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08-25-2008, 12:34 AM
Received some tragic news this evening.
Any Poggers who might know Chub and Janice Dodd of Desert Shore RV Resort, Indio Ca/ Turlare Ca./Marathon Owner, were involved in an accident 13 miles south/west of Mesquite NV on I-15 Suday 8-16-08 on I-15. A left front tire apparently blew, and pulled the coach into the center median, while fighting the bus, Chub was unable to control it. There were several gullies/ravines in the median which the bus hit dislodging the frig, and throwing Janice out the front window, then being run over by the coach. Neither of them wer wearing their seatbelts. She didn't survive. Chub is at home with none life threatening injuries.
Our hearts go out to Chub.. So Sad a story.

08-25-2008, 08:13 AM
Received some tragic news this evening.
Our hearts go out to Chub.. So Sad a story.

Oh how heartbreaking, ......I just cannot imagine the pain this family is going through....we will certainly keep them in our prayers

I hope everyone has taken the time to view the Michelin link that was shared here........

08-25-2008, 10:25 PM
Sid Tuls had posted this on a Post on 8-19-08 under a thread of Warrens on Tires .

08-25-2008, 10:31 PM
Oh how heartbreaking, ......I just cannot imagine the pain this family is going through....we will certainly keep them in our prayers

I hope everyone has taken the time to view the Michelin link that was shared here........

This is just terrible! A wake up call for sure. What was that link mentioned above?

Sid Tuls
08-25-2008, 10:38 PM
They had her service today in Tulare,Ca. I'am sure that they would covet our prayers. I'll be in touch with their travel & neighbors and let them know of the love and concern of the P.O.G.'s

10-13-2008, 10:16 PM
Received some tragic news this evening. Chub and Janice Dodd... Janice did not survive..
Our hearts go out to Chub.. So Sad a story.

I never met him but I can imagine what Hell Chub is feeling..and My Prayers will be with him for a long time every time I open this List...
Without a doubt he's suffering the very worst anguish of his life..and worse nothing and no one can help him...Only time can and will...

Blessing's to you Chub in case you ever see this post...

Warmest of Hugs Always Viv..