View Full Version : Future Rallies?
06-23-2008, 04:13 PM
I can find Spearfish South Dakota on the calendar, heck I could probably find Spearfish SD in the bus if I followed my GPS.
But I have seen no mention of any future rallies anywhere at all? Has anything been scheduled ?
The earlier we post possibilities the longer we can drool over going or think up poor excuses for not going.
Ray Davis
06-23-2008, 06:36 PM
I thought I heard rumors of an April 2009 rally in Oklahoma?
06-23-2008, 07:20 PM
I think Jim said because of the spring tornado season in this part of the country he might be changing the location.
I'll bet he is working on the 2009 rally, but doesn't have anything to post yet.
06-23-2008, 08:02 PM
Point the ole bus about 120 degree's from W52 - SPF and your there!;)
Caution - No moles in SD, Prairie Dogs only....;)
See ya there..
06-23-2008, 11:03 PM
It is difficult to do,(not) but I will agree with the Mole Man's neighbor that it is time to be thinking and planning for the 2009 Rally.
What about the new sponsor from Gulf Shores Alabama? That may be a good place for a rally and a coastal location other than Florida. The brochure is attractive - And a potentially comfortable climate in the late Spring or early summer.
I heard from a few members that they would prefer school to be out so the wife and Kids could come along.
Coming out of winter - we will probably hit Florida in late Jan / Feb to eat off of Lew - after that I am in on going just about anywhere
What say yall?
06-23-2008, 11:11 PM
Maybe Louisiana? It would be helpful if we try to keep it close to the middle of the country. Colorado is also a great State.
06-23-2008, 11:24 PM
I think Jim said because of the spring tornado season in this part of the country he might be changing the location.
I'll bet he is working on the 2009 rally, but doesn't have anything to post yet.
But when you think about it, when Mango and JDUB show up it's tornado season no matter where you are !!:D
06-23-2008, 11:58 PM
Roger/Tom, All I can say is:
Jon Wehrenberg
06-24-2008, 12:48 PM
For at least one of the 2009 rallies I vote for Bella Terra in Gulf Shores.
April 2009? Before it gets too hot?
September? After it starts to cool down?
As long as the King and his bride and I can get several hundred oysters per day (each) it think we are good to go.
Gary & Peggy Stevens
06-24-2008, 12:57 PM
Jon, I too like the idea of that resort, but I thought they were a long way from being able to hold a rally?
I was under the impression they had just gotten started building their beautiful resort? :confused:
Very nice place by the looks of the pictures.
Gary S.
06-24-2008, 08:23 PM
I thought we were heading to OK for the 09 big one! What happened to all of that?:confused:
06-24-2008, 09:52 PM
[QUOTE=Brian and Beverly, [/QUOTE]
Hey, are those overgrown moles? :D Sorry, couldn't resist, Bob made me ask--LOL
Jerry Winchester
06-24-2008, 10:17 PM
I was by Bella Terra during spring break and it is nothing but a field with a bunch of dirt work going on. And since the lots are sold to individuals, it is not likely we will have a rally there ever.
06-25-2008, 03:51 PM
Are those "BUG" nets on their cabanas? :eek:
Jim Skiff
06-26-2008, 07:56 AM
I contacted Tripp Kebler with the development company and he said they are progressing on schedule. (
The location for the Oklahoma Rally seems to be excellent. Centrally located, a nice park and some good places to visit. I have heard from quite a few folks that a springtime rally there would be out for them due to the possibility of severe weather. Maybe we could extend the date on OK to later in the summer or fall to avoid the worst of the weather?
06-26-2008, 08:03 AM
Ahhhh...The Tornado Alley Rally, nice ring to it!
