View Full Version : Left Coasters: Ideas for a Midwinter Break?
12-04-2008, 09:31 AM
The coming winter may well prove to be a nasty one for our poor old republic. One of the bright spots (right now at least) is the price of diesel.
Am thinking the time might be right for a gathering. End of January until the middle of February might be a good window. What say? Ideas for a venue? Am thinking of places like: San Diego area, Borrego Springs, Ventura County, Havasu, Palm Desert, etc. You Southlanders know the best spots. Activities might include a barby or pig feed, a geocache event (there's an expert in our midst) or anything else that might divert us from these troubled times.....
Kevin Erion
12-04-2008, 11:37 AM
I need to do something with the Girls when Mom goes to Vegas for the weekend of Jan 17 or something like that. I would love to do a bus thing, I am sure the girls will be into whatever the place or plan is.
Ray Davis
12-04-2008, 03:40 PM
I have been "secretly" contacting various people (including you) regarding this very topic. We have a lot of people already going to be in the Arizona area in Jan/Feb of next year.
Off the top of my head:
You and Beverly
Dale and Jan
The Queen of the road will be in the Southern CA area mid January
I believe that Harry spends time in Tucson area then too.
There's several local SoCal guys, and most have been receptive to planning something for Jan/Feb.
I'd be happy to try to coordinate something with you. Let me know. We ended up getting 20+ coaches out at Rancho last January.
12-04-2008, 04:08 PM
Don't forget about Quartzite. Yep, it's coming up soon. The big Sports, Vacation and RV show starts the weekend of Jan 17 and runs for 9 days. Check out their web at In addition to the big show there is a swap meet/flea market that is huge, full of stuff you didn't know you could live without. If any of you POGgers are interested in boondocking for a few days, give me an PM and I'll send you the lat and long of where we camp. Everybody should do this at least once!! Use your bus in a way that it was never intended to be used, out in the middle of BLM land in Q.
Left Coasters -- Janet and I are camping with our Elks club in Desert Hot Springs Jan 9 - 11, arriving Quartzite Jan 14 thru Jan 18. Leaving for Las Cruces Jan 19 for 3 weeks or so of building for Habitat for Humanity. Back to Desert Hot Springs Feb 13 - 15 with the Elks again. Month of March we'll be in Indio.
Anybody else glad diesel is down to $2.00??
12-04-2008, 04:40 PM
I'm so happy I can hardly wait for it to go back down below $1.00/gallon. If it goes down to around $1.00/gallon I'm going to Alaska. I have always wanted to go but the high price of diesel dampened my spirts.
I remember when marine diesel (no road taxes) was $.56/gallon. It was 1986 or 1987 if memory serves. Boy, those were the days!:D
12-04-2008, 06:44 PM
Don't bury Bluevost in the Quartzite sand....what a sinking feeling. Might take a few sheets of 3/4 inch plywood cut in half and a rake and shovel.;)
Yes, there is a story behind this.......later.:D
12-04-2008, 11:18 PM
We are interested Ray, Brian, & Ken. We have no preference. We would like to make it a week.
12-05-2008, 08:44 AM
That link gives me a Chinese Search Engine....but maybe that's the best description of Quartzite ever :D
Flew over the place the other day, it is already crowded. Anyway my 2 cents is somewhere in the Desert, even the nicest parts of SoCal take a pretty good whacking with the rains in January and February!
12-05-2008, 08:49 AM
I asked Jeep about Quartzite a while back and he told me I was nuts to want to park in a dust bowl and suggested going to Lake Havasu and visit by toad. I always do what the Jeepster says, so what's up with the dust bowl thing?:confused:
12-05-2008, 09:32 AM
How does a long weekend starting Feb. 13th work? Suggest either Indio or Havasu. Need some local knowledge here re a nice RV park. Will check availability and each can make his own reservations. Jello, are you there? Calling all desert rats......
12-05-2008, 09:54 AM
Around mid Feb at Havasu sounds like fun, count us in.
Peter and Katherine
12-05-2008, 10:27 AM
I will second Peters nomination.
12-05-2008, 12:11 PM
Monday the sixteenth of February 2009 is President's Day.
And traditionally on that weekend the Western Pyrotechnic Association holds it's annual Winterblast celebration.
I used to be a member but don't have enough time to do all anymore, so I just go and watch. Usually the big public display is on Sunday night as I recall. This is a fireworks show elite for sure. It is held at Sara Park which is on hwy 95 on the South end of town (gun club here too).
