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08-10-2008, 12:24 AM
Continued from Parts & Pieces for Sale or Trade

If your old enough and drove really old trucks, 60's, do you remember the dash valve that you could throw that would take the front brakes off line? The purpose was to help maintain steerage while braking in snow and ice, but the side benny was if you blew a steer tire and jumped on the brakes, no big deal. Prior to this era, there were no brakes on the front axle.

Just a little tidbit from the past for those of you that give a rats ass.....:p

And what the hell does all this have to do with Parts & Pieces for Sale or Trade?

Tom, that dash valve, if memory serves me, is the same type we use to raise our bus tag axle. In the early 60s I drove a narrow cab '48 Pete pulling a set of doubles. It had been converted to a tractor from a dump truck and had no front brakes. Just before that I drove an LJ Mack that also was brakeless on the front axle. Later I drove an old Autocar log truck that didn't have front brakes. A great idea on these stinger-steered trailers on narrow mountain roads. Fail to pull the reach pin and lock up the brakes meant going straight ahead regardless of what was in front of the rig. At POG VI I mentioned to someone that many of these earlier trucks did not have front axle brakes and was severely doubted. My point in that conversation was questioning whether buses of that era had front brakes since I knew trucks didn't. Tom, I'm glad you mentioned this item. It confirms my no-front-brake statement. Redeemed!

One other thing; Jon mentioned having a safety and driving session at one of the rallies and suggested some presenters. I think he, not intentionally, didn't submit your name. How about sharing some of your experience with the rest of us?

Now that we have this post in a better category I would like to hear some of these old time stories about trucks and buses. Kinda like hangar flying except with with bigger wheels.