Just make certain the place is nowhere close to a trailer park (tornado magnets) and I am certain that Jon will prepare a seminar on hail ding removal :D
06-26-2008, 08:55 AM
September Rally is on the map at #38!134&encType=1
Will Garner
06-26-2008, 10:03 AM
Dale & Jan,
Good Morning from Portland, Oregon. Carole and I depart Portland this AM and head for Livingston, MT. We will overnight there and then go to Spearfish. Unfortunately we will not be the first arrivals for the rally as we have to continue east for NC.:(
I went to the link in your post. You can add my information to it as well:
Carole & Will Garner
Southern Pines, NC 28387
(910) 690-5631 (mobile)
(910) 692-8891 (land line)
Hope all is well with you guys and that you have missed the bad Midwest flooding.
06-26-2008, 03:52 PM
Jdub, is there any real concern to this? Would you be nervous at running into OK during that time?? Or no?
Just curious, as I was looking forward to OK, have other friends to see there, and don't really want to bake there during the summer.
Tell us o mighty oklahomian <?> :)
I contacted Tripp Kebler with the development company and he said they are progressing on schedule. (
The location for the Oklahoma Rally seems to be excellent. Centrally located, a nice park and some good places to visit. I have heard from quite a few folks that a springtime rally there would be out for them due to the possibility of severe weather. Maybe we could extend the date on OK to later in the summer or fall to avoid the worst of the weather?
06-26-2008, 05:01 PM
Having been dancing around, and occasionally finding, some real, nasty weather for nearly a month now in the Missouri and Iowa area, I'm not looking forward to returning to the mid-west anytime soon during the spring.
We are now in Osceola, Iowa and last night the weather alerts were going off every 5 to 10 minutes until about 1:00 am.
Luckily, the casino provided a safe haven with plenty to entertain us:D
06-26-2008, 05:31 PM
Having been dancing around, and occasionally finding, some real, nasty weather for nearly a month now in the Missouri and Iowa area, I'm not looking forward to returning to the mid-west anytime soon during the spring.
We are now in Osceola, Iowa and last night the weather alerts were going off every 5 to 10 minutes until about 1:00 am.
Luckily, the casino provided a safe haven with plenty to entertain us:D
Jeep (aka 007),
Nuff said!! Guess you have never been around this neck of the woods, ehh??
06-26-2008, 08:34 PM
Are you still going to Amana, we get there on the 6th?
06-26-2008, 08:37 PM
Killing the Rally in OK in the spring because maybe the weather will be bad is like not going to the Caribbean a year in advance because maybe a hurricane might show up!:rolleyes:
06-26-2008, 08:52 PM
I agree with you Tom..
QUOTE=truk4u;31136]Killing the Rally in OK in the spring because maybe the weather will be bad is like not going to the Caribbean a year in advance because maybe a hurricane might show up!:rolleyes:[/QUOTE]
Joe Cannarozzi
06-26-2008, 09:42 PM
Warren I don't know about that analogy.
We have been on numerous cruises and land based vacations visiting better than 25 islands from Bermuda to the Falklin Islands. The first time we made the mistake of going in Hurricane season was the last time we ever made that mistake. Had to deal with Hurricane Louis leaving and was chased back by Marilyn. From that point on it was only trips to the Caribbean from Thanksgiving through the End of May and the weather became a non issue.
It sucks to have a trip ruined by weather and if you can all but eliminate such a risk by timing the destination in the correct season one should try.
I don't think many in this group are shut-ins for fear of the sky falling but I know as I get older there is a bunch of things that I now take into consideration that I never used to:o
06-26-2008, 10:00 PM
So Skiffer, where in in Oklahoma is the 09 Rally?
06-26-2008, 10:25 PM
Killing the Rally in OK in the spring because maybe the weather will be bad is like not going to the Caribbean a year in advance because maybe a hurricane might show up!:rolleyes:
Yep, well said. Might as well stay home if weather has become the fear factor.
06-26-2008, 11:51 PM
If the date can be moved back two weeks, maybe that would be early enough to not fear hurricane season.
Jon Wehrenberg
06-27-2008, 06:01 AM
I'm with Gary on this one. We all have heaters. Schedule it slightly ahead of the historic times the storms start.
