View Full Version : Bus Tags (License Plates)
11-28-2008, 02:12 PM
Is there already or is anyone interested in creating a list of license plates so we can spot another POG member on the road? Whenever we pass a Prevost, whether we're in the bus or another vehicle, I always wonder if there are POG members aboard. I saw something about creating a POG logo to place on the buses but don't know that anything has been done about that either. Since we're such a friendly group, it would be nice to be able to recognize each other on the road.
Kenneth Brewer
11-28-2008, 03:24 PM
I agree. Seems a good idea.
dale farley
11-28-2008, 03:54 PM
There is a POG logo that is available at this time. Many busses have it on them, but it is hard to spot at times.
11-28-2008, 10:29 PM
POG has a nice sticker you can attach , Jim Skiff has them.
I keep my bus as clean as the day it was delivered to the first owner, that is except the license plate plastic cover, which I add dirt to each time I clean the bus. I have artfully made the license plate plastic cover look somewhere between a smokey brown to dirt bike brown in color with a little drizzle of grey.
The few times that I have made mistakes, like heading down a toll road in Dallas that only allows Easy Pass, it is difficult to pay tolls when no one is in the window and there is no way to pay, but there is a camera.
Also when you are stealing $700 in diesel in Canada. The only place I want my plate to be seen is in Missoula Mt.
I do however feel that it is a great idea to be able to know who is a POG member when passing each other on the highway.
It can be difficult to see and read plates and even a POG sticker from a distance especially as we are approaching each other in opposite lanes at 70 MPH.
The sticker would or should be placed in 2 positions, front and back, and in the same place.
I have had a few POG members recognize my Portlights (Port Holes)and the glare of my stainless but I have been unable to recognize them. I really like the idea.
How about switching to an agreed CB channel when passing so each of us can say hello??? I am not a big CB user but something that is or can become a standard.
I had been thinking about an idea, you all might consider it a little over the top, but it is not all that complicated to do and would be lots of fun to watch.
How about each of us installing a GPS with a signal (Lojack) that transmits to a central location, that is then placed on a website (POG) and displayed on a Google Earth (3D) Mapview in real time. Each POG member could go to Google earth (Only POG members could see this, not the general public) and see exactly where another member is, each GPS signal would have an ID. Just like trucker do it, the Google Earth map would be like the truckers dispatchers map. I use these tools now on one of my websites. My programmers are introducing in the coming days real time Google Earth 3D GPS navigation for boaters, why not for POGGERS. It could offer lots of interesting benefits. Unless of course you do not want to be seen doing whatever whenever. It would not be like being in Vegas for sure, but could be very useful.
I would be willing to look into this idea if anyone has an interest. I have to believe it is not rocket science.
Joe Cannarozzi
11-29-2008, 06:21 PM
Other than channel 9, that coincidentally, CAN be used for chat just so long as you give way and brake for an emergency, usually the next quiet frequency is 39 because it is completely at the other end of the spectrum from channel 19 and will have the least bleedover from the truckers.
Personally I prefer to use channel 9. It is very quiet and if someone needs help I can assist.
Every now and then I will get a grump telling be where I belong and I courtiously suggest that I am monitoring for emergencies.
So thats my 2 cents:)
11-29-2008, 06:26 PM
I was of the understanding that channel 13 was set aside for RV use.
11-29-2008, 10:53 PM
Marathon promotes using channel 27 ( as in the length of a marathon footrace in miles) for owners to connect with each other. POG could use 28 ( our group is just a little better than theirs)!
11-30-2008, 03:40 PM
The POG stikers are available from Skiffer. They are plenty visable. I have one in front on the window in front of the dash area on the drivers side. One in the rear on the left side of the bumper. They are plenty visable, just hard to get. We don't need larger ones.
12-01-2008, 11:39 AM
That away Harry. I put mine on the rear, left bumper as well. Sounds like this should be the new standard. I can almost see yours from here..
Jon Wehrenberg
12-01-2008, 11:51 AM
You guys have better eyes than me. A bus going the opposite way on the interstate needs more than a POG sticker for me to recognize.
So here is my suggestion............Since most of us have those roof mounted Satellites of domes, I suggest we paint them some distinctive color like this so we could identify another POG member.
Just to head off any debate, that color is not volunteer orange or Ohio State (oops, I meant OSU the other Ohio state) color. It is just plain orange, although a bright yellow, or fluorescent green would work just as well.
Jon Wehrenberg
12-01-2008, 11:52 AM
Hell, if it was bright yellow I would paint a happy face on mine.
Jon Wehrenberg
12-01-2008, 12:03 PM
I'm going out on a limb here. I am thinking that as long as a bus has a value above mid six figures the owners may be a tad bit reluctant to distract attention from the marvelous paint and design, but for us folks who aren't afraid to stand out from the crowd we may just set a trend.
I'd even be willing to light it up at night.
Depending on how many domes Roger smashes per month, he may want to opt out of the program, unless he can spray the color on himself.
12-01-2008, 03:18 PM
Leave it to you, Jon, to come up with the perfect solution. Maybe the Prouds will follow our lead and paint all theirs black to match their tuxedos. Those of us who belong to both organizations could paint concentric black and yellow circles. :)
Jon Wehrenberg
12-01-2008, 03:44 PM
We could really get creative and take a set of fan blades off the old Casablanca ceiling fan, and set them on top of the satellite dome so they spin slowly while we drive. Then it will look like the bus has a beanie on the roof.
