View Full Version : Coolant Hoses

Jon Wehrenberg
07-29-2008, 11:34 AM
I learned the hard way on the first coach that coolant hoses need to be checked, and definitely replaced when they age.

The coolant hoses relating to the engine (the blue ones) are made of a material that provides them with an exceptional lifespan. All are in excellent condition. But on my Liberty which is registered as a 1997, built on a 1996 shell the coolant hoses that looked suspect were related to the Webasto.

All of the ones in the Webasto area are Gates radiator type hoses and as you can see in the picture below age has affected them. I cannot say if they would have leaked or burst, but the swelling on the one hose in particular concerned me enough to cause me to replace all the hoses in that area.

Liberty owners should look very carefully at the Webasto hoses and the hoses at the roof of the drive axle area, drivers side front where there are about 6" sections joining two copper pipes. Those are the hoses I am replacing or monitoring very carefully.

07-29-2008, 11:48 AM
Good post Jon,

We always need to be thinking of the little things that could stop us while on the road. We need to get in the habit of checking on the hose's and belts every so often.

Jon Wehrenberg
07-29-2008, 01:18 PM
As a post script, the good news is that if the Websto hoses on a Liberty fail the valving in that area allows an owner to completely isolate the problem. By shutting off the valves on both sides of a defective hose you would lose the Webasto, but with the heat pumps on the Cruise Airs, electric toe space heaters and bus AC and heating you should be able to find a way to stay warm.

11-21-2011, 05:15 PM
How can I upload a picture on this site?

11-21-2011, 10:22 PM
On the top of the Reply page, there is a square icon which says 'insert image'. From there you can browes your computer and load an image.

11-22-2011, 01:00 PM
thank you i see that now wmoureau