View Full Version : Ozona Texas/Anyone Heading Near This Location ???
Happy Post Thanksgiving to all.
Has anyone been able to wake today, hopefully the Turkey is now wearing off and everyone is standing in line at Target.
Is anyone planning on being near Ozona Tx anytime soon??
Ozona Tx. is about 100 miles Southwest of San Angelo Tx. on I-10 and about 40 miles west of Sonora Tx right on I-10
If any POG member is heading this way could you let me know.
I am in the process of trying to purchase an antique auto on Ebay that is located in Ozona Tx.
I would sure like a set of eyeballs on the car before sending along the $$.
Ray Davis
11-28-2008, 12:04 PM
A month too late! Sorry Bruce. I would have been happy to look at it. Kathy and I passed through Ozona on our way to FL from CA last month.
Thanks Ray, I bet someone will be passing by at some point soon.
Kenneth Brewer
11-28-2008, 03:33 PM
We will be headed west and going by on I-10 tomorrow or Sunday, and while I know something about cars and engines, I do not know anything helpful to you about antique or classic cars, paint, chrome, or what would be a decent deal, and I would be afraid to have anyone hang their hat on what I could tell them.
Hello ken,
Guess what i do not have much more, in fact no more experience than you do.
It is a 1965 red (good to very good condition ) ?? VW BUG convertible, my wife owned one when she was younger and wanted something to play with. It is in Ozona.
If you are not in a rush and as long as the VW is not out in the boondocks somewhere I might ask that you take a look.
If it is not too much to ask that you call so we can discuss the logistics. I would need to get the owner on the phone.
11-28-2008, 04:00 PM
One of the MOST important things to check on a '65 Bug is the condition of the floor pan and the front support arms as rust is a big problem.
This started out as a 6 volt car and may or may not have been upgraded to 12 volt. If it has been, its important that the starter and flywheel have been changed.
Of particular concern is the battery sotorage under the back seat. Lots of opportunity for corrosion there.
Good luck..... it's a great little car....
Hello Paul,
I think we should send you to Ozona for a weekend holiday vacation get away. And while you are there at the Ozona Out Door Resort you can take a look at the VW BUG. I'll cover the Campground fees.
Here is a link to the Bug you will be inspecting:
Kenneth Brewer
11-28-2008, 07:51 PM
Glad you can take this one. You know a little about VWs, it appears. and since I used to own a '67, don't forget the e-brake cable, handle, and handle pivot, and you are right, the floorpan is particularly susceptible to rusting out. Some had problems with seizing, as well. I locked up the engine on the Ohio turnpike, but after waiting about a half hour, it started and I drove to Columbus and returned to Toledo. Be sure to start it unless this is a restoration, I would think.
11-28-2008, 09:35 PM
If that VW is a northern car, forget about it. Even if itwas stored all winter, it would be full of rust. Up north the first thing we would look at is to open the hood and check the seams of the trunk liner. Salt takes its toll of that first.
11-28-2008, 10:16 PM
I have owned several VW's and early model Porsche 356's. The one thing they all have in common is the metal and welding characteristics. If the vehicle has been in the Northeast for any time at all, you can count on sever rusting and corrosion.
They don't hold up. The early model engines, although simple, always seemed to leak oil and go out of tune.
Having said that, they are a fun car with a lot of memories.
11-28-2008, 10:20 PM
pull up all the mats and carpets, they just sit on top of the floor and are loose if I recall. Don't forget to check for rust where the running boards attach under the dood edges and at the front and rear fenders.
Richard Beecher
02 Marathon XLII 45
96 VOGUE 40 XL for sale
11-28-2008, 10:47 PM
Take magnets to check that parts haven't been stuffed/filled with Bondo. In particular, tops of the fenders and the pan/running board seams as mentioned earlier.
I think we need to have a mini rally in Ozona. I'll bring the magnets, the beer and we can all have some fun.
When I met my wife she had a VW Convertible, and she regretted getting rid of it. We have owned a few different older cars, VW's MG's and other mostly European cars, have seen a few tricks, but mostly head toward the better restorations that are considered good to excellent, but not 100 point cars. This VW is in good shape and appears to be a daily driver and possible show car with some serious TLC. It is a fun way to spend time.
Maybe we should have a rally where we all bring antique cars, and have some type of small show and tell?
Thanks for your advice and interest. Once again it shows how much in common we really have, Buses, boats, planes, bikes, toys of all kinds.
Who owns a TRAIN, that just about all that is left.
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