BTW, FMCA held a rally years back in Minot and the hail damage to coaches was in the hundreds of thousands if not millions.
06-27-2008, 06:50 AM
Killing the Rally in OK in the spring because maybe the weather will be bad is like not going to the Caribbean a year in advance because maybe a hurricane might show up!:rolleyes:
I know as well as anyone that the chances of a tornado "hitting the rally", even smack dab in the middle of the season (early Spring) is remote, however, remember that nasty thunderstorms and hail are common in the Oklahoma/Kansas regions at that time and, unfortunately, a few spawn something worse (Hello Dorothy and ToTo). Everyone knows about hurricanes days in advance, big difference from minutes in advance!
These things happen to be afternoon/evening/night time phenomena and they are frequently widespread, by that I mean they cover a large area. I have flown over the region hundreds of times mostly uneventful but, there have been a few times when I wished I had been home in bed. Radar painting bright red solid lines of severe thunderstorms, twenty to thirty miles wide and two hundred miles long! Cloud tops reported to be above 70,000 feet.....ACARS beeping and printing out Convective Sigmet's so fast that the ink supply runs low.....and all that is way up there in the sky, in a great big jet with all kinds of fancy radios and gizmo's to keep us away from the storms....I certainly wouldn't want to be underneath, on the ground, at the mercy of the gods!
Go a few hundred miles North or South and, while one is rarely ever out of it completely, the chances of just plain nasty weather is greatly reduced. It all has to do with the Polar Jet (jetstream) moving South for the Summer (which it always does), getting a little orographic action from the rockpile (Rockies) and clashing with the warm, moist Gulf Air...BINGO!
06-27-2008, 09:39 AM
Yep, we're still headed for Amana. We're now at Terribles Lakeside Casino in Osceola, Iowa and will be arriving in Amana on Sunday.
We've only had to deal with one real nasty hail storm, and that was in Missouri. Luckily, all the damage was confined to the Jeep.
However, the weather here has been quite unstable. When there are hazardous weather alerts literally every 5 to 10 minutes for most of the night, it get your attention! Watching the sky blacken, and the clouds formed moving in opposite directions around you, is not comforting.
With that being said, it's my opinion that it makes sense to at least try to tip the odds in your favor when planning a rally date and location. We have the knowledge of historical weather patterns. Why not use this information to our advantage?
06-27-2008, 05:35 PM
hi everyone...i have been reading about the future rally sites and it appears we are having a bit of trouble getting east to meet west and vica versa...taking a quick look at the 2 maps available from out very talented members, it appears approximately 2/3 of the membership of POG is pretty much in the eastern half of the it is difficult to get 2/3 of a group to travel half way across the USA when we live in a majority rules society...on the other hand, the western faction of POG must travel quite a distance if in fact they want to join fellow members regularily...hmmmmmmmmm...what to do?....well, i have a thought...i do not believe the center of the country on a regular basis be the answer...however, how about a super rally evey 2 years, complete with major participation from sponsors, friends and the like...east can meet west...but possiblly not as often as we would like to...but that's ok...sometimes absence makes the heart fonder (and the westerns can continue to meet and the same for the easterners...but then in a reasonable timeframe, we all can break bread...just a passing thought...hope all is well for all...must go now...HAPPY HOUR...cheers, shookie
06-28-2008, 12:07 AM
Hi Shookie. That is kind of where we have been heading. The last two rallies were based one in Tennessee, and the other in Nevada about 3 weeks apart.
So Oaklahoma was to be kind of the middle of the country compromise of 2009. ( not forgetting South Dakota this fall)
I believe we do not have to re invent the wheel. FMCA , Good Sam and others typically have two major rallies a year in different places in the US. Two different Locations a year. As the group grows hopefully it won't be as much an issue.
06-28-2008, 09:15 AM
Your passengers prolly felt the same way ;)
I have flown over the region hundreds of times mostly uneventful but, there have been a few times when I wished I had been home in bed.
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