View Full Version : Jon W. in Knoxville news for saving puppies
08-05-2008, 07:34 AM
Try this link to see fellow POG member in the news. I know you all have heard some about Jon saving dogs with his Pilots N Paws rescue flights. Here he gets some well deserved press from the Knoxville News Sentinal. I don't know how to make it a "live link" so you will have to copy and paste. If someone knows how to make it a live link, feel free to do so and re-post.
Go Jon!
eric faires
huntsville, TN
08-05-2008, 07:36 AM
Try this link to see fellow POG member in the news. I know you all have heard some about Jon saving dogs with his Pilots N Paws rescue flights. Here he gets some well deserved press from the Knoxville News Sentinal. I don't know how to make it a "live link" so you will have to copy and paste. If someone knows how to make it a live link, feel free to do so and re-post.
Go Jon!
eric faires
huntsville, TN
It looks like it made it as a "live link," so you might not have to copy and paste.
Also read the comments at end of article. Very nice.
eric faires
huntsville, TN
11-16-2008, 01:43 PM
Bless you Jon...I'm moved beyond words...How ever did you find the time to help me and so many others on POG and now do this too..You are a rare and precious human being..
With Tears..Love Vivian...
dale farley
11-16-2008, 07:19 PM
Great story and great job Jon. You make us all feel proud to know you.
Jon Wehrenberg
11-16-2008, 08:37 PM
Thanks for the comments. What is unfair is I get recognition for flying a plane when the real heroes are the folks who rescue these pups from shelters that are going to kill them. These rescues shelter and care for the pups until they can find a permanent home, foster home or another rescue in a different region that can find permanent homes.
Debi is the rescue person that made me aware of the pressing need to transport animals to areas where permanent homes are available.
She and her counterparts are the ones that need the recognition, and they need pilots to help do the transports. Which is why we formed pilotsnpaws and are pushing so hard to enlist as many pilots as possible.
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