View Full Version : Kerrville Micro Rally - Labor Day
We are planning a get together in Kerrville at Buckhorn for Labor Day weekend (the Fat Beagle Micro Rally III). All are invited. So far we have three buses, but would love to add more. Buckhorn generally does a nice job for the three day weekend with breakfast on Saturday, BBQ dinner on Sunday and a fireworks show (which is iffy given the dry conditions in the Hill Country). We generally add to that a Saturday night grill out and a Happy Hour or two. Ted, Hector, Tony and Mark we would love to see you guys get the buses out.
Kenneth Brewer
07-11-2008, 11:26 AM
We think we can make that one. Please count us in. Will that be in the adult section? Thanks.
That is great. We will generally be behind the barn which is adjacent to, but not in the adult section. Some may be in the adult section. It really doesn't matter. I will send some more information as we get closer.
07-11-2008, 12:35 PM
Loc, Jan and I will be there for sure. Have you made any resverations? I'll give them a call today and reserve a space. And, I'll harass Hector over the weekend and see if he and Lee will come down for a few days.
Gary & Peggy Stevens
07-12-2008, 12:46 AM
Thanks Loc, for the personal invite, however, Peg and I have already made plans to travel to The Gulf Waters RV Resort near Port Aransas. Maybe next time. You guys all have a great time.
Gary S.
07-12-2008, 09:32 AM
The Labor Day rally sounds great , but we won't be able to make it.:(
You guys drink a Margaritta and pat Churchill on the head for us:D
Great. I look forward to seeing you and Jan. I have reserved space 6095 which is right behind the barn. I talked to Dee at Buckhorn yesterday and he said that there were several places behind the barn open.
Sorry we will miss you and Peg. Thanks for the Margarita secrets, Courtenay will have a smile on her face.
Sorry we will miss you and Karen. I figured you would have an LSU tailgating weekend.
07-12-2008, 01:49 PM
Sorry we will miss you and Karen. I figured you would have an LSU tailgating weekend.
You are the man! Got to be there for the first game of the season. Thanks for the invite though:D
07-13-2008, 02:34 PM
Jenny and I are trying to plan schedules to make this happen. Should know more next week.
07-14-2008, 10:16 PM
Provided we make it back from Oshkosh and Yellowstone in time we plan on coming down to Kerville for the weekend to meet a few folks. "We" being my wife and 2 kids. We always look for an excuse to drop down to Buckhorn for a weekend.
2004 CC XLII
2008 Jeep Rubicon
Tony and Brent,
It would be great to see and meet you guys in Kerrville. I hope you both can make it. It looks like we may have up to eight buses and a couple of additional campers. We may have to upgrade from a micro rally to a mini rally.
Have you worked on Hector yet. I want to see the Wondersuspension Bus in person.
07-28-2008, 08:25 PM
Jen and I are in. Reservations made today.
Great. We look forward to meeting you and Jen. Are you bringing your son?
Based on the responses so far we have 10 couples/families (7 buses). Hopefully Brent and Hector will also be able to make it. However, that assumes that Brent survives the Taco Twins at Oshkosh.
07-29-2008, 07:07 PM
I am planning on bringing my son. He is 10.5 and will be going into the 5th grade. He is pretty easy going and gets along with most people, most of the time.
How old are your kids?
The M&M's are 6 and 9 both boys.
07-31-2008, 07:48 PM
we will have our 2 (5 and 7) with us.
Kevin Erion
07-31-2008, 10:15 PM
We will be getting to Comfort, Texas on Monday, Do the water park north of San Antonio on Wednesday. I think JDub and his family are going to try and join us. All that are in the area are welcome! It can be the first POG for kids day.
Oh, our girls are 8, 9 and 10.
07-31-2008, 10:36 PM
Should we do something to get all of our spaces togeter...if possible??
Buckhorn did not have spaces all together. Some of us are behind the barn. A couple of people are in the adult section and the rest are close to the barn. Hope that you guys are having a good trip to Yellowstone.
Have you thought about the water displacement at Schlitterbahn from Taco Boy. You may want to rethink the invitation.
I talked with Buckhorn yesterday. They showed reservations for 9 sites. Tony and Ken, they did not show reservations under your names (you probably are using an alias to avoid being associated with the group). You may want to check with them. Here is the preliminary plan:
Friday: arrive - we will be in space 6095 and should arrive by 5 pm. Feel free to stop by when you get in. There will likely be a group sitting around discussing all the important world events and bus stuff.
