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Darrell and Linda
12-11-2008, 11:39 PM
Just to introduce ourselves. We are the proud owners of a 1990 Prevost Liberty. We have been searching for this coach for nearly two years. We purchased the coach in Mesa AZ in August and had it delivered up to the Mont / AB border. We only have had time for a couple of short trips and has been everything we imagined, (moved up from a Class C, he he..... can't compare.... whole different ball game eh). I had to winterize this coach in September, so never had much time to really enjoy it. This coach spent it's whole life in Texas and stored indoors. I envy you southern guys. My coach will be in indoor storage / no heat until March / April. We live near Edmonton Alberta (by the way -30 this weekend). There is a lot to learn with this coach and can't wait until spring to get after it and get it on the road. I have upgraded the three converters and one inverter and new controllers. Planning on installing solar panels in the spring. We'll be retiring in three years, hopefully ..... and will be spending most of the winters down south.
Anyways, looking forward to asking a ton of questions .... lots of expertise in this group...... happy to be a part it.
Joe Cannarozzi
12-12-2008, 12:20 AM
Congrats folks. We, as you, are winterizers and are a rare breed in this group. I feel your pain and need to stick togeather:rolleyes: We too moved up from a Class-C, ain't life grand.
Welcome aboard and post away.
Jon Wehrenberg
12-12-2008, 05:36 AM
Welcome to the asylum. If you've read through this site you know we never lack for answers. Sometimes we even provide the correct answer to questions.
How often do you get asked about your brother Darrell?
12-12-2008, 06:11 AM
Welcome to the P O G, Darrell.
:) JIM
12-12-2008, 06:44 AM
It's hard for me to imagine minus thirty degrees. You would think the internet would freeze up or something. Welcome to the Forum.
12-12-2008, 08:45 AM
Welcome aboard Darrell, what about your other brother!:D
dale farley
12-12-2008, 11:02 AM
Welcome to the site Darrell. You'll learn many things from this group. A few of the things will actually be helpful! I fully understand that cold weather you are referring too. It was down to 30 here this morning and will only be a high in the mid 50's today. That's pretty cold for us.
Will Garner
12-12-2008, 11:39 AM
Darrell and Linda,
Welcome aboard. I'm sure you will enjoy what you on the POG Forum almost as much as you enjoy your new Prevost conversion. I can't fathom having to winterize in September. In our area of NC its usually mid to late November before we are concerned with the temperature getting down into the thirty degree range. When it does it usually does't stay there for more than a couple of days. I do know about minus 10 degrees or so from my time spent in Massachusetts and southern Indiana.
One question, just what or where is "AB?" Is that Al Berta Canada?
If I recall Darrell has two brothers. You know Darrell and his other brothers Darrell and Darrell. How soon we forget.
12-12-2008, 12:13 PM
Larry has a brother Darrell, and his other brother is Darrell!:rolleyes::)
Darrell and Linda
12-12-2008, 03:18 PM
Thanks everyone for the warm welcome??? Geez, I think that show was from the 70's??? Either you guys have good memories or I am getting a little older than you. I did have a dog named Larry once.
Thanks Again....... good bunch
Will Garner
12-12-2008, 03:46 PM
You are correct. It was a Larry that then introduced his other two brothers, "This is my brother Darrell and my other brother Darrell."
Hope all is well with you guys in the cold northern lands.
12-12-2008, 03:56 PM
Darrell and Linda,
From the 2nd best looking guy on the board - Welcome to POG.
Mango Mike
12-12-2008, 04:23 PM
Here's a flashback for ya..:p
12-12-2008, 04:24 PM
Boy, Will you really know how to hurt a guy. It's gona be 16 degs tonight. TOO cold in my book. -30, well that's totally out of the question.
Here's another one for you Will. Complete the sentance.
"One of these days Alice, one of these days _________________!"
12-12-2008, 04:51 PM
Welcome aboard.
Now the warning.:eek: There is a substantial element here of which you must be weary. They bait you with the concept that this is the Prevost Owners group and joining makes you special, part of the intelligencia. Lull you in with all kinds of friendly advise, some even true. Entice you with fun filled vacations in all sorts of exotic and wonderful places. Doing things that mere mortals can barely imagine. Sounds good Eh? If you even lean towards the positive on that, well consider yourself had. You too, when you least expect it, like their wives, will learn the true meaning of POG is Pernicious Old Goats.:D
With that, it still will be the best $100Lewbucks spent on your coach activities.
12-12-2008, 04:57 PM
Boy, Will you really know how to hurt a guy. It's gona be 16 degs tonight. TOO cold in my book. -30, well that's totally out of the question.
Here's another one for you Will. Complete the sentance.
"One of these days Alice, one of these days _________________!"
POW, right in the kisser!
12-12-2008, 05:50 PM
How did you get that, your too young. :p
Jerry Winchester
12-12-2008, 06:41 PM
Darrell & Linda,
Welcome to the POG forum and watch out for these folks;
The one on the left is a bad ass and the one on the far right collects busses for a living but the guy in the middle is the smartest dude in the room (if the room is small) and his lively wife Di.
Will Garner
12-12-2008, 07:31 PM
I thought the answer to fill in the blank was Pow Zoom!
Those were the good old days. Today Ralph would be under arrest for communicating a threat.
Oh yes, our forecast for next week, after some lows in the +30's is for temperatures to get into the middle 70's. Glad we are no longer in the Northeast tonight!
We had that experience here in January 2000. The forecast was for 3" of snow. When the power went off at 2:00 AM I knew we had more than 3". Turned out we had 3" of solid ice on the top of the heat pumps that was topped by 18" of wet snow. Our big pine trees were popping off like the 105 howitzers on Ft. Bragg. No power for five days. We now have a whole house, LPG powered generator. Its a GM V-6 car engine turning the generator. I'd suggest that might be a good option for you Jim in keeping power on the Blinkmobile during the winter months. There is an automatic transfer switch when it senses power as being off for more than 30 seconds. It also senses when power is restored and shuts itself down.
Later ... company here.
12-12-2008, 07:35 PM
Hey Darrell, A-1 aka known as the 'smart guy' (sometimes the smart-ass) real name Jon, forgot to tell you if we don't know the answer to your questions we (he) make them up.
Your POG Brother DARL:D
12-12-2008, 07:54 PM
How did you get that, your too young. :p
Chronic insomnia comforted by reruns.
12-12-2008, 10:48 PM
Welcome Darrel. My oldest Brother is Darryl. It's kind of cold here as well. I think it got down to almost 53 last night. Come on down and see us some time.
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