View Full Version : Scoop! Knoxville Bling Revealed!
Just Plain Jeff
06-16-2006, 08:29 AM
One of my operatives has forwarded this image from Chez Grease Pit. And this is just the TOAD!
We are running facial recognition on the guy with his jaw dropped to determine if it is indeed JDUB.
Jon Wehrenberg
06-16-2006, 04:42 PM
An obvious breach of security. Heads will roll.
Jerry Winchester
06-16-2006, 10:10 PM
I thought he was working on one of these;
Jerry Winchester
06-16-2006, 10:13 PM
And Roger sent him one of these.........
06-16-2006, 10:37 PM
So much for the poster sizepicture of the JDUB bling. What ever happened to the idea of not posting the large pics so it wouldn't use up so many "what-cha-callits" I can't post anything cuz I thought you had to go thru a five or six step process. Chit.
Just Plain Jeff
06-17-2006, 07:05 AM
Jon already HAS several of those.
Jon Wehrenberg
06-17-2006, 07:33 AM
I remain immune to your taunts. Now that the oil pan drain plug is glistening in the fluorescent light of my grease pit, I am working on the shine for my differential drain plug.
And just so you wanna bees are thinking "who cares?" I have designed and constructed a special aluminum walker that converts into a creeper so the 86 year old judge can get under my coach and see real bling.
Just Plain Jeff
06-17-2006, 07:53 AM
Sure, first he says that he isn't doing anything, then he says that he is. We've seen this kind of erratic behavior before and we know a lot about it.
It is all a distraction from what is really going on.
06-17-2006, 10:51 PM
Besides the picture of Jon's shop and personel, could you share a picture of his pit?
Just Plain Jeff
06-18-2006, 10:11 PM
Here is the REAL person who does the work at Jon's:
And here's the actual set up:
So, now you know!
Jon Wehrenberg
07-07-2006, 04:47 PM
It has been a major effort, but well worth it. I am giving fair warning to all who think they are in the running for the "King of Bling" award you are all in trouble.
Over the last six months I have carefully detailed the slots and heads of every screw or bolt on my coach. They are now all polished and clean. But while doing that I have carefully aligned every one so the slots are perfectly oriented horizontally and vertically. All hex fasteners have the bolt heads similarly oriented in exactly the same direction. The hard part was polishing the inside of the phillips slots.
None of my fasteners is an LED, but they all shine.
When I park in Santa Fe, I will jack up my coach wheels, one at a time and rotate them so the valve stems are all at the 12:00 (MST) position. I will insure the tires on the rims will all have the word Michelin oriented right side up, and at the top.
I have insured every filament in every light bulb (no LEDs here) are oriented horizontally.
I still have a few months to polish the back of the bumpers and the inside of the trailer hitch receiver.
This is too easy.
Just Plain Jeff
07-07-2006, 05:44 PM
Big deal.
We do that every time we park.
I'm bringing my DD reader to get the real story.
07-08-2006, 07:58 AM
Jon although I havn't met you yet, I'm seeing two sides of you. On one hand I hear you talk about how you maintain your coach so you shouldn't have to dress it up with LED's to look nice. On the other hand I was reading your writings on jacking and supporting a bus, when I noticed that your driver wheels were not polished on the backside. Can you shed some light on this! I'm hoping I can relaxe a bit, I was thinking at POG-2 you will be walking around with a clip board making notes on our coaches. ;)
Jerry Winchester
07-08-2006, 10:42 AM
You are right to suspect conflicting messages from Jon. Let's go to the dictionary for the real insight.
Main Entry: bling-bling
Pronunciation: 'bli[ng]-"bli[ng]
Variant(s): also bling /'bli[ng]/
Function: noun
Etymology: imitative: flashy jewelry worn especially as an indication of wealth; broadly : expensive and ostentatious possessions
Main Entry: anal
Pronunciation: 'A-n&l
Function: adjective
1 : of, relating to, situated near, or involving the anus <an anal fin>
2 a : of, relating to, characterized by, or being the stage of psychosexual development in psychoanalytic theory which follows the oral stage and during which the child is concerned especially with its feces b : of, relating to, characterized by, or being personality traits (as parsimony, meticulousness, and ill humor) considered typical of fixation at the anal stage of development <an anal disposition> <anal neatness>
- anal·ly /-n&l-E/ adverb
Do not confuse one for the other.
We may also be seeing a little obsessive / compulsive behavior here as well.
Wanna chime in here Jeff?
Just Plain Jeff
07-08-2006, 12:09 PM
All of us recall the;TERRIBLE TWOS;, a troubling time of testing our newfound personal power. Our home became a battleground of wills between our newly discovered ;selves; and our testy parents who once gave us everything but now seem determined to take everything away that is fun, interesting and tasty! We have boundless energy to explore and discover. Our developing muscle system gives us power as we walk, run, touch and explore with glee. We are literally a child in a huge toystore. We grab and take what is forbidden and fiercely assert that it is MINE. We respond with animal rage when we are forbidden to touch or to take what is obviously ours. After we bite, hit, scream or yell and are still not given OUR possession back, we throw a temper tantrum to express our frustration.
We develop a sense of ourselves, a PRIDE in what we can do.
This second psychosocial crisis to ERIKSON is a crisis of power - AUTONOMY VERSUS SHAME AND DOUBT. We need to freely explore to gain a sense of pride and accomplishment, but we need to strike a delicate balance between total freedom (what we want) and the limits and controls of our parents (what others want.)
The TERRIBLE TWOS are a struggle for us to assert and define our sense of autonomy and willpower. We want to do itOUR WAY to demonstrate our power and independence.