Friday night: A group of us will head into Kerrville around 6 - 6:30 pm for a casual dinner at one of Kerrville's fine dining establishments. As an alternative, there is a spaghetti dinner at Buckhorn.
Saturday morning: Breakfast at the Barn 8am to 10am
Saturday - 9 am to noon - Buckhorn Lake Resort Parking Lot Sale - buy /sell / trade
Saturday afternoon around 4ish: Happy Hour - we will provide the frozen Beagleritas, chips and dips. Bring a chair and your favorite other libation.
Saturday night: Grill Out - Bring your preferred type of meat (steak, pork, chicken) and we will grill it on the Buckhorn grill located next to the Barn. I need some volunteers to bring some salads, side dishes and desserts.
Sunday morning 8 - 9 am - Breakfast - by the Fat Beagle Cooking Team
Sunday - a chance to see some of the sights around Kerrville
Sunday afternoon around 4ish- Happy Hour II - Beagleritas part two
Sunday night - 6 to 7 pm - Buckhorn Burgers at the Barn
Sunday night - 8 pm - Ice Cream Social at the Barn
Sunday night - dark - fireworks weather permitting
All of the meals at the Barn with the exception of Saturday night are provided by Buckhorn. You will need to tell them when you check in if you plan to join them and pay at that time. I think breakfast is a pay at the door affair.
If you are willing to bring a dessert or side dish for Saturday dinner please let me know.
08-14-2008, 10:54 AM
We made it back to Austin last night with no serious "breakages" (5000 miles, 13 states, 3 weeks, 1 blow up sheep courtesy of Mango and JDUB).
Loc, I will PM you on what we can do to help out on food, etc. We are in spot 6100. Hopefully we can fit in that spot :)
08-14-2008, 12:01 PM
Loc, We will plan to bring dessert for Sat eve. Deb, Eric, Jay, and Radar
08-14-2008, 05:41 PM
Loc, Thanks for the heads-up on the reservations. We have called and reconfirmed; and we are now officially in. Count on us for a baked beans side dish. Let us know if there is anything else we can bring.
08-14-2008, 06:41 PM
I talked to the boss...we will bring some sides for the Saturday dinner.
corn and potato salad.
08-21-2008, 11:55 PM
How many will we have for dinner on Saturday night?
It looks like 20 to 24 adults and 6 to 8 kids. One couple had to cancel and I haven't heard back from Ken and Gwen. I am going to bring hot dogs and fixins for the kids. In case I get really industrious and make some nametags what are your wife and kiddos names?
08-22-2008, 08:56 AM
Kari Warrington
Ethan Warrington (5)
Kylie Warrington (7)
My bus is still at Prevost Dallas for a fixin but I should have it by next weekend....hopefully.
08-22-2008, 09:43 AM
NAMETAGS ?? Wow, Loc, you are the man. This isn't a Texas A&M pep rally in disguise is it ?? :)
Ted & Jan DeLorme, and we should pull in Friday evening early.
You didn't key off of the large IF in my statement. No Aggie rally, just a Fat Beagle Bash. I look forward to seeing Jan and you. I hope you are ready for the Beagleritas.
Kenneth Brewer
08-23-2008, 01:21 PM
One couple had to cancel and I haven't heard back from Ken and Gwen. I am going to bring hot dogs and fixins for the kids. In case I get really industrious and make some nametags what are your wife and kiddos names?
Made the reservation. We will probably add a day in front (Thursday) in order to get the coach washed on site and spiffed up: stay away until after it is presentable. Just back from Florida, and drove through all that rain (and a couple grand in fuel). No kids. Mom will be the third person. Thanks for keeping us in mind. We live in Boerne down the road. Will post a subsequent message on what Gwen plans to bring, when I am told.
Kenneth Brewer
08-24-2008, 10:18 AM
We will bring a dessert. Looking forward to meeting you. See you then.
08-26-2008, 05:00 PM
After coming off of our around the country excursion we had what appeared to be a slide leak checked and come to find out there is apperantly a bad seam in the top of the front slide that is not allowing the slide seal to seat and seal properly. I would have just waited till we got back to have it fixed but Prevost pulled the old seal out already to start the repair. Wish I could have had it all done this week but it is going to take 100 (one hundred) man hours to re-skin the top of the slide and change the seal out. Having said all of this I would not get rid of my slides for anything in the world.
Sorry we can not make it down to meet everyone but we will for sure be back up and running soon enough. We still have our spot reserved if anyone wants it. It is a pretty good spot.
