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Jon Wehrenberg
11-18-2008, 06:20 PM
Eric and Deb and I have been trying to help Jim C. get a better understanding of his new coach (the Blingmobile). Jim has been asking questions and between the three of us we are trying to give him answers that are actually correct.

Last night he was plugged in at Deb and Erics's in Hunstville, TN. I arrived around 9:00 to be greeted by Deb who said I had to hear a story about Jim. Here is the story as I understand it.

Jim goes to bed, and when he did he closed the pocket door (air powered) between the kitchen and the bath. He wakes up in the AM and realizes he is in trouble. He forgot the door was air powered. So he forgot to consider he needed the aux air system to have air. To have air he needed to have the aux air pump turned on.

So here he is stuck in his own bedroom. He finds the emergency valve so he can open the pocket door, but unfortunately he cannot get the door to open. It turns out that the emergency valve he found was for the second pocket door that closes the bedroom off from the bathroom. It doesn't help him with the pocket door next to the kitchen.

No problem. He will just call Deb or Eric and ask for help. Oops. his cell phone is up front in the kitchen or living room.

So here is Jim. locked in his own bedroom and no way to communicate he has a problem.

But he got lucky. Really lucky. Eric knocked on the door. The bad news the bus door was locked, but the good news in this whole ordeal was that Jim had the bus keys in his pocket. Eric got the keys from Jim through the bedroom window. He unlocked the coach, got the air up and Jim was able to open the pocket door and escape to the outside world. If he had left his keys up front in the bus instead of in his pocket he would still be in the back of the coach. Even if he got out the bedroom window he still could not get back into his own bus without the keys.

We later found the second correct escape valve. All the labels identifying it were clearly visible as soon as you removed the cover enclosing the valve. The cover concealed it perfectly.

11-18-2008, 06:39 PM
I guess he is learning, huh?


11-18-2008, 07:34 PM
I can't wait to hear where Mrs. Jimmy C was during this fiasco.:p

Makes you want to have air pocket doors doesn't it!:rolleyes:

11-18-2008, 09:42 PM
That story just can't be true. Jim told me that he was going to be back home in Ohio no later than Sunday, November 16, 2008. That was last Sunday, right?
Is the guy your telling this story about kinda bushy headed with a dazed look in his eyes and a big grin? Real purty wife who looks like she might just slap to crap outta the bushy headed guy at any moment (usually for good reason.)
Yep, that's Jimmy C. and the Mrs.
But when you think about it, if I was heading back to Freezing Cleveland, Ohio about now, fiddling around in Tenn. for a week or so sounds like a great idea. You all have fun!!

11-18-2008, 10:37 PM
I like air doors because they remind me of Star Trek. 'Live long and Prosper Jim'.

Gary & Peggy Stevens
11-18-2008, 11:32 PM
Great stories to tell around the campfire at the next POG rally.

I guess you didn't get any pictures, though, TOO BAD ! :D

Gary S.

11-19-2008, 07:17 AM
I'm sure someone will come up with a new award category which will probably be presented at the next major POG gathering.....winner need not be present:o

Jon Wehrenberg
11-19-2008, 07:45 AM
This is all part of the process of learning to know what you don't know even when you don't know what you don't know.

Is there anybody out there in POGland that does not have a tale to tell on themselves? I know a guy that ran a test to see how far a Hummer can be dragged with the brakes on.

mike kerley
11-19-2008, 08:48 AM
Good story!

To expand on Jon's message:

we have our known knowns, those things that we know we know.

then we have our known unknowns, those things that we know we dont know.

Then there are the unknown unknowns, those things that we did not know that we did not know!

Life, Prevost's and "politics" are full of them! The "unknown, unknowns are getting pretty scarry.

Mike K.

11-19-2008, 09:42 AM
That story just can't be true. Jim told me that he was going to be back home in Ohio no later than Sunday, November 16, 2008. . . . . But when you think about it, if I was heading back to Freezing Cleveland, Ohio about now, fiddling around in Tenn. for a week or so sounds like a great idea. You all have fun!!

Howdy all. Jim Chaloupka has left our house in Huntsville, TN, fueled at DJ's Pit Stop in the big town of Norma, and is probably rolling north on I-75 near the TN/KY state line as I type. Very nice visit.

eric faires
huntsville, TN

11-19-2008, 08:20 PM
Well, even with a combination of small annoying failures; aux air compressor, 5 port norgren, 50 amp cord end stop, one Heart inverter intermitently working and not, I am still having a great time of it.

Ted, I took Barb to the Nashville Airport to fly home to the snow while I lingered back to keep the bus off the salty roads as best I can.

Tonight I am at a KOA in Charleston WVA. I came across I 64 out of Lexington,KY. It is a very scenic and lightly traveled road. I will probably blast up I 77 to home and then on to Chautauqua regardless of the snow that doesn't want to go away for even a couple of days.

"and away we go" anyone remember that!


7.53 miles/gal, for now.

11-19-2008, 10:29 PM
Your doing great, Jim. I know Barb was ready to check on the horses and the rest of the trip home should be a breeze. I was talking to a woman with Explorer Insurance in Cleveland this afternoon and she said the roads were mostly clear. I told her I had a friend heading to Cleveland from Dallas and she ask if it was you and Barbara. Small world, she sold you a policy for the bus a couple of weeks ago.
Get a good nights rest and take that new ride home tomorrow. If the road goes to ice, park it till it melts. Keep us posted.

11-19-2008, 10:38 PM
I doubt that I will have internet for the next few days, so don't worry if you don't hear from me for a few days.


Jon Wehrenberg
11-20-2008, 06:42 AM
Jim, When you do get back on the internet my NY personalized license plates were:

"NAWAWEGO" for the bus

"AWAIGO2" for the toad.

We had them in 1991 and for the entire time we had the bus registered in NY state.

11-20-2008, 08:23 AM
In Seneca, the translation of "NAWAWEGO" is "Man with little turtle".:D

Gary & Peggy Stevens
11-20-2008, 09:02 AM
In Seneca, the translation of "NAWAWEGO" is "Man with little turtle".:D


Gary S.

11-25-2008, 12:20 AM
Jim, this should make you feel a little better, here's my noob story:

I had just bought the coach, and one of the 'warnings' I got from the previous owner was to NEVER turn off the engine without a) setting the parking brake, and b) ensuring the transmission was in neutral. If this was not followed, you will not start the bus. (without having to jump the starter)

Guess what I did at the first rest stop on the road? :) Boy did I feel like a noob, or is that boob?


BTW, does this apply to the newer coaches?

11-25-2008, 10:07 AM
I guess this crowd is too young to remember.

It was Jackie Gleason on his weekly TV show that would say "and awaaay we go" and skedaddle off the stage.