View Full Version : Spearfish Attendees?
09-01-2008, 07:41 AM
Mr. Skiffer: How about an update of the attendance roster for Spearfish.
Jim Skiff
09-01-2008, 08:20 AM
CC Blingman,
Here is the list:
Note-If you are on the list and aren't coming please let me know.
If you aren't on the list and coming please let me know.
-Hoppe, Harry & Shirley
-Lane & Hildebrand, Jim & Chris
-Wehrenberg, Diane & Jon
-Juranek, Jan & Dale
-Hann, Alan & Mary Kay
-Zook, Karen & Orren
-Chilcote, Tom & Nancy
-Smith, Dan & Jo
-Foster, Roger & Micki
-Zittrer, Ken & Janet
-Wilson, Darl & Martha
-Sandy Harris & Ed Brockman ?
-Deb, Eric, and Jay Faires
-Jim Chaloupka
-Gary & Dani Moss
-Dale & Paulette Farley
-Terrence & Kristin Farrell
-Brian Esler
-Deinhard, Gary
-Steve Bennett ?
-Kevin Erion ?
09-01-2008, 08:43 AM
[QUOTE=Jim Skiff;34301]CC Blingman,
Here is the list:
-Terrence & Kristin Farrell
Roger and all, this will be Terry and Kris' first POG rally so I expect ya'll to do what we always do and welcome them without putting any sheep, electrical conductive flashlights, etc. So much for staying under the radar Terry, the word is out:D
Terry and Kris are a great couple! They purchased our last Millennium from us and this is their first Prevost. Have fun, wish we could be there with you!!
Jim Skiff
09-01-2008, 10:25 AM
Just dropped FlyU from Spearfish as he has business. John & Linda will be missed.
09-01-2008, 07:32 PM
Jim: where can we find a schedule of activities for the week.
dale farley
09-01-2008, 09:53 PM
Harry, Try this link and then scroll down for a Tenative Agenda:
09-02-2008, 09:31 AM
Do you mean like this??? This was the second air strike at Pahrump.
Jon Wehrenberg
09-02-2008, 11:28 AM
Terry and Kris are fresh meat Ken. They don't get the swimming pool.
09-02-2008, 12:27 PM
Thanks for the intro Debi. We were hoping to sneak into to Spearfish posing as you and Bob. I know these guy's don't pick on him as much as everyone else. I'm sure if everybody is half as nice as you two, we will be set for life.
We are super exited to meet the crew and continue to learn more about POG life. This Forum has been a priceless tool for information about the buses and traveling with them. Thank you to all who have shared their knowledge to help people better understand these rigs. Maybe some day I will have something to offer in return.
Hey Jon: last one in the pool buy's.
Jon Wehrenberg
09-02-2008, 12:34 PM
We've all been in the pool. Only at POG it is a barrel.
So I guess it will be your turn in the barrel in SD. But don't worry, there will be enough folks to get picked on so we will spread the pain.
09-02-2008, 12:53 PM
Welcome to the group Terry and Kris, we are excited and glad to have you. I have many things to talk to you about, but it will have to wait. The Acme Truck just pulled in to unload crates of stuff marked "Spearfish or Bust"- gotta go.
09-02-2008, 05:00 PM
Thanks for the intro Debi. We were hoping to sneak into to Spearfish posing as you and Bob. I know these guy's don't pick on him as much as everyone else.
T & K,
We cut BOB-xx some slack as being married to Debi is.... get my drift. ;)
Welcome to POG.
Jim Skiff
09-02-2008, 05:21 PM
Barb Chaloupka does exist and she sounds like a very nice person.......
Go figure...:rolleyes:
I spoke with her today while looking for Jimmy C!
Jim Skiff
09-02-2008, 06:03 PM
Please let us know if you want to come. Luckily our park and caterers have been flexible and we welcome everyone. Folks who have attended rallies in the past know what to expect and keep coming back.
It is the people of POG that make things happen.
See you in Spearfish!
Jon Wehrenberg
09-02-2008, 06:14 PM
T & K,
We cut BOB-xx some slack as being married to Debi is.... get my drift. ;)
Welcome to POG.
I'm thinking the entire inventory of the Acme Company has just been shipped to Landrum SC. The word on the street is it is being repackaged and is going to be heading somewhere around our nation's capital.
09-02-2008, 08:44 PM
T & K,
We cut BOB-xx some slack as being married to Debi is.... get my drift. ;)
hmmm, propitious, auspicious and providential perhaps? :p
Terry, you and Kris will have a great time, wish we could be there with ya'll!
(Jon, great idea, do you have the zip code for Alexandria?)
