View Full Version : locking drawer slides

05-19-2008, 08:54 AM
We need to replace our drawer slides with stronger ones. WE currently have the ones on the left of the photo and were looking to install the ones on the right.

The problem is our drawers lock and need to be lifted to open. The slides on the right do not seem to have any locking.

What types of locking drawer slides to others have that can carry weight. The pantry drawers are quite heavy and the two under the bed are large and deep and we want to use them for office supplies. Thanks

05-19-2008, 09:37 AM
Careful on this one Lloyd....

I have a CC Intrigue that came with locking metal slides however the mounts were plastic...they broke all of the time. I replaced them all with metal non- lockers from Loews and that really did not work out.....every turn, and it didn't take much side loading, drawers would fly open and throw their respective contents everywhere. I finally found the lift over lockers in all metal....mucho better!

Those big old lower drawers...CC has an affinity (no pun intended) for particle board. There are only so many mounts and dismounts of door hardware that can be done before the unit has to be tossed into the trash...


05-19-2008, 10:10 AM
John, what are the "lift over lockers in metal"? Thank you,