View Full Version : Paint codes??
07-17-2008, 02:14 PM
If one were looking to track down paint codes for a coach painted by Prevost, how would you go about it?
Jon Wehrenberg
07-17-2008, 02:39 PM
Being lazy I would look on the build sheet, but if it is not available contact Prevost with the coach number (the year code plus the last four digits) and ask them.
07-17-2008, 06:21 PM
I was already to this point and was looking for advice on who/what to call at Prevost for this info. Service, parts, ???? Sorry I wasn't clearer.
Being lazy I would look on the build sheet, but if it is not available contact Prevost with the coach number (the year code plus the last four digits) and ask them.
07-17-2008, 07:32 PM
Wood Chips,
Hold the phone here...what are you trying to do? The paint color code is easy as Jon mentioned but, if its a conversion your wasting your time with a call to Prevost...most, check that.... all, every converter tosses their own color schemes and paints on the bus. Call the converter or if there is a semblance of a decent body shop in your hood, take the question to them....any talented body shop can match any paint.
Jon Wehrenberg
07-17-2008, 08:31 PM
Big Bad John, The west coast converters such as CC and Marathon have painted their conversions, but others such as Liberty use factory designs and paint jobs.
That is why the build sheet is the place to start.
Ed, if you call the Prevost factory after she says Bon jour, and you say hello she switches to English and if you describe what information you are trying to get she will connect you to the right place. Prevost has always been very good about answering questions at the factory.
07-17-2008, 09:41 PM
I have a couple spots that the clearcoat is starting to peal off at the top curve of the body. Can I carefully sand the areas, clean and carefully re-clearcoat it again. Can it be done by a owner without going to a paint shop?
07-17-2008, 11:03 PM
I have a couple spots that the clearcoat is starting to peal off at the top curve of the body. Can I carefully sand the areas, clean and carefully re-clearcoat it again. Can it be done by a owner without going to a paint shop?
As the title states, the simple answer is yes. However, you need to answer another question first. That is why is the clearcoat peeling?
If it is peeling in the area of an impact, that should be fairly easy to touch up.
If it is peeling because of some kind of failure of the bond between the clear and color, (due to U.V radiation, heat, incompatibility or age related instability of color or clear coats, and others) it might become more difficult.
Lew I sent you a link in a PM which might help you sort some of this stuff out before you start. I would be real happy to have someone to bang this around with if you are interested.
07-17-2008, 11:12 PM
Wood Chips,
Hold the phone here...what are you trying to do? The paint color code is easy as Jon mentioned but, if its a conversion your wasting your time with a call to Prevost...most, check that.... all, every converter tosses their own color schemes and paints on the bus. Call the converter or if there is a semblance of a decent body shop in your hood, take the question to them....any talented body shop can match any paint.
I agree that most of them can match a paint color. I also find that most of them do not or will not take the time to identify and match the original material. In many instance they use a completely different material for repair. I have done this before and found that the touch up material weathered differently than my original. This is particularly true of small batches for touch up. Their goal is to blend into the existing finish and not to rebuild the original finish.
You are correct and I am just working within my own experince and preferences. Also, I have yet to confirm it, but I have been assured that the paint of this coach is factory Prevost. I just don't know at this point. I'll keep you posted.
Jerry Winchester
07-18-2008, 12:05 AM
The only paint code you need to know is Pantone 166. It will match anything and I hear it is the new black.
07-18-2008, 01:19 AM
The only paint code you need to know is Pantone 166. It will match anything and I hear it is the new black.
Whoa there JW. What color is your coach? What color do you think it is? Last I checked, Pantone 166 was was an orange. No??!! Maybe I need a set of your charts.
Jon Wehrenberg
07-18-2008, 07:11 AM
JDUB is referring to Tennessee Volunteer Orange, a color his school stole from us. As if that was not enough his school stole its initials (OSU) from the Buckeyes. The only thing missing from the Jeep is the power "T".
07-18-2008, 07:14 AM
166 is the official OSU color and displayed on some classic IH Scouts. You might also find it printed on some official Boots & Coots documentation.
looks like Jon beat me to the punch, including a pix.
Nice picture of the Pumpkinmobile. Rumor has it that the Pumpkin has been off-road - I hear that JDUB had to turn around in a gravel parking lot one time.
Jon Wehrenberg
07-18-2008, 07:39 AM
Gasp.....did he have to engage four wheel drive or did he get it towed from the gravel?
Joe Cannarozzi
07-18-2008, 08:00 AM
That clear coat that peals off the front and rear caps starts on top where you can't see it long before it makes it to the sides.
The key is to get up on the roof and put a stop to it there before it can be seen.
07-18-2008, 02:03 PM
I don't mean to be harsh but did I read this right? Are there three different entities laying claim to that rotten pumkin' skin pantone? When I joined POG you told me you might just make answers up. This is one of those times isn't it???? Please tell me it is!!
07-18-2008, 02:25 PM
Loc sent this picture to me. I would never post something like this.
