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Joe Cannarozzi
10-30-2008, 08:09 PM
What the heck happened to Chaloupka:confused:

The guy buys himself a bus and then he disappears. Guess he figures he don't need us any more:rolleyes:

10-30-2008, 08:23 PM
I haven't heard from him, sure hope he's ok. I wonder if the bus he bought was a double lemon??? :)

Joe Cannarozzi
10-30-2008, 09:01 PM
He could be experiancing post-purchase traumatic syndrome:eek:

He may need meds.

Jon Wehrenberg
10-30-2008, 09:25 PM
If Jim has the bus he needs us more than ever.

I suspect that just keeping up with what each button and knob does would be plenty of reason to get on the forum and ask questions. Right now he is like a student pilot that has read all about flying, but has never done it. He don't even know what he don't know.

Jim, we're here for you. Write soon.:D

10-30-2008, 11:20 PM
Dale: Careful, you might want to sell yours someday - to a POG Guy.

In one post its "POG is such a warm friendly group", and then the next thing I know a zinger is flying up from a beautiful farm in Nebraska. Whats up with that?

That bus has so many buttons it would take a rocket scientist a while to learn it.:cool: But it has the manuals!

10-30-2008, 11:22 PM
You all just don't need to be worrying about Jim C. He is arriving down here in God's Country on the 10th. His plan is to spend the week getting a grip on the Liberty and shopping for supplies to make the trip home. Jan and I are going over on Wed. or Thurs. to offer encouragement and get the Chaloupkas fed up real good before they head out.
Jim has been covered up getting his bus barn ready for the new occupant, thus his lack of participation lately. I'm thinking he'll be back with a vengeance real soon. :)

Jon Wehrenberg
10-31-2008, 07:07 AM
Mel and Jim.......real concern here:

I hope the seller has kept the bus powered up this entire time. As has been discussed on this forum many times the failure to maintain power to the coach results in damage to the batteries and that leads to funky problems until everything gets sorted out.

Asking the seller if it has been powered up is an exercise in futility.

The coach has 4 chassis batteries which should be OK if they were monitored and the charger was used when voltage went down. It has 4 house batteries that need to have the inverters on at all times as well as the battery charger switches #1 and #2 (those are misleading labels because those switches are actually power to the inverters). It also has a generator battery that will be OK if the inverters were left on. Finally, it has a small battery at the top left of the electric compartment that must be changed every two years. If the other batteries have puked, this battery will keep the computers alive when the switch is thrown. The generator will not start unless the computers are alive.

Hate to bring up somber thoughts when this should be a happy occasion, but our coaches are extremely dependent on batteries.

10-31-2008, 07:11 AM
Roger, I was seeing if you were paying attention! everyone knew that your bus was a good one.

I thought that if I put a smile at the end that that would let everyone know. I'll keep the funny's to a minimum.

10-31-2008, 09:21 AM
I heard that remark King!:rolleyes:

Dale J, keep it coming, nobody is exempt in this group...

Jon Wehrenberg
10-31-2008, 09:27 AM
You don't need no stinkin manuals. The bus won't ever need repair. It's a Liberty.

10-31-2008, 09:38 AM
Dale, its ok-- used car dealers in a recession have to have thick skin.

Mine is almost as thick as A1's. Keep the Zingers coming - it does help to relieve the pain.

Hey --I got more reinforcements from Jamey at Mobile (from Chattanooga) - he's a used car dealer too.

Plus he owns a Country Coach on top of that.

10-31-2008, 09:47 AM
The bus has been plugged in since the day it came into Mr. Oliver's from Florida. They will have her looking like new when Jim arrives and are going to take 4 or 5 days helping him get up to speed.
Gee, thanks, Jon, I'm taking your number out of my speed dial. Well, maybe not. ;)

Jon Wehrenberg
10-31-2008, 11:38 AM
Check those chassis batteries. As Roger will point out, if the charger was left "on" they could be cooked, and if it was left "off" they could be low on voltage or dead.

Owning a bus is not for sissies.

10-31-2008, 04:11 PM
Yep.... in fact, mine has been known to fix itself!! :D

10-31-2008, 09:48 PM
[QUOTE=Jon Wehrenberg; Quote
it has a small battery at the top left of the electric compartment that must be changed every two years.

Jon please expond on the above statement of a small battery. I'm on my second coach and I don't know anything about the fore mentioned battery.
Don't ask me why or why i didn't see this in the manual. Me and Manual don't do well together. Anyway where is't and what is't fore. Is this a Liberty exclusive. I had my royale 10 years and never saw or heard from the described battery. Top left of which electrical compartment.
Thx again

11-01-2008, 09:54 AM
Hey, every thing's OK for now and I am sure with all you out there for me it will be in the future. When one gets away from this site for more than a day or two it's very difficult to get back up to speed, so I just stuck to one thing and let it go.

I have been out of town working predawn past dusk to ready my garage.
It's not completely finished, but ready enough for good safe storage.

Just got a new laptop and am getting used to the beast. I don't like the pad mouse and need to get an optical one.

Right now we are in Syracuse NY visiting our daughter and as Mel said will go to pick up yhe bus on 11/10/08

I really don't know anything about owning and operating as bus, just a lot about wanting one. I do believe I chose a good one for a first time owner, after all it doesn't have a bug shield so how bad can it be, so most of the questions and goof ups will be on my back. If I had only know when riding with Jon that I would make a purchase so soon, I could have learned a lot more on our trip to Spearfish. Now I will have to learn by trial and error and by my mistakes, and hope there are no errors with drastic consequences.



Jon Wehrenberg
11-01-2008, 04:46 PM

I don't think you have a battery such as I described. The PLCs (programmable logic controllers) on our Elegant Ladies must be functioning in order to initiate the generator start cycle, so the battery is basically one that will bring them alive when the house batteries are dead so the generator can be started.

Life sucks until your generator is running so that battery is important. You also need the dedicated generator start battery, but if that has died it can be jumped from a car.

11-01-2008, 09:39 PM
Jimmy C, you have to be the most laid back patient dude I ever met!;) You bought a bus 2 months ago and you haven't even sat in the seat yet. I wouldn't have slept for one night if it was me.

I can't wait until you get on the road...:cool: