View Full Version : Hot Water Adjustment
dale farley
06-07-2008, 12:36 PM
Can anyone tell me how to adjust the hot water in my shower. It is not quite as hot as I would like it to be. Every other faucet in the bus will scortch you if turned wide open, but not the shower. I didn't notice this while in warmer climates, but I want the shower to be hot.
I do realize it is turned down as a safety precaution, but I want to turn it up. When I first moved in my house, I just removed the cover on the faucet and turned a screw to increase the hot water flow.
I have read all my instructions on the Kohler unit in the bus, and they don't mention an adjustment for the hot water flow. I assumed I would remove the square handle, remove the large square plate and make the adjustment. Does anyone know if there is an adjustment behind the handle or square plate?
I also see I have the multitude of valves in the water bay to turn off water flow to various lines. Is one of these the adjustment that I need to use to increase the hot water flow to the shower?
06-07-2008, 01:20 PM
Dale,I had the same problem with mine and I took ff the handle and there is a plastic part that I moved counter to the way that the temperature knob moves and that fixed it.
dale farley
06-07-2008, 09:24 PM
Jack, I will try again to remove the handle. I didn't have any luck the first time. Thanks for the info.
06-07-2008, 09:48 PM
Get a thin knife blade behind the rectangular cover in the center of the handle and carefully pry it off without scratching the gold.
dale farley
06-07-2008, 10:28 PM
Once I figured out how to remove the handle, I was able to adjust an allen screw that determines the travel of the knob, and that solved the problem. Thanks.
dale farley
06-07-2008, 11:32 PM
Jim, I had originally tried to pull the square handle off, and that didn't seem to do any good. I didn't want to damage it, so I didn't force it. I noticed today that one of my other handles was a little loose, and I discovered that the collar behind the square handle screws into the handle. I just turned the collar CCW until it unscrewed from the square handle, and that gave me access to the adjustment screw.
06-08-2008, 06:53 AM
Jim, I had originally tried to pull the square handle off, and that didn't seem to do any good. I didn't want to damage it, so I didn't force it. I noticed today that one of my other handles was a little loose, and I discovered that the collar behind the square handle screws into the handle. I just turned the collar CCW until it unscrewed from the square handle, and that gave me access to the adjustment screw.
Thanks for the info Dale. So does that rear collar allow for knob removal, or just access to the adjuster?
If it doesn't allow for knob removal, maybe you should keep on it while it's on your mind, and figure it out for when you kneed it in a panic?
06-08-2008, 11:58 AM
Jim, I had originally tried to pull the square handle off, and that didn't seem to do any good. I didn't want to damage it, so I didn't force it. I noticed today that one of my other handles was a little loose, and I discovered that the collar behind the square handle screws into the handle. I just turned the collar CCW until it unscrewed from the square handle, and that gave me access to the adjustment screw.
It may be the Black top piece comes off, so you can get to the philips screw. I had some stone handle inlays in my bathrooms when I bought my home , they pry off with a small screw driver.
dale farley
06-09-2008, 01:44 AM
I originally tried to pry out the stone in the center of the knob, and I saw that didn't work. When you hold the square knob and turn the collar it releases the knob so it can be removed. Although the knob is square, it has threads on it for the collar to screw into.
Once the knob slips off, you remove the stone (held in by rubber bushing) from the middle, unscrew the center housing and the adjusting collar is exposed. At that point, you can adjust the hot water and/or you can completely remove the large cover to expose the faucet mechanism.
dale farley
06-09-2008, 02:01 AM
Not related to the hot water adjustment. It snowed all day yesterday, but I got a chance to make this shot.
06-09-2008, 07:44 AM
Nice photo Dale, there are a lot of good things going for that photo.
Have you had any photography classes?
06-09-2008, 11:58 PM
Dale. I really got get a job like yours! What a view.
dale farley
06-10-2008, 03:01 PM
Dalej, I took a one-day course from Nikon about 25 years ago, but I don't think that qualifies as significant training. There was no sun in the picture, so everything was gray with very little contrast, but I still liked the picture, so I took it. Thanks for the comment. Hopefully, the weather will break around here soon, and the sun will shine for more than a few minutes at a time.
Jerry Winchester
06-10-2008, 03:19 PM
I am assuming you are camping in an area that is not Fishing Bridge, so if that is the case I am looking to come back to Yellowstone next year, but don't think I can get the 45' coach in where the 40'er went last time.
I can't get a straight answer from and Xanterra folks, so maybe you can shed some light on it for me. I really don't want to stay at West Yellowstone.
dale farley
06-10-2008, 04:20 PM
Jerry, I've stayed at Fishing Bridge in a 40' coach before, and as you know, it is pretty tight. They tell you that a 45' will not fit, and I don't think it will either. When we first decided to come this year, we were told that none of the campgrounds in Yellowstone can accomodate a 45' except for the one we are staying in.
We are in the employee park for Lake General Store (about 2.5 miles from Fishing Bridge). Of the 14 spots in this park, there are only a couple spots that will take a 45' coach, and they are not open to the public.
I will make a couple calls to see if any of the public parks can take a 45'.
dale farley
06-10-2008, 04:48 PM
Jerry, The reason we were able to get a 40' into Fishing Bridge is that they have some double wide 40' spots, so they allow a 40' and a tow vehicle. The tow vehicle can be parked in the double wide spot. Since there are no 45' double wide spots, they won't allow a 45' that is pulling a tow vehicle, because there is no place to park the tow. Madison (North Yellowstone) has some 50' single wide spots that will accomodate a 45' with no tow, but will not allow one with a tow.