Constant negative responses control and teach the child that he has no will power and thus no real power as a separate individual. The AUTONOMY, the strength of the self that we so admire in successful adults can be weakened early in childhood. The unbridled passion of the toddler to explore and assert himself can be squashed. The essential part of the child that was forming - a strong will and sense of personal power and control over his destiny - dies. The toddler retreats from active exploration and is filled with feelings of self-doubt and a lack of self-worth.
AUTONOMY IS THE FOUNDATION FOR SELF-ESTEEM. If we don't have a strong sense of self, we look to others for our identity and confirmation of our value and worth. The overly-controlled child becomes RETENTIVE, and holds back feelings and actions. He or she seeks psychological safety in becoming a yes man, abiding by the rules of others. The retentive child develops a strong CONSCIENCE that monitors his actions so that he will be good avoiding possible punishment and internal feelings of guilt.
The way a child responds to the inevitable frustrations of not getting everything he wants is directly related to the quality of attachment in his first year of life. The unloved child may even become a psychopath as an adult, breaking rules with absolutely no conscience or guilt, totally unresponsive to the needs of others.
In early childhood we must learn to respect and honor the rights and feelings of others. If we are neglected, abused or allowed to get our way too much of the time, we may learn that we do not have to care what others think or feel. We remain EGOCENTRIC, fixated in the anal stage, demanding that the world conform to our expectations. Fixated in our self-centered world view, we have little tolerance for frustration and act-out with temper-tantrums.
There are incessant pressures on the child to learn to control his emotions, his selfish desires and even his bodily functions at the age of two. He is "trained" - trained what to touch, what to say, how to dress, eat and even "toilet-trained." The young child is disciplined and punished and told "don't" endlessly, threatening his freedom and self-esteem.
Toilet-training is one of the first set of experiences a child has with external discipline. During the process of toilet-training, the mother pressures the child to learn to control the anal-sphincter muscle that allows the child to withhold elimination of feces. The mother clearly communicates her feelings about cleanliness and self-control. Unfortunately some parents are too strict and act like the child is an animal that must be broken.
A child of two does not understand that his feces are bad or smelly. In fact given freedom a child is likely to pick them up and write on the walls with his "creative" product! In the animal kingdom we find no such disgust for the process and product of elimination. We teach the child "shame" in himself and his body and may view his needs as "dirty." We talk of shame and humiliation as being caught "with one's pants down. "
Toilet-training is a test of mutual respect and self-regulation between parent and child. The child must gradually learn to control his bowels willingly. If outer control is too rigid and demanding or if toilet-training is begun before the child can successfully control his muscles, the child will rebel.
The gradual learning of self-control without a loss of self-esteem and pride leads to successful resolution of the second social crisis as defined by Erikson - AUTONOMY AND PRIDE. Parental over control may lead to a sense of powerlessness and lack of control leading to a sense of SHAME AND DOUBT.
A parent who is tolerant and yet firm when necessary helps their child develop both self-esteem and self-control. The parent who shows obvious pride in a child's accomplishments including his "going in the potty" promotes a child's growing sense of pride.
Freud postulated that there were two personality types that could evolve from the frustrations of the anal stage of development. He labeled on character type the ANAL RETENTIVE, the child who learns to hold back his or her feelings to gain the approval of others. If training or punishment is too strict, the child may learn to defend himself from being guilty by becoming compulsively near, orderly, obedient, and by holding back his feelings and needs.
The ANAL RETENTIVE child may "over-control" behavior to make sure he does not error. He holds back his feelings. . Anal-retentives tend to have a strong conscience and tend to follow traditional roles. They set high standards and perform well at work. They are dependable, responsible and are obedient employees. To avoid shame and doubt, anal-retentives are meticulous, precise and tend to be obsessive about dirt and rigid about rules and regulations. They are almost always on time and their work is neat and orderly. They are conservative in their views and have a strong controlling sense of duty. They are strict parents who set high standards of achievement for their children.
They may be rather shy and introverted if they are worried about what others will think or how they might be judged.
Anal-retentives learn to live up to the expectations of others to avoid punishment and to receive praise. They may have to "achieve" to win the affection and attention of others to make them feel worthy. Often the "over-achievers" in the world are anal-retentive character types. Some may become compulsive. responsibilities for taking care of younger siblings.
The ANAL-EXPULSIVE character type is self-confident, assertive, outgoing and is relatively uninhibited. The expulsive expresses feelings easily and is independent in thought and action. A persuasive, expressive type, the expulsive is often chosen to be a leader. Expulsives tend to be sensation-seekers who love adventure and travel.
07-08-2006, 02:55 PM
Who says POG isn't worth the $100. Jeff is a lot cheaper than my current Therapist, with a lot broader insight.
POG Rules.
Jon Wehrenberg
07-08-2006, 03:46 PM
First of all DaleJ, you need to understand a few things. Those were Mango's wheels. Usually when I get to my destination I not only wash the coach, but I remove all wheels so I can polish the inside of the wheels, dust the slack adjusters and put tire dressing on the inside of the tires.
Lest you think those clowns with their definitions and text book recitations are aiming at me, be aware that it was Mango that posted his success at one time regarding polishing his holes.
I do confess to being detailed on my maintenance. For example, I will be changing the Equal in my tires tomorrow because that is on the schedule. I usually refresh the air weekly. But who's anal?
07-09-2006, 07:36 AM
Just Plain Jeff:
Does your previous post mean someone with a bus that likes to travel crapped in their pants?
Or Lew may say oh chit.
duh huh
Just Plain Jeff
07-09-2006, 03:50 PM
Nah, but shore enough we all will soon enough.
I am probably a lousy therapist because I have the same cure for no matter what ails ya: Join POG, get a bus, hit the road and have fun.
Wait until the American Psychiatric Association gets their hands on that one. there will be so much demand for buses we will all have lots of Lew Bucks!
Roger, out.
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