You can pay to go into the stands (best view) or sit out in the desert for free (for the cheap'os :) ) LOL...
There are so many people that sometimes they shut down hwy 95 at show time to avoid people crashing from watching the fireworks when they drive!
We will be in town that weekend and probably a little before.
We own a spot at a nice resort on the North end of town.
See the Lake Havasu sign up thread for how to book.
Michelle Dawson is in charge of sales there, and is a good friend of ours, and a really nice lady too, but don't ever say I admitted that, she will get a big head. Maybe with advance notice we could get you guys parked together in the newer section.
I had already spoken to her about the possibility of a mini rally there and we had mentioned April, but Feb is fine too.
If everyone wants to go there, we could pick a date for a dinner and I can reserve the clubhouse/kitchen for us too (free).
Other things to do there are,,, JEEPING, boating on the river, sightseeing the London Bridge area, geocaching (Kenny Z is an expert), road trip to Laughlin/Bullhead City for gambling (don't tell Dee Clark, we won't see her at all). I suppose you could run to the Grand Canyon if you had a mind to, field trip to Quartzite, fishing, Its about 2 hours to Vega$ if that floats your boat.
Ray Davis
12-05-2008, 01:56 PM
Outdoor Motorcoach Resort in Indio is beautiful. Gary and I were there on the way back from POG3
I belive that Ken and Mike go to the older ORA which is across the street, and is very nice as well. I don't happen to have a link to that.
That weekend looks like a possibililty for us. Perhaps we could arrange for those who want longer to arrive either ealier in the week, or stay some of the week after.
What say everyone?
Ray Davis
12-05-2008, 02:04 PM
Ooops, the previous link I posted was for the resort that Ken and Mike use (I believe).
The one that Gary and I stayed at is just across the street.
BOTH, look to be a great place to stay.
Ray Davis
12-05-2008, 02:11 PM
I missed Jello's post. His resort is really nice too. A little further out for those of us from SoCal, but still only about a 5 hour drive from the south orange county area. I imagine it's around 8 hours for Gary.
12-05-2008, 03:14 PM
We are at Desert Shores in Indio from today through Monday. We will be leaving Monday heading to Yuma. If anyone is in the area this weekend we would love to get together for dinner somewhere. The Tamale Festival is is in Indio this weekend also.
12-06-2008, 05:48 PM
Both the Havasu Resort and the Indio resorts have room for us on the weekend of Feb. 13-16. Will try and negotiate a price for us on Monday. All else being equal will plan on Havasu because of assumed more reasonable rates, the activities available, and because it will be more centralized for anyone in central Arizona, Harry et al. The Havasu folks encouraged us to make reservations ASAP to assure an adequate number of spots. Comments, objections?
Ray Davis
12-06-2008, 06:21 PM
We're still not 100% for that particular weekend (son might be home from NY), but assuming we're a go, then any of those places are fine with us.
IF you wanted to get even further towards the east to help others, then Beaudry's in Tucson treated us really well in the past. I know they've filed for Chap11, but I believe they are still open (might be where Harry is staying).
12-06-2008, 08:47 PM
We will go with the majority, but we have not been to Havasu so that sounds like a new experience. Please Reserve for us.
12-06-2008, 08:48 PM
We would love to attend but the stars have to align just a bit more. We need a Bus!
Could we sign up in the 'maybe column' for now?
As for location, any suggested would be fine, we hopfully will be in AZ for the Winter.
Kevin Erion
12-06-2008, 10:26 PM
Looks good to me, I think the entire Erion family should be able to make mid Feb.
12-06-2008, 11:28 PM
Monday the sixteenth of February 2009 is President's Day.
And traditionally on that weekend the Western Pyrotechnic Association holds it's annual Winterblast celebration.
I used to be a member but don't have enough time to do all anymore, so I just go and watch. Usually the big public display is on Sunday night as I recall. This is a fireworks show elite for sure. It is held at Sara Park which is on hwy 95 on the South end of town (gun club here too).
You can pay to go into the stands (best view) or sit out in the desert for free (for the cheap'os :) ) LOL...
There are so many people that sometimes they shut down hwy 95 at show time to avoid people crashing from watching the fireworks when they drive!
We will be in town that weekend and probably a little before.
We own a spot at a nice resort on the North end of town.
If you go to the link, you will see there is a way to book five nights free. This is of course for someone who might be interested in buying a lot, and far be it from me to suggest that anyone use it just to get five nights free with no intention of buying (ahem ahem).