I called the information in West Yellowstone (just outside the park) and got the name and phone #'s for 4 parks that can accomodate a 45' coach with a tow vehicle. These two are in town: Grizzly RV Park, 406-646-4466 and Rustic Wagon RV, 406-646-7387. These two are on the outskirts: Yellowstone Holiday RV, 877-646-4242 and Kirkwood Resort, 877-302-7200. Hope this hellps. Dale
06-10-2008, 04:49 PM
Grizzly Rv Park in North Yellowstone is a newer, full service RV Resort. 45' coaches are no problem. We stayed there when we visited Yellowstone three years ago. The RV Park is within 3-4 blocks from the West Yellowstone Entrance Park entrance. We explored the park with day trips. We drove out of the park using the North Entrance to visit Red Lodge, MT and over-nighted and returned to West Yellowstone. The road, 'Bear Tooth Pass', to Red Lodge was great, a worth while adventure! It reminded me of what 'moon scape' would look like.
We did not drive the motorhome over 'Bear Tooth Pass', but we did see motorhomes on the road. It is 'doable', just maintain your speeds.
I particularly enjoy Yellowstone this time of the year. It is the Best!
06-11-2008, 03:10 PM
Dale, it is really nice of you to check on 45' camper parking spots for JDUB. As with most of his postings, you need to read between the lines a little bit. He knows full well he ain't gonna park that beast in Yellowstone proper. What he really wants to know is this: "Dale, can I have your camping spot for a few days next year?" See, you gotta read between the lines. Now Dale, I know that you are a fine Christian man who is willing to do just about anything to help out a fellow Pogger, BUT, sometimes, just like we tell our teenage girls, just say NO. If you give in on this, Dale, ole Yellerstone will never be the same. Can you even imagine all the rif raff Prevost drivers that will be drug in following after JDUB? You think you been seeing wildlife? You ain't seen nothing yet. Gosh I'm glad I saw this going on.
Here's what you otta do. Cruise around that ole park and write down a number every time you find a Rest Area. Just give um any ole number cause he won't pay a bit of attention to um anyway. Then, frame up a real nice little private email like this one and send it to Jerry. Something like, JDUB, you will be pleased to know that here in Yellowstone we have 500 nice Rest Areas available for your parking pleasure. Don't mention anything about Grizzly Bears and Wolfs, Okie's don't take well to wild things like regular folks do. Well, that about covers it. I know you need to get out there and sell some t-shirts and caps and it's a hour past my noon nap so I'll finish up. I'm loving them purtty pictures with the snow so keep um coming, your pal, Mel.
06-11-2008, 08:15 PM
ooohhhhhh, I feel a Major Sortie in the making! Mel, you better head for the air raid shelter ole buddy, cause the Turd Boy will be making a mega house call....:eek:
Jerry Winchester
06-11-2008, 10:07 PM
You know Tom, the one I really feel sorry for is Jan. Can you imagine all this BS and to have to live with it every day.
And I'll post a photo of the Rest Area at exit 106 on I-59 that he assured me was not there.
I certainly appreciate the intel on the parking. And I also appreciate Hector ( a real East Texas good guy) chiming in on West Yellowstone. The part I liked about staying at Fishing Bridge was that I could ride my bike down to the river in the evening or over to the store where Dale is working at the lake. We also pretty much did the day trip thing as we packed a lunch every day.
Next summer I am hauling my grandmother to Yellowstone. For some reason she has decided that she wants to see the west before she gets too old to enjoy it. The fact that she is only 95 seems somewhat academic, but if she wants to go, then I am up for hauling her.
So I had hoped we could hang out in the park, but alas that doesn't appear to be in the cards, so I'll just let her know that some A-hole from East Texas was giving me a bunch of grief about parking in Yellowstone and generally degrading Oklahomans and while I am sure he never took his grandmother camping in his bus, there is surely a special place in POG hell that awaits him....
06-11-2008, 11:33 PM
What a guy, plays the aging GRANDMOTHER card. Wow, haven't seen that for awhile. Sweet.
For your information JDUB, we did in fact take Jan's grandmother on a trip to the Grand Canyon. She was in the mid stage of Alzheimer's and loved to travel in the coach. Late one evening at a campground in the Grand Canyon we had a Park Ranger stop by to visit. As he started to leave, Mamie (the granny) says "Oh Ranger, I don't know who these people are and I think I have been kidnapped." It took an hour to convince the guy everything was good with us and that Jan was in fact the granddaughter. About once a year Jan will turn to me and say, "Oh Ranger" and we fall out laughing.
That is a true story.
If you are really going to take your grandmother to Yellowstone (and we want pictures as proof) I will admit to having a degree of admiration for the endeavor. You gotta do better than Rest Areas and Tacos. We need to talk. And my ugly comments about Okies don't count for grandmothers.
dale farley
06-12-2008, 12:08 AM
This has been another unusual June day in Yellowstone. We woke up to about 6" of fresh snow this morning, and it has snowed most of the day with a high around 35 degrees. It's supposed to be 26 degrees tonight with another few inches of snow. But its going to rain tomorrow afternoon and be sunny and warmer (around 60 degrees) on Friday. Maybe Spring will arrive soon.
Joe Cannarozzi
06-12-2008, 01:41 AM
That is a great story Ted.
Was she really confused:confused:
My brother and I took my mother down to Disney world and if we were not completely stopped before she got out of the passenger seat she was turnin 6 shades of green.
Had to be facing forward and seated.:D
We should have had this thread a couple of weeks ago:rolleyes:
Dale is that normal weather for them for June?
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