping they don't bump us from the broadcast :-)
dale farley
01-02-2009, 07:01 PM
I saw the report, and Debi and Jon both did a great job. Keep up the good work.
Joe Cannarozzi
01-02-2009, 07:10 PM
We missed it can someone put up a video link:confused:
01-02-2009, 07:10 PM
We just finished watching the broadcast.
Congratulations, and Thank You for Making a Difference.
All Dogs Go to Heaven !
Jon Wehrenberg
01-02-2009, 07:50 PM
Coco is new. We hope to see Coco at the next rally.
01-02-2009, 09:05 PM
Hi Jon,
We just watched the broadcast here on the west coast..... a nice piece.
I did not notice anyone with a bad hair day, but I did notice that Jon's airplane could use a little paint on the nose, come on Jon, that is not a badge of flying through hail and dirt, that is just an indicator of a paint job that did not stick. Get someone to do it right and your P210 will look as sharp as you do when you are on national television.
Oh, and don't expect me to stand in front of you and your whirling propeller crossing my arms when you have taxied far enough, I hate it when ramp people do that for me. They must think I am in a 747 and can not see where I need to stop the airplane exactly or something. Talk about a safety hazard.
Nice work Pilots N Paws!
01-02-2009, 10:37 PM
Go Jon. Go Debi. So cool and we hope, like both of you do, that the airtime generates lots of interest from other pilots.
eric, deb, jay faires
huntsville, TN
01-03-2009, 12:33 AM
We missed it can someone put up a video link:confused:
Here you go Joe ;) I just happen to have it on hand.......
01-03-2009, 08:27 AM
A lot of members are avid animal lovers and the rally is a great place to raise money for this humanitarian cause. Dan & Jo Smith
We just finished watching it on the NBC morning show with Lester Holt (8:30 am Saturday), who really gave the program a great send up. Lester Said "That he comes from a family who of pilots and that pilots love to fly and he loves pets"
Great job Debie and Jon. I think you will see a large increase in Pilots.
Jamie Bradford
01-03-2009, 09:04 AM
GREAT JOB Debi & Jon............
I would like to send a donation... Where does it need to go?
If other fellow POGers would donate something I am sure that would help the cause...............
Sid Tuls
01-03-2009, 10:23 AM
Great job Jon & Debi, just saw the news clip!!
01-03-2009, 10:41 AM
Great job Deb and Jon, keep up the good work.
Jon - the plane looked great, I can't imagine anyone wanting to piss and moan about your paint and the ramp service while your donating your time, money and expertise for a worthy cause.;)
01-03-2009, 11:27 AM
GREAT JOB Debi & Jon............
I would like to send a donation... Where does it need to go?
If other fellow POGers would donate something I am sure that would help the cause...............
Hi Jamie and everyone!
Thanks for your notes of support and the high fives! It is still rather surreal, at least to me...I guess dedication and hard work really do pay off but then everyone in POG already knows that!
We have a donation button for PAYPAL on the home page of the website. Or, you can mail a check directly to me made out to Pilots N Paws. The address here is :
Debi Boies/Pilots N Paws
4651 Howe Rd.
Landrum, SC 29356.
The address is also on the contact us link on our website. Love that Lester Holt--I knew he was an animal lover but I had not idea he came from a family of pilots as well......nice to hear him say a few words of support! Jon is flying rescue pups today so he will likley check in later.......
Thanks everyone! And how about my dobie Brock is he a star or what????
01-03-2009, 12:13 PM
Congratulations to both Jon and Deb for a job well done. Just to think and short time back ( Mango lost his Mustache) at Sevierville when a part of the proceeds of the POG auction went to Paws and Pilots and now Jan 09 you both are National TV. Someone has been working very hard! It just don't happen by itself.
I told Jon that Country Coach needs to hire you guys to run their Promotion and Advertising. Yall Definitely got er done.
And Deb - you looked great! We missed seeing Bob tho.
Keep on Keeping On
01-03-2009, 01:00 PM
Great piece. Why don't we use Pilots and Paws as our next charity at the fall POG Rally and really give them a donation....or at least split it with a local charity.
Jon Wehrenberg
01-03-2009, 05:17 PM
I really appreciate the comments. It has been work but words cannot describe how satisfying it is to know we have the potential to make a huge impact. Debi laughs at me for saying I think we can get 10,000 pilots to volunteer (out of the 400,000), but if we can there will be no request for transports going unaswered.