Michelle Dawson is in charge of sales there, and is a good friend of ours, and a really nice lady too, but don't ever say I admitted that, she will get a big head. Maybe with advance notice we could get you guys parked together in the newer section.
I had already spoken to her about the possibility of a mini rally there and we had mentioned April, but Feb is fine too.
If everyone wants to go there, we could pick a date for a dinner and I can reserve the clubhouse/kitchen for us too (free).
Other things to do there are,,, JEEPING, boating on the river, sightseeing the London Bridge area, geocaching (Kenny Z is an expert), road trip to Laughlin/Bullhead City for gambling (don't tell Dee Clark, we won't see her at all). I suppose you could run to the Grand Canyon if you had a mind to, field trip to Quartzite, fishing, Its about 2 hours to Vega$ if that floats your boat.
Per Jeep's post above, request each of us make his own reservation and credit card guarantee. Based on your interest in a property tour ;) you may wish to take advantage of the five nights for free deal. I will call Michelle first thing monday morning and warn her of our plans. Sounds like we can have a great time watching the fireworks display on Sunday. Maybe we can grab some stuff for a barbeque feast using their facilities on Saturday night if the kitchen is available. Suggest we keep it as spontaneous as possible.
12-07-2008, 01:37 PM
Driving on the desert is no big deal. They call it "desert asphalt", and it really is a good hard surface. See pix. The wind can blow there, no question. I have not experienced blowing sand where we camp, but it can get dirty out there when the weather is nasty. If it gets really bad we can head somewhere else.
12-07-2008, 03:57 PM
Trukster bringing some class from the correct coast, planning on Feb 11th to the 16th at Lake Havasu, providing the better half can maneuver on her bad paw. Gotta blow off the Titusville thing, but I've seen several launches and landings.
My only concern...... Are there sheep in the Desert?
My one for sure thing to do.... Meet Mrs. Erion
Jdub cheerleader try outs!
12-07-2008, 09:10 PM
May not be too many sheep but there are herds of old goatz :D
Whatever blows your kilt up!!
12-08-2008, 12:10 AM
Tom, Mrs Erion and the Erionettes are worth the trip. Turn the old Liberty loose, she'll find her own way.
12-08-2008, 08:47 AM
No doubt the ole girl will head for the barn, but I'll just keep making small left corrections.:p
12-08-2008, 09:43 AM
In an effort to add class to the event Shirley and I will plan on attending.
Fly2 nock off the Old Goat references. I resemble that remark. Should be a great get together and relieve some winter cabin fever.
Jerry Winchester
12-08-2008, 03:05 PM
Are you going to drop a sheep every mile or so from Georgia to California so you can find your way back home?
If you are brave enough to stop in Houston on your way, I have these for "Old What's Her Name".
12-08-2008, 04:14 PM
Good deal folks.... Sounds like fun.
If you want in on the 5 night deal, email Michelle Dawson
And tell her you are with the Prevost group, and she will help you out!
Ray Davis
12-08-2008, 04:18 PM
So, exactly what dates are we talking about? For those staying more than the long weekend, what dates would that cover?
Just wanna get a consensus on when most people will be there!
Steve Bennett
12-08-2008, 07:50 PM
We will be there. I called today & made the reservation.
12-08-2008, 10:07 PM
Norm & Doreen Casson made their reservation today. Should bring both coaches so LarryB can have one.
12-08-2008, 10:27 PM
Norm & Doreen, what are you bring me?
12-08-2008, 11:04 PM
Now that we've moved to the signup and it's for real mode, lets use the Havasu Signup thread. Thanks :)
Kevin Erion
12-09-2008, 08:48 AM
Brian, you are very kind! The girls can hardly wait to play with Danny.
See you and Beverly soon, and check out the new ride!
12-13-2008, 12:30 PM
The Hoyum's will arrive early for the weekend. Just made reservations.
Sid Tuls
12-13-2008, 10:51 PM
If there is still room Judy & I would like to make it.It will be our first POG event.
12-13-2008, 11:13 PM
Plenty of room Sid. Look forward to meeting you and Judy. So far we've got 8 confirmed.
12-14-2008, 12:14 AM
The Clarks would like to get on the road again to warmer weather, Lake Havasu is always one of my favorites, Quartzite, Yuma, anywhere is fine.
We just did a winter trip to the Midwest, went just fine, the bus is well suited for temp's to about 15 deg.
Ray Davis
12-15-2008, 12:33 PM
Kathy and I will most likely be there. I haven't yet made reservations, as I'm trying to work out the logistics of when I could make it out there.
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