View Full Version : Hot and Heavy
Joe Cannarozzi
05-27-2008, 08:14 PM
Today it's 45 in Chicago and I am now unemployed, for those of you who do not already know.
Excuse my escape from boredom.
Found this stuff on my camera. Check it out. A few shots of the final few loads that I put on my truck before I parked it.
Carried these loads very well. Usually around 12 up front, 34 on the drives, 50 on the trlr:eek: With spring suspension on the tractor I chose to load up the trlr and those air bags and super singles lived up to the challenge. Every now and then, maybe once or twice a day, the loader would mess up and give me 6 digits. Didn't do this perticular job for too long but didn't break anything.
This little puddle was 2 feet deep in the middle and had the hubs on the truck completely submerged, every round, that was 15 or 20 times a day. I had switched to marine grease every 3rd day.
She was always a good reliable piece, don't know what I will do with it now.
05-27-2008, 08:22 PM
Hey Joe, nice to see some photos from the work place. Keep digging around on those disks, you might find some more!
05-27-2008, 10:54 PM
Joe, sorry to hear about the job. Hope things turn around. When you have time- give me a call.
Tully Lee Garrett
05-27-2008, 11:54 PM
Thanks for sharing the pics Joe. How about some more. It seems that time never fails to go by much faster than we think it will. Hang in there buddy. :)
05-28-2008, 12:33 AM
Joe, I'm sure your future is full of new great memories. Keep postin em.
05-28-2008, 08:26 AM
Sorry to hear about your job Joe, hang in there and keep your eyes open, someone with your experience should be in demand!
05-28-2008, 08:27 AM
Your not alone Joe, lots of truckers parking their trucks, dropping like flies. We have now had 14 companies close their doors this year and Owner/Operators hanging it up weekly. The DOE price this week for the FSC jumped 22 cents in one week.
And just yesterday we learn that there is 2.2 Trillion barrels of shale oil in the center of the US, but we can't get to it because of the tree huggers. Add this to Alaska and the coastal areas and we could tell the rag heads to kiss our asses for the next 200 years while we develop alternate fuel systems.
Grab a local driving job and hang in there...;)
05-28-2008, 09:35 AM
there is 2.2 Trillion barrels of shale oil in the center of the US,
Tom....I'm in the center of the U.S., where's it at!!!!! Should I be ordering a new Prevost Conversion or wait a bit?
05-28-2008, 09:36 AM
Its not just the trucking industry. Several years ago Delta's annual fuel bill exceeded the GNP of a small country, I would not even begin to venture a guess as to what it is today!
So far this year a half dozen or so air carriers have bit the dust, closed not Chapter 11 stuff...some of them pretty big ones too...Aloha and ATA come to mind and there are several others who are sitting on "deaths doorstep".
The I-10 Corridor from Palm Springs into Los Angeles was sparsly populated with trucks when I came across that road the other day.....that hunk of real estate used to be absolutely crowded with semi's.
Next to go will be the roads, after all, asphalt has to be getting very expensive as well.....although I don't know how they could get much worse in California.
Somebody or someone has to step up to the plate pretty soon or we will all be in trouble.
Joe Cannarozzi
05-28-2008, 09:38 AM
What do you make of this? Do not laugh. I am seriously looking for opinions. View the first video, the fellow seems to have credibility.
05-28-2008, 09:53 AM
I will buy it for you if you document and post photos along the way. I'm so in to this kind of stuff.
Joe Cannarozzi
05-28-2008, 09:55 AM
This guy and that fellow with the MYT engine should get togeather!!!
This guy and that fellow with the MYT engine should get togeather!!!
Why not contact the folks at Prevost In Quebec or I'll give you the name of the local manager in Jacksonville. They could use a good manager. How about Marathon or one of the other convertors. We all would be references, can't hurt, come live in your Bus in Jacksonville, stay warm and work around stuff you enjoy.
05-28-2008, 10:53 PM
All the $$ spent for fuel savings devices are better spent on your wife or a new tool!
05-29-2008, 07:35 AM
I presume your not talking about the kind of tool that can be purchased in Trinidad Colorado :D
05-29-2008, 09:52 PM
I presume your not talking about the kind of tool that can be purchased in Trinidad Colorado :D
John, Great minds think alike!
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