View Full Version : IRSI Seats/Arm
There is always something to deal with on a Big Bus. When I pickled up my bus from having service the other day I noticed that the right arm of the IRSI seat was raised up higher than I thought it was supposed to go. When I moved it back down to its normal level position it just continued down to the seat. The roller does not seem to be able to adjust the arm at all, up or down, to its normal operating position (for me). I was told that if I did the following I could take it off and examine it so I did.
I moved the arm up to the back of the seat at a 90 degree position and removed from the main seat body. I examined the arm's connection point to the main seat body. In the open rod that connects to the main seat body there is a pin that is about 2 inches long. It does not seem to move if I adjust the roller, what is its role in the process. The mechanism seems simple, but I cannot see how it should work and there is no access to the roller rod that is supposed to adjust the arm up or down.
When I move the roller nothing seems to happen at all, and when I put it back on the seat it does nothing. You can adjust the roller but there is no pressure or connection to the seat .
Have any of you ever dealt with this problem??
Jon Wehrenberg
05-28-2008, 08:40 AM
If you poke around where the arm pivots by pushing the leather out of the way you will see a roll pin that is supposed to go through the pivot and shaft.
I can't describe it any better. You will see what I mean.
The roll pin has slipped out. It is not easy to push back, but it is doable.
05-28-2008, 09:06 AM
Speaking of the ISRI, can anyone de-mystify this thing for me. I really have never been able to hit the "sweet spot", I am either bouncing up and down feet in the air, or am sitting on something that resembles a concrete bench, Neither of these positions are acceptable!
So, aside from the tilt and fore/aft, how in the hell does one make this thing do what it is supposed to do? Also, the lumbar support...goes flat after 15 minutes or so...what am I doing wrong or should I toss the thing out the door in favor of a Ricarro?
If you poke around where the arm pivots by pushing the leather out of the way you will see a roll pin that is supposed to go through the pivot and shaft.
I can't describe it any better. You will see what I mean.
The roll pin has slipped out. It is not easy to push back, but it is doable.
I know exactly what you are referring to. I noticed this pin when I was examining the arm. It needs to slip through both the arm and the seat connection.
What throw me off is that I felt the other arm and felt the pin was slipping way down outside of the shaft as well, and decided or at least convinced myself that it must be ok.
Your right about getting it back in. There is very little room to get inside of the leather around the shaft to drive the pin back in place.
I had the seats removed to have the floors done, and am now thinking that the arms were taken off at some point.
Also is there a correct way to insert the pin, what I mean is there a top or bottom to the pin in the direction is should be installed?
If you were to look at the arm as it should be parallel to the seat when it is in use, the pin has backed out and down toward the seat. I need to get behind it and force it back up into the sleeve of the shaft, but wonder that over time it will back out and down toward the floor over time????
Jerry Winchester
05-28-2008, 11:59 AM
I have a similar problem in that the seat seems to have a mind of its own. One minute it is fine and it may be like that for hours, then it will sink low then go very high then settle back down.
And the armrest adjustment lock seems to be jacked up. I can't hardly turn the roller at the end of the arm, which I assume should lock the arm in the desired position.
This sounds like a Loc McNew "Workation" project that I can deal with on my trip next week.
I also figured the roller was attached to a threaded rod that somehow tightened up a locking mechanism on where the arm attached to the seat. Is that correct?
Jon Wehrenberg
05-28-2008, 12:03 PM
Bruce, I don't remember having a top or bottom choice. When I finally got the holes lined up I just pushed the pin in from the only direction I could.
I don't remember what I did on the bus seat to retain the pin. I know I safety wired the pin in the plane seat because when the pin came out the seat back collapsed. I may have done this on the bus, but it is a real pain to access the pin so I don't want to look.
Bruce, I don't remember having a top or bottom choice. When I finally got the holes lined up I just pushed the pin in from the only direction I could.
I don't remember what I did on the bus seat to retain the pin. I know I safety wired the pin in the plane seat because when the pin came out the seat back collapsed. I may have done this on the bus, but it is a real pain to access the pin so I don't want to look.
Thanks Jon and Jerry.
I am considering taking a thin block of wood and placing it on either side of the leather, lining up the pin and then using some type of adjustable strap or vice grips to squeeze the pin into the shaft . I can not see how I can get into the leather area without tearing up the leather.
