View Full Version : I am ready to buy this Bus.. BUT
08-27-2008, 08:50 PM
Evening People,
I just sent a letter to Jon W. who's been a good friend to me since I joined POG...He's give me much good advice and I ran to him for his opinion now..
My letter to him is self explanatory and I won't have to think it all out all over again if I just copy and paste it here for you...
Jon told me about someone here who goes out to look busses over for people.."Joe I'll be writing to him when I find out how to do it...
In the meantime I'm doing as Jon suggested and putting the plan I have up here for what ever good advice I can get from anyone on POG...
After 3 whole years of looking almost every day for the bus for me I'm about to buy what I can afford...even tho' it's not what I hoped for..I'll finally be behind the wheel of my own Bus...Soo anxious and soo scared too...
Many Thanks
Warm Hugs Always Viv...
My e-mail is:
Any Advice would be most welcome...
----- Original Message -----
From: Vivian A. McGraw
To: Jon Wehrenberg
Sent: Wednesday, August 27, 2008 7:36 PM
Subject: Vivian & a Prevost...
Hi Jon,
You've been so nice to me I want to tell you what I'm about to do...
Remember the 74 didn't think I should buy...well he's come down from 75K to 50K and I am seeing now about making arrangements to take a Greyhound Bus out to him in Chickasha, Ok...this Tuesday coming..and driving the Bus back to NJ...
Jon, Getting it for 50K will leave me some cash for repairs if they aren't too steep...
With all the troubles I've been having for a whole year with my Credit Score because of a wrongful debt on it of 7,000.00 that I never borrowed I can't get the Equity Loan on my house so I'm having to cash in my IRA to pay the 50K cash for this 74...but it's all I want in this world...
Gerald Ibsen, the owner says it was professionally converted...and I'm inclined to believe him...Talking to him on the phone he sounds pretty old and his wife, Bette, has to talk for him most of the time...
He only had the last word about the
Would you please look at the ad for it on rv-trader one more time and tell me what you think I should worry most about...I will try to find a mechanic in Chickasha,
((( pronounced...Chick-a-sha... I had fun with that too...))) who might go with me out to their place and look over the things I don't understand well enough yet...and if anything needs fixing right away I'd find out what it is and do it ...then and there... before starting out on the 1500 mile trip back to NJ...
If it turned out to be really cost prohibitive I just would get a bus back to NJ...but cry all the way home...
At least I will have had the chance to finally do one thing positive...but I admit I'm nervous about it ...that's why this letter to you...
I know you can advise me and I'll print out what ever you tell me to do and give it to the mechanic I find...
Please don't discourage me too much Jon...
This Pre is far from what I was hoping I could afford but it also has all the basics I did want...floor plan is just right...and that was the most important thing to me...
Before getting down to the nitty gritty of what makes it tick, engine and other stuff...I have to live inside that had to come first...
In time I can add the amenities I want and that'll be fun for change the upholstery on the couch, the ugly wallpaper, and little things like that...I can even do myself...and make it presentable and satisfying for me...
If it runs good and the elec and water work I can live with
Warmest of Hugs Always Viv...
PS: I want to add one Question: The dash is kind of old looking..The one thing I disliked most...Can something be done to it to make it look a little more modern..It is rectangular and that counted with me...I never liked the round dash like the GMC's have at all.. See a silly woman thing...!!! but I have to drive and look at it all day...Needed a light note to end this very serious buy...Help..
Below URL takes you directly to the Ad...
Ray Davis
08-27-2008, 10:01 PM
Personally I don't know much about this vintage of bus. I would highly suggest that you make arrangements to take this bus to Prevost or some other bus service facility and pay for a full inspection. At best, you should get the owner to pay for that. If not, it may be worth 1-2 grand to have piece of mind that the bus is in good mechanical shape.
More than likely you would need new tires and batteries, so budget around $8000 or more for that expense.
Given the few pictures I can see, the bus looks OK, but a close inspection will tell a lot. It would be great if Joe or someone else could come out with you. But even with a POG person, I would recommend a professional inspection first. Only then if it passes well would I consider the purchase. I'm doing that with the bus I'm now purchasing, and would do the same on an older bus as well.
Best of luck. I hope that you are able to live your dream ...
08-27-2008, 10:43 PM
Got to me worth $50,000. I would takes Ray advice and get a bus mechanic to review the coach. Tires, batteries and service are going to be good investments.
08-27-2008, 11:20 PM
I think any Coach of this age is going to have many issues. Does the owner have good documentation on maintenace and repair? I would look to see how often the bus was serviced, was it maintained on a yearly basis.
Also, like other hve mentioned Tires and batteries, how new are they.