Jerry Winchester
09-02-2008, 11:25 PM
After hanging with Deb all these years, this is the only thing left for OO-Bob
09-02-2008, 11:33 PM
As newbies, I was very jealous about not being able to attend our first POG event, ride bikes and meet new friends, but as I continue to read, I think I'll curb my jealousness until I here I hear Terri and Chris survive.
It sounds like I'll have to dedicate a lot of attic storage to Acme supplies in the stacker.
Jon Wehrenberg
09-03-2008, 06:44 AM
Hey there Friendly Ghost, we are all survivors of POG rallies. What doesn't kill you makes you stronger.
For new folks (which we all were once upon a time) a POG rally is like trying to drink from a 3" fire hose. The information exchange is incredible, and while you are trying to absorb tips on polishing your slack adjusters you are finally putting faces with the names on the forum and the buses that go with them.
And all the while you are watching your back to attempt to minimize the damage from all the Acme Company products that have been purchased specifically for the rally.
So far every rally has been great fun, and we have all figured out that the insanity of some of the posts here on this forum are an exact match to the insanity of a rally. You need to come.
09-03-2008, 08:06 AM
After hanging with Deb all these years, this is the only thing left for OO-Bob
JDUB, that was harsh, way harsh......quite possibly true though:D
09-03-2008, 10:22 AM
As newbies also, I wish we could attend the POG rally in Spearfish. In reading all the posts, I can't imagine what you people must be like in person! The bottom line is you've been very helpful in trying to solve our problems (and it seems that we have quite a few) so I'm sure we could learn a lot. When and where is the next one so we can get it on our calendar?
Joe Cannarozzi
09-03-2008, 02:04 PM
There will be numerous smaller gatherings in Florida in January.
I think Oklahoma is the next big one.
Jon Wehrenberg
09-03-2008, 02:42 PM
I think we all have had times when it seemed we have a lot of problems.
Over the years I have learned the importance of knowing how to recognize when things are OK, and also of the importance of knowing when something is OK but is different. There are always going to be problems that show up with no warning whatsoever, but it seems that most of the time the bus sends up clues. The key is in learning when things are OK, and knowing when something is different that it is important to find out why.
A strange noise will get my undivided attention. Seeing a gauge read as little as half a needle width out of the ordinary forces me to find out why. As a result I learn the systems, and then in the future can assess if I have an impending problem or if it is something that can be ignored. It is important to develop at least a basic undertanding of the systems and how different systems may relate to one another.
When I was a newbie I did not have a clue. I not only did not know which end was up, I didn't know which end needed to be up. As a result I ignored things I should not have, or I failed to develop an understanding of things I needed to know. As a result of the experience you are going through I expect you and Don will learn about transmission codes, slide relays and interlocks, and how to by-pass troublesome issues. Then the next time something like this repeats itself, it will not be a problem but an inconvenience. And the time after that you will take it in stride and help other people who post with the same problem.
09-03-2008, 10:07 PM
Well said Jon. One can only learn so much from a manual and listening to others. There is no substitute for experience and only time can teach that.
How long does it take to properly learn how to use Acme Company products?
09-04-2008, 01:54 AM
Thanks for the pep talk. It's pretty discouraging right now when the bus won't go into gear, the slides won't work, the salon TV has no audio, there's something amiss in the electrical system, etc. We've tried all your suggestions and will have to call Prevost or Myers RV tomorrow. I might have to order something from Acme to cheer us up.
Jim Skiff
09-04-2008, 06:42 AM
Most ACME items can be ordered through this link:
Joe Cannarozzi
09-04-2008, 07:06 AM
What an instigater
Jim Skiff
09-04-2008, 08:25 AM
I have added the meals to the agenda. We are using Sue and Kent Burnison of Rent-A-Chef in Spearfish. They have been very flexible and have come up with some nice meals for us. I only regret Jello won't be there to try the Buffalo Stew. We also added a microwave cooking class by Ida Marie per request of members.
The agenda is still open for folks who would like to contribute. We have left some open space as there will be long travels times and lots of scenery to get to.
Ray Davis
09-04-2008, 10:43 AM
Sounds like this is shaping up to be one of the best POG rallies yet. My best to everyone there. We really wish we could have made this one, but we'll see you at the next one, for sure. Oklahoma (or wherever) in 2009!
Sid Tuls
09-04-2008, 06:02 PM
Just stop in at Prevost Mira Loma to have a new door latch installed looks like a rally here in the parking lot!! I did notice a great looking Liberty Bus in the first bay with a POG sticker on the back. Didn't find the owner. I'am going to camp here for the nite and head back home tomarrow. I sure like the spot pick out for next year rally I will try to make it. Just a heads up.