Stuff we never considered is how important it is to teach pilots about the rescue side of this, and how we have to teach rescues about the pilot's side. Since this is a relatively new concept on a broad national scale everybody involved has a lot of learning, especially Debi and I.
I can say emphatically that your generosity in Sevierville was the seed money and it has been put to work, and more is needed. (That was a plug in case I was too subtle.) We are taking our show on the road and if we get booth space we are going to Sun'n Fun in Lakeland FL in April, OSH in July, and the Aircraft Owners and Pilot's Convention in Tampa in November. We will be spending somewhere near $10,000 to attend those venues and press the flesh with pilots asking thousands to volunteer on the web site.
If we collect lots of money, I still will not spend any to paint the ratty paint on the nose of my plane. But if I can get all the plane owners in POG to do transport flights, maybe I will consider spending some money to touch up the paint.
01-03-2009, 05:29 PM
Below is an email I sent to a bunch of my friends and relatives. Thanks Debi and Jon for doing such an unselfish task.
I want to share some information about a wonderful group called, "Pilots N Paws (". We met the organizers of this group, Debi Bois and Jon Wehrenberg, through our membership in the "Prevost Owners Group" . This short video ( was a feature shown last night with Lester Holt on the NBC Nightly News feature, "Making a Difference". These unselfish folks are literally making a life and death difference for hundreds of animals around the country.
Although I had never considered myself a big pet lover (until we got our little Pomeranian, Daisy Mae) I am occasionally bothered by an incident that happened in Fallon, NV several years ago. I had a business appointment with a local veterinarian at his office and in the course of our conversation he told me he had a contract with the county to euthanize their stray animals. I remember he said his fee was a paltry sum and he was required to dispose of the carcasses as part of the contract. I don't remember the reason but I found myself following him to some structures in the back of his office. One, a lean-to type of building, had 2-3 large,chest-type freezers. One was so full that the top could not be closed tight. He invited me to look inside while he opened the door. What I saw was appalling. Bodies of all types and shapes of animals, mostly dogs, but some cats, were stuffed carelessly in plastic bags, some not tied shut and one bag not large enough to contain the horrible, frost-encrusted, body of a large brown dog. This was on a hot Nevada-desert day and the stench of this place was overwhelming. Now, reflecting back to my conversation with this veterinarian, don't I remember him lamenting his concern for the animals he killed. His sole concern was the small amount of money he received for the kill contract.
Sometime later I read in the newspaper that this vet had been arrested for the improper disposal of these animals. His office was closed but not before some former employees testified about the cruel methods he employed to kill these animals rather than the traditional injection to "put the animal to sleep".
Now, here comes Pilots N Paws to the rescue. They are certainly not going to make a large dent in the number of pets that are going to have their lives spared but they are a big help and an inspiration for others to make similar efforts and as a reminder to have their animals neutered. This is one of those times when I am bothered by the memory of those frozen animals on a hot Nevada-desert day. Maybe if I go to their website and donate ( b6c1fec0342a4f411eb2d06) a tank of fuel I'll feel a little bit better.
Yeah, I'm gonna have a better day.
01-03-2009, 07:28 PM
Below is an email I sent to a bunch of my friends and relatives. Thanks Debi and Jon for doing such an unselfish task.
Yeah, I'm gonna have a better day.
Darl, your story brought tears to my eyes....I have seen those freezers, I know what they look like.......thank you for sharing our program with your friends. As of this evening we have had 37 new pilots join PNP!~ Still headed towards those 10,000 Jon wants...think BIG! We would be pleased to share a fundraiser at the next rally. My guess is that Mango and JDUB will not attend if we do :p
Debi (sorry you missed Bob on the video Roger, he is rather camera shy LOL)
01-03-2009, 11:00 PM
Well JDUB it looks like our normal POG antics actually did some good.
Good job Debi & Jon.
Jon Wehrenberg
01-04-2009, 08:17 AM
I think we all have to admit that at POG rallies we are all a bunch of clowns, but despite the antics POG has made a real impact wherever it has gone with its charitable donations. While we are having a lot of fun we do make a serious contribution and that makes me feel pretty good about this bunch of asylum inmates.
01-04-2009, 08:36 AM
Great job, Debi and Jon!! The news clip was fantastic. We'll be forwarding it to everyone we know..... :)
01-29-2009, 10:29 PM
There was a nice write up of this program in the recent issue of AOPA Pilot.
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