View Full Version : Zip D Awning.
12-23-2008, 10:22 PM
I'm about to re-install the 10 ft awning after having the sewing done and I can't recall the formula for loading the spring.
I think it is 6 more turns than the length of the awning. Therefore, I would wind the 10 footer 16 turns. Am I correct?
I'm trying to recall the formula I used on the big 20 ft and I think it was 26 turns.
Tried to call Zip Dee and they are closed until the first of the year.
I need the awning before that because it is so warm and sunny down here.
12-24-2008, 01:35 AM
Hi Lew. I watched the men put my new awning up, however, they counted in spanish and although I had 2 years of Spanish and spent time in Spain and live in Santa Barbara, I can't remember if they counted 16 or 17 turns. I will check my 'manuel' and get back to you.
12-24-2008, 04:38 AM
try this link Lew....I did it on mine, be careful
Jon Wehrenberg
12-24-2008, 08:14 AM
Lew, it's been a long time since I did my awnings on the old bus and we played with Jerry's at POG I, but the length in feet plus seven sticks in my mind, and that number is a starting point. As the springs age the tension will change a little so when you do the initial spring tension you can check it and add or deduct rotations to get it adjusted correctly.
You be careful. That winding of a spring, even on a 10 foot awning can get you hurt if it gets away from you.
12-24-2008, 10:42 PM
Thanks guys for the answers on the awning wind. I will go with length plus 6. Even then it gets pretty hairy. I will be very careful. I have loaded a couple awnings in the past and had the formila for you guys at the first POG rally. Just as well as you Jon, my memory doesn't retain as well as it used to.
If I talk with a very high voice the next time we meet, you will know it got away.
Thanks again
12-24-2008, 11:54 PM
Lew, I took a heck of a divot out of the side of Tom's bus winding one of those things and was lucky I didn't whack myself as well. It happens.
Merry Xmas, Brian
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