The Air bags, how new or how old are they. Fan Belts, Coolant hoses, Air hoses.
Generator; how new , when last serviced.
I know you have your heart set on getting a bus, but I would'nt want you to be overwhelmed with cost or broken down somewhere looking at a $12,000.00 repair bill.
So, this is only a partial idea of what needs scrutiny. Definately have someone reliable do a survey of this Coach if you are interested. Then you can negotiate the price.
Joe Cannarozzi
08-27-2008, 11:40 PM
No offence Ray but I would suggest that one as Viv looking at a bus as this need not spend 2 grand to have someone look that over. That cash could be used to go towards repairs.
Viv first you might check out Amtrack I have recently been needing a little help getting around and it beats the heck out of greyhound and coach fare is the same. Get as close as you can by train.
Give me some dates I would be happy to help you.
See if the owner can do an oil analasis on the engine and trans and have the results beforehand. The rest can be shaken down.
I am going to keep it short cause I know if you are corrisponding with Jon there is not much I could add.
Good luck and let me know.
08-28-2008, 12:47 AM
Hello Vivian,
How about this one below:
Start at $50k and go up if you have to. Newer bus, newer body, you never know, perhaps the seller will agree to your offer, because it is on the market for some time already,
08-28-2008, 09:31 AM
Sorry, but you know we are looking after your best interest and I think this bus would be a disaster. That 318 will be an oil slobbering, fuel using, under powered, maintenance nightmare. Nothing will be standard on that bus for maintenance simplicity.
I hate to be so pessimistic, but I care about your dream turning into a non ending money pit. I have owned 318's in old trucks.
Joe Cannarozzi
08-28-2008, 04:59 PM
Viv I have found 2 Country Coaches a 90 and a 91 that could be had for 55 each. I will e-mail pictures later today when I get wrapped up for the evening.
Or anyone else who may be interested.
Toy Box
08-28-2008, 06:18 PM
Please post location of each as in web site. I have a buddy in Pa. who is looking for a less expensive way to get his Prevost. Thanks.
08-28-2008, 07:11 PM
Hi Viv,
Well,we have never met, but from your picture and the words in your letter you sound like a very nice lady. I am afraid I must chime in on the side of Do NOT BUY THIS OLD BUS.
This would be a great rig for someone who enjoys doing the work himself. I mean all the work. There will be endless repairs, leaks to fix, systems that were marginally designed and poorly maintained, etc, etc. If you can only afford $50k for the coach, you will be quickly dismayed at the endless repair bills. You will not be having fun. If you don't believe me go buy a 1978 Cadillac ( or anything else) and spend the next month driving it every day. See how you like it. You will find it is nothing like a modern car. The analogy applies to the Prevost too.
I suggest you spend the same amount of money on a 12-15 year old modern motorhome like a Country Coach or a Bluebird. You will then have a machine that has probably had good maintenance and service history all it's life, and the upkeep will be something you can deal with while still enjoying your travels.
Please do not make me send you an email in a year that says, "I told you so!"
08-29-2008, 09:03 AM
The Super Panoramique went into production in 1967 and was renamed the Champion. It was a 3-axle 40-foot coach with slanted windows and was built until 1981. Most were 96" wide, though a handful 102" wide models were also built. There were also a few 35 foot, 96" wide buses. The Champion was the first 40-foot coach in the industry other than Trailways' Eagles and Greyhound's Scenicruisers.
The first Panorama coaches were built specially for Murray Hill and featured the curved side windows that would make Prevost famous. Tecnically it was similar to the Champion. In1971 it was made available to other operators and in 1973 it was renamed the Prestige. Like the Champion it was built until 1981. There appears to have been built one 35-foot Prestige, but the standard version was 40 foot long and 96" wide.
The Le Mirage was introduced in 1976 and also featured the curved side windows. It is easily distinguished from the Prestige by the lack of the "step" in the roofline. From 1983 onwards a 102" wide version of the Le Mirage was built as the Le Mirage XL. This one became the standard and Prevost's best-selling coach. The XL-version also received new sqaure head lights and a different tail-light group. There have been a few 35-foot Le Mirage, though most of these were motor homes.
The bus Viv is looking at must be a Prestige. The Champion had different style windows.
Jerry Winchester
08-29-2008, 10:46 AM
Some good advice has been posted here. I don't care how professionally cared for this coach has been, with that kind of age and that engine, this is a bus for a mechanic to own and will greatly disappoint you when you have to start pouring money into it.
09-20-2008, 10:44 AM
But I have found a 94 !!!! that does need air conditioning repair...otherwise it's a Palace on Wheels...A Liberty Lady...!!!! I'm so thrilled...there just are no words...I can't wait to get there to see and drive it ..I'll show it to everyone soon as it's mine..
