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dale farley
09-10-2008, 01:30 AM
Roger came through some rain today and got his new bus dirty, so he stopped by and got me to wash it for him. Of course, he wanted me to chamois it also.

The bison decided to take a close look at Roger's new ride. He and Micki have a beautiful CC, and I am sure they are going to get several years of enjoyment out of it.

09-10-2008, 11:36 AM
When you get back to FL, will you come over and wash our bus? Please bring the bison also. :D


Ray Davis
09-10-2008, 03:46 PM
That SURE is a pretty bus! And Dale, looks like you're doing an excellent job for the King! :rolleyes:

Ain't it time to head to Spearfish!!!


09-11-2008, 12:11 AM
Hey Truk: That don't look like no blow up cheap sheep stuff from acme. Those look like the real thing. Or has JDUb and Mango been working overtime in the R & D dept of the Acme Co. ?

The way to tell if they are real or not -- If they leave stuff on the ground, Don't step in it!

09-11-2008, 03:50 PM
Sure is a pretty coach Roger and Micki!!

Debi and Bob

Toy Box
09-11-2008, 06:25 PM
Great pics. I'll have to show you guys a few of the tatonka (buffalo) surrounding our goldwing this past season. And yes, they do dump right next to the bike if they have a notion to do so. Now you know Roger, how we got the big nuts.

01-06-2009, 10:57 PM
Dale and Paulette:

I hear on the news tonight there's some increased volcanic activity going on in or around or under Yellowstone and was just wondering if you guys are heading back there again this year.

I know when we visited yall there you mentioned all the earthquakes that go on and of course we saw the geysers - and the unusual landscapes around the park.

Hey and it's a good thing you and Mr. Toolman are helping out the Trukster with his Liberty since he got rid of his CC.

dale farley
01-07-2009, 09:34 AM

I heard that same news. Yellowstone averages over 2000 earthquakes each year. Fortunately/unfortunately, we didn't really notice any of them during the 5 months we were there in 2008. They are predicting that someday there will be another (BIG) one. It may be the one that causes California to slide into the ocean. Much of the landscape in Yellowstone was formed by the previous earthquakes, including the huge Yellowstone Lake.

Actually, I have thought about the earthquakes and would prefer not to experience one of any magnitude. We have been communicating with them this week and are considering going back for the months of August and September. Since they are predicting a very slim year, they may not be hiring anyone for that late in the year. We don't want to be gone for 5 months again this soon, and thought we might go to Yellowstone and then come back by Oklahoma City. I'll keep an eye on the earthquake activity between now and then.

01-07-2009, 02:33 PM
Are you really in Yellowstone? This time of year washing a bus in a t-shirt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What campground are you at?

Gary & Peggy Stevens
01-07-2009, 04:41 PM
Are you really in Yellowstone? This time of year washing a bus in a t-shirt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What campground are you at?

Hey Greg, the post of Dale washing Rogers bus was in Sept 2008. Dale is a real man but not that much of a man to be out in Yellowstone in January hand washing someone elses's bus ? :confused:

Gary S.

dale farley
01-07-2009, 05:46 PM
Greg, Gary is right, when we got to Yellowstone last May there was between 6-14 feet of snow everywhere. I'm sure there's no runnring water at this time for me to wash Roger's bus again. If we were there now, roger would have to do his own washing.

01-07-2009, 08:04 PM
Boy oh boy Dale you sure know how to make me understand the cliche' "them was the good ole days".

You sure are/was a nice guy.

01-08-2009, 10:31 AM
How is that Roger gets everyone else to wash his coach. Hey Roger, what's your secret?;)

Jon Wehrenberg
01-08-2009, 11:32 AM
I've really been reluctant to say this, but when we washed it for the poor fellow in Spearfish it was because we felt it was so ugly, that anything we could do to improve the looks would help. He may have a different spin on it, being King and all that, but that is my story and I'm sticking to it.

Jon Wehrenberg
01-08-2009, 11:33 AM
The King may put me in the dungeon after that last post.

01-08-2009, 04:17 PM
Ya Jon,

Bread and water for "ye" for 100 days!:eek:

Jon Wehrenberg
01-08-2009, 04:30 PM
He has hinted, but not yet been specific, that the CC03 (not yet called the Blingmobile II) may be getting the East Tennessee dress up treatment.

I'm guessing based on past experience there will be a lot of mirrors and polished stainless, but true to his roots I also expect a rifle rack in the back and a couple of the Tennessee power "T's" on the side.

01-08-2009, 11:04 PM

The only answer I can give and be nice is I have met so many nice folks in POG. They are so nice to me that they wash my bus!!

???They may feel it is an obligation due to the title that has been bestowed upon me by my peers.

???Or they may feel obliged to wash my bus as they feel obliged to do an air strike on Jdub and Mango whenever there is an opportunity.

???Or it may be similar to the uncontrollable urge that Jdub and Mango have to perform repeated air strikes on the Truckster.

Life is full of mysteries and why folks wash my bus is cause they are nice.

Titusville or Bust!

But I still have not figured out why Jon is so anal.

01-08-2009, 11:14 PM
I think it has something to do with Roger's good looks and that disarming southern diction. I was paid to say that!

01-09-2009, 12:37 AM
It's nice to be nice and be nice to all nice people with nice busses!:)

Gary & Peggy Stevens
01-09-2009, 09:56 AM
Hey Chris / Jim: I noticed the Range Rover bit the dust. I remember you talking about all the problems you had with the Rover, but I also noticed your new toad is a Lexus LX-470?

I didn't know you could tow the Lexus 4 down? Or did you have to have a Remco drive line disconnet hooked up to it?

Enjoy your trip East along the Gulf.

Gary S.

01-09-2009, 01:53 PM
Morning Gary and thanks we will have great time in FLa,

I moved what I wrote about choosing the LX-470 to the TOAD section as to keep the thred drift at minimum.

Ray Davis
01-09-2009, 08:13 PM
I think a lot of the new restrictions are the auto makers trying to CYA.

It's my understanding that the 2006 Pilots are exactly the same as the 2003 (which we have, and two just fine). However, the Honda does need to have the gear shifted in a very specific pattern before towing, and every 300 miles (or so) afterwards. This evidently is more than some customers can get straight. My guess is that it's easier to tell customers you can't tow, rather than the liability issues if they do tow, but do not properly set the tranny.

Personal opinion, worth every penny you paid for it! :rolleyes:


01-09-2009, 08:45 PM

You are exactly right they are covering their tails.

I have a 2005 Honda Pilot and I tow it 4 wheels down. As per owner's manual, damage can occur if the correct sequence is not performed.

The LAST gear selected before towing must be DRIVE. If REVERSE is selected damage can occur.

I've towed it for over 40,000 miles with no problems. I stop every eight hours and run the engine; put it in reverse with the engine running and then shift to forward for a minute then shift to neutral. No problems!:D