Sorry to hear the news. I was looking forward to meeting you and your family. Let me know how the slide repair goes.
Unfortunately, one other couple that was planning on attending had to drop out today as well. For those of you that attended the Kerrville POG Rally you may remember Pete and EJ Petree from Sealy, TX (95 Vision conversion - green with plum stripes - they met up with the caravan from Houston on the way to Kerrville). Pete was admitted to the hospital in Houston this afternoon with several serious gastric issues. I know that he and EJ would appreciate any prayers that the group might offer up.
I thought I would reply to you here so that I wouldn't hijack the thread about the lake (Joe's summer vacation and flooring seminar - by the way Joe, nice job). Sorry about not getting some pictures posted. While trying to pack the bus with everything for the Fat Beagle Bash we forgot the camera. I am waiting for Deb and Jenny to send me pictures to post. Since Jenny has POG as her default home page I am sure that she will remember shortly after her next POG viewing and send the pictures including the nice shots of the steer axle hub seals that Tony was spit shining this morning. Deb may take a little longer to send the pictures because she may not be near communication infrastructure for some time. When they left this morning Eric was heading toward West Texas with no real plan other than to turn right at Fort Stockton. I got some really nice pictures of the new space aged grill that Ted brought to Kerrville to help with breakfast on Sunday morning (its cooler than a penguin pooping ice).
Word of warning for those of you attending Spearfish. Eric was working on his comedy routine which he promised to do in Spearfish and tried several jokes out on the crowd in Kerrville. You are in for a real treat. It is kind of like Jeff Foxworthy's redneck jokes meets Applachia after a big chicken dinner. You will have to read between the lines for this one.
I finally got some pictures from the Fat Beagle Rally. Here is the appropriate opening picture. Note the handsome WonderBeagle in the picture. The cup says Fat Beagle Bash on one side and Ruffin' It on the other. JDUB before you make some snide comment about who is the WonderBeagle - BITE ME! Notice how the bus colors and the WonderBeagle match.
From left to right, Deb, Eric and Ted. Eric just told Ted one of the jokes he has prepared for Spearfish. Note the look on Ted's face. For those of you going to Sprearfish, don't say I didn't warn you.
From left to right Edith, Ken and Gwen Brewer. Edith is Ken's mom. She celebrated her 87th birthday at the Fat Beagle Bash. Ken had the large bottle of water handy to put out the meat that I was preparing to burn. By the way if Gwen offers to bring dessert go light on everything else. Her cheesecake is incredible.
The beginning of Happy Hour on Saturday. Notice Tony and Jenny's nice Liberty in the background. From left to right are Courtenay (my better half), Bruce, John, Gwen, Ken and Edith. Bruce and John are camping friends. Bruce owns a nice XL (I am trying to talk him into joining POG).
A shot of Deb, Eric and Jenny (the better half of Tony and Jenny) getting ready for dinner on Saturday night. We had about 40 people for dinner on Saturday.
Just before dinner is served Saturday night. From left to right, Pam, Bruce, Travis (Hawaiian shirt) and me (dark blue shirt). This is not the Bruce and Pam that you are thinking of, but another Bruce and Pam that are Prevost owners. Bruce, Pam and Travis and friends that we camp with from time to time.
Jan (the better half of Ted and Jan) getting the beans ready for Saturday night.
I will post some more pictures later. I used Deb's camera to take a lot of pictures, but will not get these back until after the Spearfish Rally. I took shots of folks in front of their bus which turned out really well. I will post these with names so that we can put faces with names.
Jim Skiff
09-05-2008, 04:59 PM
Keep them coming Locster!:D
Ray Davis
09-05-2008, 05:39 PM
Looks like you guys had a great time. Thanks for sharing the pics. Buckhorn Lake is really a nice park. I've been there twice now, and enjoyed it both times.
Have you picked the bus up yet?
Ray Davis
09-05-2008, 06:18 PM
No, not yet. It is at Marathon having new shoes put on, TPMS and balancers, as well as take care of a couple of issues discovered during the PDI.
My plan is to pick it up mid October, and travel up to West Point for a tournament.
I believe I am going to drive my toad to FL, when I pickup the coach, rather than fly. Several reasons, but I want to have a tow car, and with the car I can bring a lot of the "stuff" from my previous bus to stock it.
It looks like I may be driving through Houston enroute to FL on Sunday October 12th (tentative plan at the moment), and would love to stop and maybe arrange dinner with you and JDUB (and any other locals) that afternoon-evening, if possible.