Jon just said it looks good to him too and better if I fix any & all problems I find ASAP..and I will..!!..but it's taking every dime I can gather to get it..It's going to be so close I may not even be able to register it until Oct. 3 when Uncle Sam and AT&T make their monthly
I cashed my IRA in yesterday...Now have the money to pay the 130K Cash...but will be really low when I hand that over...lowest I've been in 50 yrs...but you all have to admit we can't take money to our graves...and the only thing I ever wanted in this world that I couldn't have was own Bus...
Well I can have the bus now and I'm taking it...but it could be made a lot easier for me to do if I could find a way to finance 20K more than the purchase...leaving me some cash for immediate repairs on the Air Conditioning..that I'll really need...
I do have a 30K Equity Loan from my local Bank but I really would be much better off if I could get a 50K Equity or other type loan...instead, and not take this one for 30K against my 297K valued house...which is unencumbered at this moment..
I remember seeing here that one member owns a Finance Company...but I can't find that person again ...I forget where I saw it..Can anyone direct me to this person...or maybe even another Finance Co. that has helped you...???? I'd like to apply...
I've paid cash for almost everything I bought in my life...except my house ...
Many Thanks...Warm Hugs Always...One very nervous and excited Vivian...
09-20-2008, 10:50 AM
You might try to get a hold of Darl Wilson. He is traveling now, but might be checking in .
09-20-2008, 11:17 AM
Thank you so much...Since you think he's traveling I guess I'd better just watch for any posts from him...
Hugs Always Viv
Gary & Peggy Stevens
09-20-2008, 01:23 PM
Thank you so much...Since you think he's traveling I guess I'd better just watch for any posts from him...
Hugs Always Viv
Vivian, try calling Gulf Coast Marine Finance (Spirito, Tom) (727) 578-5035 x 201
Not sure if the mortgage industry shake up has changed his position or not, but I would call him, and tell him you are with POG.
Good luck, I know you are very NERVOUS & EXCITED TOO !
Gary S.
09-20-2008, 02:30 PM
I dealt with Tom on a re-finance a couple of months ago to take advantage of the falling interest rates and he was a pleasure to work with.
Fast, easy transaction with no surprises or hidden fees.
I would recommend his services....
06-10-2018, 08:29 AM
So, whatever happened?
I am considering an ‘81 XL..... advice?
06-10-2018, 08:56 AM
There's no telling what happened when the last post was nearly 10 years ago.
There is certainly the cool factor of older coaches, much like vintage cars. From a practical standpoint you may not want to stray far from home. Finding mechanics for the old engines can be a challenge. Worse than that, component obsolescence is a reality for any vehicle approaching 40 years old.
Joe Camper
06-10-2018, 12:00 PM
She found a bus an executive conversion it was in Montgomery Alabama. She went down there the guys father was a recent widower they let her stay right there at the house for quite a while while she learned as much as she could. The trucker who she bought it from felt really nervous about letting her go back home alone, back then she was already in her 80s. He put a sign underneath the driver's slider window on the outside and it said I'm 80 years old and I just bought this bus. He thought if she was holding anybody up and they came alongside her and they seen that they give her a break. He ended up not letting her go on her own and drove up to New York with her and flew back.
She had me out and to Brick New Jersey and I fixed a bunch of stuff in the driveway and showed her how to use a bunch of stuff took her maiden voyage with her down to Melbourne Florida she was a snowbird.
I was a trucker for a lot of my professional career already had a few hundred thousand miles under my belt when I met her. She was such a smooth driver she would go around the corner so slow you could walk around that corner as fast as she could make it but man was she smooth she was a really good driver. She used to drive Greyhounds in between New York City and the casinos in Atlantic City. I complimented her and her reply was well back when I was driving Greyhound you never knew who was sleeping in an aisle seat you don't want to lop them out on the floor.
I don't know what's happened to Vivian I lost touch with her she's into her 90s now if she still around.
She was a real Renaissance girl she played the piano and sang as she played she was into dollhouses and Miniatures building them from scratch she had a whole room full of jewelry and tooling for doing jewelry really an amazing girl.
She had a lot of stuff around the house and that's putting it mildly. One evening after dark as we are sitting watching some TV she said to me Joe I stashed $20,000 a couple of years ago and I got so much crap around here I can't remember what I've done with it and I can't find it I've looked if you want to look around please do.
Hollywood could not have scripted a character like her any better.
What a privilege to have met and been able to work for such a great American.
dale farley
06-10-2018, 12:31 PM
Thanks Joe for that comprehensive update. I have often wondered what happened to Vivian.
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