I also wondered if it matters whether you position the roller at any special point before you push in the pin, ie. all the way in or all the way out or in a neutral position?
I'm heading over to the Bus after 2 today to tackle the arm rest. You forget how much you rely on the armrest for comfort while running down the road..
Jerry as for the seat moving up and down I had a similar problem as well. I replaced all of the air fittings and it stopped. I assumed it simply was loosing air over time after going over bumpy roads etc.
05-28-2008, 08:19 PM
The buttons suck, they leak, you just can't hear them unless you stick an ear up to it like Jdub looking for an aux air leak in a rest area. I put in new buttons and they sucked just like the originals. The King had the right idea, disconnect the whole air supply and forget it.
The buttons suck, they leak, you just can't hear them unless you stick an ear up to it like Jdub looking for an aux air leak in a rest area. I put in new buttons and they sucked just like the originals. The King had the right idea, disconnect the whole air supply and forget it.
Tom, the bigger question here is do you really like the IRSI seats??? Should I send you a customer satisfaction survey ??
I honestly feel that its the way the seats are installed and maintained by the convertors. I have had several people work on my seats from Oregon to Florida and each had a different understanding of how the fittings should be installed, and even had them installed backwards once.
The Germans are very careful about the way they make their products, but if we Americans do not read the manuals there will be consequences.
Joe Cannarozzi
05-28-2008, 09:29 PM
John you described too much or too little air.
Our ISRI had auto height incorporated into them. Are yours similar or are they manually adjustable by a button.
In any event there is a small shock absorber incorporated into the seat to act as a dampener this may be wore out.
Also there is a inherent flaw in the auto height. On a new valve that reacts quickly when a rough road sets the seat to oscillating (for lack of a better term) the valve reacts in a adverse effect.
For instance: when you hit a dip the seat compresses this triggers the valve to air up thus causing a greater rebound than would have occoured naturally. The same also occurs in reverse. When the bus dips down causing the seat to rise the valve dumps air then putting you on the floor in the rebound.
I also did not appreciate when, while slowly maneuvering and in slow tight right hand turns, when I sometimes stand up out of the seat to extend my vision in the right mirror the seat dumps air and when you sit back down your sitting on the floor.
All of this can be eliminated by disabling that auto valve in the base and replacing it with a manual button. If you already have the button try replacing the shock.
05-28-2008, 10:24 PM
Flyboy and all,
Several years ago I nearly hung my gonads on the steering wheel several times and I finally replaced the front seat . I never could figure out what was supposed to happen but I was afraid of my voice going to alto.
Now I am the age of Harry and it nearly is the time to swing the jewels over my shoulder and say the hell with it.
Anyone wnt a bus? Cheap. Make an offer.
05-29-2008, 07:08 AM
Thanks Joe,
I will have a look at the shock as my seat is manual.
When I bought my bus, the only sign of wear was the drivers seat cushion; apparently the original owner only had one butt cheek, the left one! I replaced the foam with high density and all appeared normal. I did not look at the shock absorber, maybe it had excessive side loads imposed....dunno.
What I do know is that about an hour after driving my body tires of sitting on the concrete bench so I toss some air to it. Whopee!! Look out, here we go, like a slingshot upwards....that's way too much, so I let some of the luft out, next thing you know I am back on the concrete bench. It's as if the air switch was an ON/OFF switch vice a metering switch...which I assume it is supposed to be.
05-29-2008, 07:58 AM
Oh, if it's German it has to be good! The buttons are junk and us dumb ass Americans don't need a manual to push a button. You can't buy individual buttons to rebuild, you have to by the whole assembly and wait until you price that with Prevost. And after you replace the assembly, it won't be long until your sitting on the floor again and the lumbars are deflated.
Bostrom Seats have been the mainstay of the trucking industry for 40 years, they're made in the US and they work!
Customer Satisfaction Survey - Ya, just send it to me.
05-29-2008, 08:19 AM
Truk, is there a common bolt pattern to the seats? Could you swap out an IRSI for a Bostrom?
I had the air switches replaced on my first trip home going through Dallas, like 250.00 and they still don't work right.
I wish someone made a seat with AC in it like a Navigator has. A few hours of driving in warm wx against the leather gets mighty uncomfortable!