09-05-2008, 10:24 PM
Sorry we missed Kerrville. It looks a good time and Buckhorn is one of our favorite spots and the first place we ever travelled to in our first motorhome. Our bus is still sitting at Prevost Dallas with the slide out of it but I hope to have it back in time to hit the balloon festival in NM.
We would love to meet you for a bean. The only hitch is that we are tentatively scheduled to be in Dallas for Columbus Day weekend. This is subject to change, so keep us in the loop on the trip.
09-08-2008, 12:46 PM
This Kerrville trip was our first trip to meet up with a few people that we did not know and see how things were going to go. We had obviously corresponded through the POG site but had never met any of these people face to face. Jen, Weston, and I had the best time of any trip that we have taken. The POG members in attendance were the most gracious, down to earth, folks that we could have hoped for. Everyone made us feel welcome and I especially appreciate Loc for his efforts in organizing the Fat Beagle Bash. Jen and I felt like we came away knowing that we had made some friends that could be friends for life and just wished that they lived closer.
Weston who is 10, made friends within minutes with the M&M's (Murphy 6 and Miller 9) and Jay who is Eric and Deb's very talented son. Weston exclaimed that he was "having the best time ever" at the conclusion of our first night. This is exactly what we hoped to get out of the purchase of our first rv/bus.
Murphy is the youngest son of Loc and a free spirit to say the least. He would go 90 miles an hour all day until finally around 10:30 or 11:00 pm he would crash. On Sunday morning, I was laying in bed getting my morning FOX news fix, when our door bell rang and I thought who could that be at this time of the morning. As I turned to look at the monitor, I couldn't see any one standing there and thought maybe it was a friendly hoax, and hoped to not find sheep or other four legged animals attached to the bus, then the doorbell rang again and I picked up the receiver to ask who was at the door. The reply was, "It's Murphy, can I come in?". I said, "Murphy, Weston is still asleep", to which he replied "I'll be real quiet". Having witnessed Murphy the previous couple of days I didn't believe this to be possible, but let him in anyway. I turned to go toward the back of the bus when I hear Murphy in a not so quiet voice say "Honk. Honk. Honk." This was said a few inches from Weston's ear while he lay sleeping. The sleeping ended. Having succeeded in rousing Weston up, he proceeded to the bedroom and jumped in bed with Jen. Murphy also has a way of hugging women that will certainly make most men envious and simultaneously consumed with laughter. After having made his rounds and checking a few drawers so that he knew where everything was at he was off the next conquest. He was very comfortable with us, and we were glad to have him around.
Murphy, Miller, and Jay made for great companions and fun all weekend. I hope that all of you get the opportunity to meet these great kids. Needless to say, great kids are typically a result of great parents and I believe that to be the case here.
There has been much praise of Loc on a couple of threads here during the last few days and I thought it important that everyone understand that there is a Jekyl and Hyde effect that Loc endures and at one point during our Kerrville weekend this was captured on film. I have attached the evidence so that we may all recognize the differences between the two Loc's.:cool:
09-08-2008, 01:01 PM
Nice story Tony!
Thanks Tony. Murphy doesn't march to the beat of his own drummer its more like a marching band. Check is in the mail for the nice parents comment. On the other hand I am stalking you for the Jekyl / Hyde thing:eek:.
A couple of more shots. The Doghouse - home of the Fat Beagle
From left to right: Loc, Tony, Jen, Jan and Mel (aka Ted)
And finally a shot of Eric and Deb where Deb is looking at the camera
Jon Wehrenberg
09-08-2008, 03:43 PM
If you guys would learn to stop posting pictures of the inmates maybe the number of POG members would grow.
Ray Davis
09-08-2008, 04:02 PM
We would love to meet you for a bean. The only hitch is that we are tentatively scheduled to be in Dallas for Columbus Day weekend. This is subject to change, so keep us in the loop on the trip.
I'll keep in touch. I'll send you and Jerry a direct email. Plan currently is driving through Houston around lunchtime on Sunday October 12th. Plan was to take a couple hour break, and then continue on towards Baton Rouge for the evening stop.
Jerry Winchester
09-08-2008, 04:51 PM
That sounds like a plan. We will be ready to kill the fatted beagle, err calf, by that time so let us know when it gets close.
Jim Skiff
10-09-2008, 08:13 AM
Thanks to the Faires Family, we have a great group of photos from the Fat Beagle Bash!:)
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