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View Full Version : Mobile Oysters and Bus Repairs

dale farley
10-26-2008, 03:15 PM
While in Mobile, I decided to check my second water heater to see why it wasn't working. I have two 10.5 gallon heaters and never use but one at a time, so it has never been an issue.

With some advice from several of the other members and some direct hands-on help and parts from Jim Keller, we determined that I had a bad thermal switch. Fortunately, "Jim the Tool & Parts Man" just happened to have a spare switch. What was confusing was, when I first cheked the voltage, I had power to the heating element, but no heat, and yet the element wasn't bad.

After several minutes of trouble shooting, the intermittent problem showed up and we lost power to the element. After backtracking with a meter, we found one of the two thermal switches wasn't working all the time. Replaced, and all is well.

For all the Country Coach owners, this may be of interest. My lady in the box quit talking after I arrived at Mobile, and I couldn't figure out why. This was not Paulette, but the other woman I carry around in the bus all the time. After removing my front TV to check the circuit boards for the Speech Synthesizer and talking with everyone at the rally that owns a CC, I decided to read the manual.

One of the last paragraphs in the manual tells us that, like any compter, the system sometimes gets confused and needs to be reset. I pushed the switch to disconnect my power to the bus and then turned it back on. The woman started talking again as soon as I switched on the ignition. An easy fix, once I knew what to do.

10-26-2008, 08:40 PM
Thanks for sharing. So far, my lady in the box has not missed a point yet.....

Still working on finding my air leaks. During my brief ownership of a Prevost, chasing air leaks is definitely part of the experience.