Jim Skiff
09-04-2008, 06:23 PM
There is this guy out west that has been showing up at rallies.
Ray Davis
09-04-2008, 06:47 PM
Sent a private message. Let me know if you'd like to get together for dinner, since you are (somewhat) in the area.
09-04-2008, 11:49 PM
Yea Gary, that photo reminds me to ask, what is a question mark by your name on the list of attendees for Spearfish. You, Kevin, and Steve -- get your butts on the road and kill some bugs. The oil companies need your lewbucks.
You don't want to miss out the eats, check the menu that Skiffer has included in the agenda. Makes me hungry.
Hope to see yall in Spearfish!!
Sid Tuls
09-05-2008, 12:26 AM
Jim, That's the bus I saw,didn't get to meet the owner but will maybe some other time. Sure like to find out more about the POG sticker maybe we could make up something like the FMCA plates what ya think?
Ray Davis
09-05-2008, 09:32 AM
I like the idea of a POG placard, ala the FMCA plate better than a sticker. I never was a bumper-sticker person.
Hey Skiffer,
How about a POG license plate for the second license plate holder that many coaches have? Then JDUB could get rid of that Ohio State license plate that is the wrong color on the back of the Deuce.
Ray Davis
09-05-2008, 09:47 AM
Now we're talking! And make them numbered with the POG forum ID, like the FMCA plates are. Just think, when the POG forum numbers get up to 1/2 a million or so, we will all have numbers less than 1000! Kinda like getting into the FMCA back 40 years ago or so.
Let's see, that would make mine: POG 39
Steve Bennett
09-05-2008, 12:44 PM
That was Gary D's Liberty. He was in for a slide seal. I was out picking up one of our coaches that had just had an inspection. Gary was kind enough to come down & check out our place as he was waiting for his bus. I wish I could make it to Spearfish, it sounds like it will be a great rally. Unfortunately I have to much going on at the store right now to be gone for 10+days. We are thinking about heading over to Sedona the end of October if anyone would have an interest?
09-05-2008, 01:12 PM
I like the idea of some kind of identification on the coach. When traveling (in or out of the bus), it would be nice to be able to identify other POGgers. I agree that bumper stickers aren't the way to go. FMCA has all kinds of merchandise to go along with their plates also.
Does POG have any kind of logo or anything to work with? Sounds as if a blow-up sheep might be appropriate.
09-05-2008, 02:20 PM
Hi Darl,
We have a very nice pet area for you to exercise your dog in. We also allow you to walk your dog so long as it is on a leash and you pickup after your pet. We have “doggie” stations through out the park that have Pick up bags for your use as you walk your dog.
We do not allow dogs in our cabins but you are more than welcome to have your dog in your RV.
Anita Hansen/ GM
09-05-2008, 11:37 PM
Just stop in at Prevost Mira Loma to have a new door latch installed looks like a rally here in the parking lot!! I did notice a great looking Liberty Bus in the first bay with a POG sticker on the back. Didn't find the owner. I'am going to camp here for the nite and head back home tomarrow. I sure like the spot pick out for next year rally I will try to make it. Just a heads up.
Yes, that is my coach. I drove in wednsday night for a thursday appointment to replace my Living Rm. slide seal. I ran into Steve Bennett that morning and decided to go down to see his operation. He has a great indoor showroom with a variety of Coaches of all makes and sizes. I also stoppd by Kevin Erions Racing business and caught him working on his Coach. He also was very gracious in showing me around his shop. Then it was back to Prevost where I caught up with Ray . We went out to dinner and he filled me in on his Marathon purchase. I never got to meet with Sid, but I did see his very nice looking Legendary Coach . All in All, a very enjoyable day.
Sid Tuls
09-06-2008, 05:57 PM
Yes, that is my coach. I drove in wednsday night for a thursday appointment to replace my Living Rm. slide seal. I ran into Steve Bennett that morning and decided to go down to see his operation. He has a great indoor showroom with a variety of Coaches of all makes and sizes. I also stoppd by Kevin Erions Racing business and caught him working on his Coach. He also was very gracious in showing me around his shop. Then it was back to Prevost where I caught up with Ray . We went out to dinner and he filled me in on his Marathon purchase. I never got to meet with Sid, but I did see his very nice looking Legendary Coach . All in All, a very enjoyable day.
Gary, Just wanted to tell you that you have a great looking coach!! My coach was parked next to the Legendary Bus. It would of been great to have hooked up with you and Ray. Maybe the next rally. Have a safe trip!!!
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