No sense getting too serious. These are supposed to be RECREATION vehicles, right?
12-01-2008, 05:04 PM
So if your traveling East lets say and another is traveling west on the interstate, even if you recognize a fellow POGer what then?
Do you both make U turns through the median and wave going the other way.
I go for the painted dome with a light on top:D
Jon Wehrenberg
12-01-2008, 05:27 PM
There was a time when there were so few that those of us in the PP would recognize one another and flash the lights and wave.
At the time the entertainers had Eagle coaches or MCI. Now it seems that Prevost has all the entertainer business so until we are almost on top of one another we don't know if the oncoming Prevost is a motorhome or an entertainer coach.
I'm leaning towards a lighted beanie for the roof.
12-01-2008, 06:02 PM
Well, just for clarity here is a picture of Brian's old coach with the official sticker logo.
12-01-2008, 06:07 PM
It has happened in the past that pranksters have adjusted the wording of the sticker. It could only happen on a Liberty!
The problem with these stickers is they are too small to see while driving in the opposite direction. Rather than defacing the paint job as has been suggested, I think we should trail streamers of toilet paper or magnetic tape from the rear roof top. Be sure not to exceed 65 feet overall length. And at night we can use rope lights. Now we can easily see each other as we drive, and it can all be retracted with a girard awning type device so it looks good when parked too.
Will Garner
12-01-2008, 07:44 PM
OK, I've spent some time going through these posts. I'll admit my eyesight isn't what it used to be. I'm now 20 - 20 when just a couple years ago I was 20 - 10. I agree that recognizing the POG sign, which just happens to be the same shape and size as numerous other "destination" locations, while going 62.5 mph in opposite directions is visually challenging.
After due consideration I have come up with an alternate suggestion which would unequivicably leave no doubt a fellow POGger was passing by. OK, now I don't want to precipitate a mad rush to a retail or wholesale outlet by our total membership so I suggest a schedule be compiled and complied with for installation of a unique to this group "hood ornament." You know like Mack has their doggie, and Pontiac used to have the Indian Chief, Plymouth used to have there sailing ship and so on. Well the ideal "hood ornament" for this group would be an Acme Products blow up sheep strapped to the front of the bus! Maybe we could go one better and use only the head and shoulders for front of the bus and then the rest could be affixed to the engine bay doors. That way if you were not sure of what you thought you saw approaching you could confirm after passing!
Jdub, can you quote a single unit and bulk price as well as one for the half assed alternative so we can get this identification method implemented?
Jim Skiff
12-01-2008, 07:51 PM
POG Stickers are on order as we ran out at Spearfish.
Jon will be spearheading the spinning POG beanie effort. That can be ordered through Jamestown Advanced Products, one of our site sponsors.
12-01-2008, 10:15 PM
I know Jdub will love this; why not have all POG members use clear acrylic bug shields! Since so many guys have them already its a'No Brainer" ..pardon the pun.
12-01-2008, 11:01 PM
You people have way too much time on your hands. Go take a bus trip. I understand it's winter and all, but yikes, get a grip. Let's get this settled. Will is on to something that can bring this to a close. Buy one ACME sheep. Cut it on the bilateral axis and just laminate those plastic sheep halves to the front and back of the your buses and clear coat for additional protection.
IMPORTANT NOTICE!!!!! --- It states YOUR buses.
I know, not enough. Go ahead, stencil your coach number onto the sheep. Then you all can add your Mastercard, AMEX, VISA and make it easy, add your SS number as well.
I'm sure you folks could come up with stainless steel (polished of course) collars for those sheep and maybe a couple of LED lights for eyes. Go ahead, round it out with that special effects horn that goes "BLEE-EE-EI-IING".
Now you're talkin.
12-02-2008, 05:10 PM
I,m sure glad all the POG busses are in perfect running order and there are no maintenence items to be tended to and we all have time for this nitshit discussion. Early on in this thread the subject of a CB channel we all are tuned to whilst driving allows for a jolly hail to the oncoming Prevost can be made. Pogger eh?, Howdy y'all, where youse heading, wanna do lunch, etch.
Jon you could put Di on watch with a pair of binoculars looking for POG emblems. Gonna take a nap.
Jon Wehrenberg
12-02-2008, 06:05 PM
Harry, I'm lucky to get Di to just look out the windshield. She gets frustrated with all the idiots dring on OUR highway.
I cannot imagine her with binoculars because she will see more of the shenanigans other drivers are pulling.
Go take a nap and the next time you post, wake up Lew and pick on him. He's been too quiet.
Jim Skiff
12-16-2008, 11:24 AM
Our second run of POG Stickers are in.
If you would like one or two please let me know and include your mailing address.
Sid Tuls
12-16-2008, 11:45 AM
Hi Jim,
I would like 2 please. I will also send you an e-mail. Thanks
12-16-2008, 05:39 PM
Since I started this whole mess, I would definitely like 2. I'll PM you my address. Thanks.
Jim Skiff
12-31-2008, 11:02 AM
Pile of POG Bumper Stickers up here at CS Corner. Let me know if you need some.:D
Kenneth Brewer
12-31-2008, 11:23 AM
Me too, 2, please.
Thank you.
12-31-2008, 02:06 PM
Please send two.
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