Jon Wehrenberg
07-18-2008, 04:18 PM
We will let JDUB field that question. He is proud of Volunteer orange and may give you some babble about the color he selected and painted his Jeep as being an original. But we know the truth.
I'm just surprised his bus hasn't been painted Volunteer orange yet. He had the chance and did not take advantage of it.
07-18-2008, 08:50 PM
You never know when somethings going to come up.
07-18-2008, 10:11 PM
If I use the Pantone on the front brow of the coach people in the know would think MATS (Military Air Transport Service) was about to land with T Boone Pickens on it.
07-19-2008, 12:09 AM
You never know when somethings going to come up.
Mike: Thank you for photoshopping that. Until you had, I was having flashbacks. That is exactly how my ex-wife looked the day I confronted her with the P.I.'s narrative, pictures and videos. Last time I saw her, she still looked like that --------- on her good days.
Jerry Winchester
07-19-2008, 10:10 PM
Man I can't leave you guys alone for a minute.
Jon, Bite me. You couldn't even find Tennessee until you got tired of paying taxes in NY, so I don't need any lip from a tee shirt alumni.
Loc, Big Fat Beagle Bite Me to you. I was 4 wheeling in THIS very truck when you were still riding your Big Wheel around in the driveway.
Pulpwood Man, don't listen to these envy mongers. The International Scout was quite possibly the world's first SUV and the only thing better than owning one is have one painted Pantone 166 sitting in your garage.
07-20-2008, 10:57 AM
Hey Jon, If the Turd Boy had experienced upstate NY winters back in the days of his wonderful Scout, it would be in the junk yard like most of the others!;) Minus 0 temps and 6' of snow really showed the true character of the Scout, most had to be towed out of the drifts.
The only time JDUB used four wheel drive in OK or TX, was to throw some dust around in the gravel parking lot of the Barbeque Joint while strutting his stuff to the snuff crowd!:p
Jon Wehrenberg
07-20-2008, 01:39 PM
My father at one time was traffic manager of a company that leased its fleet of trucks. International made him a deal on the Scout so he drove several of them over the years. Unlike other vehicles they were as crude at the end as the first one was.
I remember them fondly. There is nothing more restful than sitting in one and being put to sleep by the sound of the thing rusting apart. The thing had all the sophistication of an Amish buggy, had about the same power, and went just as fast. While it had 4WD it also had manual front hubs so when you had snow up to your butt when you got out of work, you had the pleasure of trying to turn the hubs while the wind was blowing up your pants legs.
Then you had the pleasure of trying to start it. When it did start it was loud, rough, and drank gas at a rate worse than our buses. If I remember fuel consumption was in single digits.
But there must be something about them that sure gets JDUB worked up. For a guy that comes from a school that has to steal land from the Indians, colors from TN and letters from a school in OH, he sure gets excited.
07-20-2008, 03:17 PM
You all are being way harsh on the old Scout. Your forgetting the best thing about um. Used, they were cheap and a monkey could keep one running. One winter we got two motorhomes stuck way back in the boonies while hunting in Colorado and we all rode back to Texas in a Scout. Well, not all of us. My mother refused to ride back home in that "POS" and we took her to the airport in Gunnison where she flew to Denver and then to Dallas. I'll never forget the trip. The Scout was cold, rough riding, and slow. The next spring my dad ask me if I wanted to drive up to Colorado with him to pick up the motorhome. I just kinda looked down at the ground and he said "I didn't think you would."
Jerry Winchester
07-20-2008, 04:04 PM
And who says you can't put a price on envy?
Jon Wehrenberg
07-20-2008, 05:23 PM
You crossed the line. I would have believed the story but not the part about riding in a Scout all that way.
I don't think the floor would have lasted that long. It would have rusted through before it got to TX.
Wasn't the engine four of the old John Deere one lungers bolted together to make an International 4 cylinder engine? Didn't Yugo steal the plans?
07-20-2008, 06:56 PM
I am really confused now.
Doesn't OSU stand for Overrated Scout User group?
Isn't Pantone 166 their official color?
Isn't that cute little western dude the logo for the Over-rated Scout User group quilting club?
Doesn't the OSU web site pay you a $100 to join?
What has OSU got anything to do with a shool?
Please, help a guy out here.
07-20-2008, 07:08 PM
I really think that OSU means Oregon State University....the Beavers, no pun intended. Orange and Black...didn't see any black on the Pumpkin but maybe it needed more time!!
07-20-2008, 07:48 PM
JDUB it's just a crying shame these guys won't be at OSH. A lot of brave talk over the net.
07-20-2008, 09:21 PM
I'll be there Jerk Chicken Boy, did you forget already!:p
Fire up the Liberty Jon, I may need a wing man....
07-20-2008, 09:21 PM
as JDUB slowly walks away from his computer he mumbled,"A POOR RIDE IS BETTER THAN A GOOD WALK". Now he's speechless, can anyone even imagine that?
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