View Full Version : White Shirt Award Protest
09-13-2008, 11:23 AM
There is only one person who has attended every POG Rally since the inception and that is A-1 & Di.
The Turd Boys don't qualify as they use their frequent flyer miles, fly free, do not buy any diesel fuel, do not support the campgrounds enroute and have not attended each Rally with their buses. This is especially disturbing knowing that the chicken boy has two buses to choose from and would rather fly.
So, I think the white shirts should be stripped from the Turd Boys and awarded to the King and I, as we actually made all but one Rally with our buses and we are next in line after the famous A-1!
Besides, I think it's against the secret POG rules to initiate air strikes without exposing your bus to a retaliatory strike!
Protest Proof
Jon Wehrenberg
09-13-2008, 11:36 AM
I would gladly jump into the battle which is sure to ensue, but I think the Taco Twins are earning their stripes on this one. They left two lovely wives to fend for themselves so they could play college level pranks involving farm animals.
One of the poor suffering wives is dealing with an illness while her husband is trying to justify the effort to attend a POG rally without one of his two buses by explaining that airline tickets are cheaper than diesel fuel neglecting to mention the depreciation meter runs whether you use the bus or not. (Kaching, kaching)
The other poor wife and scared children are fleeing from a killer storm while her husband is justifying a sexual relationship with sheep as a necessary guy thing. He will probably be spending the next six months in the guest room.
These clowns may actually have earned those shirts the hard way.
09-13-2008, 12:50 PM
Trukman, thanks for your kind words.
Jon, Donna wasn't that sick and JDUB says he's seen bigger hurricanes.
So Mrs. Mango wants to know why I have to go to South Dakota for a day.
Well Dear...
JDUB hates to travel alone. Especially during perilous airstrikes.
He also needed some help herding the sheep in the pickup.
We also had to accessorize a Country Coach - they all need some enhancements.
Now the TrukBus is looking smart
Along the way we had to help Harry and Fast Roger wash their bus. Note the level of assistance from Fast Roger. Although credit has to be given to him for wearing a Mango Mike's hat.
09-13-2008, 01:00 PM
We had to see Skiffer get his Wings from Jim C. (Unfortunately I don't have any photos of Fast Roger getting his crown or A1 receiving his award from Jim C.)
Naturally I had to visit Tom and Nancy to make sure their Low Beer Light was still working.
And no trip is complete without kissing the Ring.
And finally JDUB and I always get a kick out of these two trying to imitate the Taco Twins.
... and Dear that's why I had to go to South Dakota for a day.
09-13-2008, 02:52 PM
curious minds want to know, why was Skiffer getting wings?? Ya'll are having way too much fun!
Jon Wehrenberg
09-13-2008, 04:54 PM
It seems the Skiffer has been holding out on us.
He has had a long time association with aviation, beginning when he fashioned wings from toilet paper and made his sister Katie and brother Billie wear them and jump from the neighbor's porch. What is unknown is if Katie or Billie ever soloed.
09-13-2008, 07:25 PM
I might would be willing to jump in here and comment about the shirts, but I would settle for a warm coat right now.
We saw Mt Rushmore, Crazy Horse, and Deadwood and Keystone today with Mr & Mrs Truck, had a great time and came back to a 54 degrees with high winds and my windows open on the bus ( my doings when it was 70 and sunny when we left this am), we saw Lead SD too. Sunday we plan to see Devils Tower when we thaw out.
Enjoy the shirts, they are short sleeve - not approiate for South Dakota:cool:
09-13-2008, 09:33 PM
I'm not sure what all the fuss is about. I have attended every single POG Golf tournament since it's founding and I am still waiting for my shirt! Just how long will this injustice continue.
Jim Skiff
09-13-2008, 09:46 PM
As we discussed today, you will get a special shirt. After all, you deserve it.
I mean, Santa Fe, Kerrville, Pahrump and now Spearfish, I really don't think Truk understands the kind of effort and teamwork that takes.
Golf is hard Truk, and to be fair to Gary, there will be a shirt.
09-13-2008, 10:16 PM
I agree Gary, you should have a shirt, but your golfing buddy has stiffed you.:D
By the way, how come you pussy's quit before getting in 18? The Skiff Man says he thought the chilly weather was perfect for a golf game (just like at home in Lobster land) and couldn't understand why everyone wanted to quit.:p
Jerry Winchester
09-13-2008, 10:37 PM
Bite me.
If I were in the sitting-on-the-porch-licking-my-nuts phase of life, I could scurry off to every bus rally and spend weeks getting there too. However, as a gainfully employed forty nine year old, I still have to punch in every day, so I am just happy to be able to assist with your sheep fetish and see my buddies every so often. And as a little guy working in the oil field, I am just glad I have enough frequent flyer miles to get me there.
And I probably would not have gone except I knew a certain Kuntry Koach was set to be there..........
I think we need a special POG shirt for the Trukman with a sheep on it for every time he has been hammered. Maybe you can get them all on the back of a 3XL....
Orren Zook
09-14-2008, 12:32 AM
I think wind breakers, gloves and a hat with ear muffs with the POG logo should be awarded to Jim and Gary for playing today......
Will Garner
09-14-2008, 09:54 AM
I know all of this banter is in good fun. I do however think there could be a little more creativity and responsibility applied to this sheep thing. I was thinking perhaps instead of giving Trukman a free shirt everytime he gets "hit." Perhaps it would be more mean more if the President of the Acme Company Store added a little vinyl sheep logo to a place beside the entry door of the Presidential Coach. Kinda in the spirit of all the "Aces" that have flown before him. That way the rest of us could keep up with the score without having to give away a free shirt everytime Tom (Trukman) gets peppered with sheep!
On a more serious note, my thoughts are with all of our POG members and their families from the Texas and Louisianna coast area. We hope and pray they are healthy and have not suffered much damage to their worldly possessions from Ike.
09-14-2008, 11:11 PM
Thanks for all the support, there is sheep in your future!:D My only concern is getting Acme Factory sheep that have not been molested. After Jdub and Mango checked out on Saturday morning I heard the maid laughing hysterically sitting on the front porch of the cabin the two Turd Boys shared Thursday and Friday night. I asked her what was going on and she told me to just go in the bedrooms and take a look. Here's what caught her by surprise:
Mango had the top bunk
Jdub had the honeymoon suite
I rest my case...
Jerry Winchester
09-15-2008, 02:51 PM
I agree that we need some small sheep stickers for the Krakman Koach. And I am sure that if these sheep we subjected to a DNA test, the Krakman would have his photo up in the post office.
Jon Wehrenberg
09-15-2008, 03:35 PM
I'm not sure I understand this. JDUB is claiming Truk to be a Prevert with farm animals, but so far the only people I know who are delivering the livestock are two guys with knee boots.
It seems like Truk is stuck with the herd after these two guys have had their way with the herd. All I can say to this is baaaaaa humbug.
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