05-29-2008, 09:19 AM
Flyboy and all,
Several years ago I nearly hung my gonads on the steering wheel several times and I finally replaced the front seat . I never could figure out what was supposed to happen but I was afraid of my voice going to alto.
Now I am the age of Harry and it nearly is the time to swing the jewels over my shoulder and say the hell with it.
Anyone wnt a bus? Cheap. Make an offer.
LEW!!! do you care to explain this post?
mike kerley
05-29-2008, 01:37 PM
Lew, So the drive to NY was not as much fun as you thought??
Watch out slinging those jewels around, Casey likes to chase balls!!!!
Mike K
05-29-2008, 07:29 PM
Don't know about the bolt pattern and then you would have to deal with material to try and match the original. The bus rides so good, I just leave in on the floor and then pump up the lumbar every freaking hour.
Keep track of Jdub's upcoming trip, he has no A/C to the gonad area and I'm sure he'll invent something!;) Last I heard, he was fabricating some sort of hose and wanted Mango to meet him somewhere for his approval.:p Remember, it takes two turd boys to fix his problem.:eek:
Jerry Winchester
05-30-2008, 12:26 AM
No warm gonads here. The AC was working perfectly, so cold in fact that the girls had blankets out.
A hose? I'm sure the Cuntree Coach has one.
Yes, JDUB is out on the road burning some diesel while the nadless ones are laid up in the barn complaining about the price of fuel.
05-30-2008, 08:03 AM
If you get close to my 20, the shop is open for your maintenance pleasure. Ya better hurry, I'll be heading west tomorrow making smoke on our way to Table Rock Lake to check up on Sticky and a few other Poggers.
Keep the chicks cooool.:p
Darrell McCarley
06-08-2008, 12:47 PM
I have a ISRI seat that does not seem to be as comfortable as other motorhome seats. I like the ISRI air seat but would like to replace the bottom cushion with a longer more comfortable seat. Does anyone know of a bottom seat cushion or a complete new seat that will fit the ISRI? Does anyone else have a comfort problem with an ISRI? Darrell
06-08-2008, 01:43 PM
Lewpoop: Don't worry about throwing them over your shoulders. When you are really my age they dry up and sound like two dried peas rattling in a tin can.
Jerry Winchester
06-08-2008, 05:39 PM
I don't really have a comfort problem with it but I had just recovered the seats in our old coach and filled them with memory foam. They were way comfortable and the ultra suede covering really made them nice.
However, the ultra suede would also cause your shorts to ride up after about 4 hours in the saddle, so it would jam your nuts up pretty tight. I think the IRSI set doesn't do that because it floats. Or maybe I've lost weight and my shorts are looser? Either way, I think you could tweak the IRSI seat some and it would be to your liking.
Darrell McCarley
06-08-2008, 07:18 PM
Jerry, Thanks for your advise. I just placed an order for memory foam with I will have the bottom seat rebuilt to make it more comfortable. I would have never thought of memory foam. Thanks again. This forum is great. Darrell
06-08-2008, 09:26 PM
Now Darrell....Do you really believe JDUB on his post about the memory foam? When he sets his ass on something the memory the product has is going to stay there and not come back. As for the coverings on hispast coach riding his shorts up so his nuts were compressed, well, that's the only memory he has of anything. They say that one of his nuts is no bigger than a flack seed and the other is a little bit smaller.
Joe Cannarozzi
06-08-2008, 09:47 PM
Sweat pants, that is the preferred driving apparel. Sweat pants they make any seat barable. Nothing else is even close for prolonged comfort, accept skives;) Way less expensive that a new seat.
Darrell McCarley
06-08-2008, 10:24 PM
Jerry, I am sorry for asking about the seat cushion. Did not know that LEW was going to reveal all this information about your privates. You guys have way to much fun. Darrell
Jerry Winchester
06-08-2008, 11:17 PM
Don't fret. Lew passes in and out of consiousness after happy hour, so we never know what he'll post or if his medication has worn off.
He just has a bad case of gonad envy.
06-08-2008, 11:38 PM
While having had the Cushy Drivers seats in my Monaco and Country Coach , I much prefer the Isri on the Liberty. It is Smaller and firmer. I prefer to not feel like I'm in a Lounge chair while driving. Cotton Comfortable shorts are my preference, although sweat pants are a great choice as well.
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