View Full Version : Jacking Points on a 45' with Independent Front Suspension
dale farley
04-22-2008, 05:42 PM
I looked in my Prevost manuals, and they show the jacking points for a straight front end. I want to make sure I know where the spots are for an independent front end on an XL.
The first picture shows the frame looking backward from the front axle. I am assuming the jacking points are under the frame, just above the edge of my concrete on each side.
The second picture is facing forward and I am assuming the jacking point is on the left at the edge of the concrete where the "T" brace is showing in the picture.
The third pictures shows the front suspension. I am assuming the flat spot in the very middle of the picture is the jacking point for the suspension itself. Not the round spot, but the rectangle post that is protruding downward.
I need to deflate my front tires so I can add liquid balancer to them. Is it going to hurt anything, if I don't jack up the vehicle? Can I just let the air out of one side at a time, add the balancing agent, and air them back up?
Jon Wehrenberg
04-22-2008, 06:08 PM
Jacking and supporting the coach are such serious issues that I hope you speak directly to Prevost for clarification.
I suspect that the support/jack point is directly beneath a vertical member of the sub-frame front or rear, but you need to verify that rather than speculate.
I would not deflate the tires unless the bus is supported. Even if it does no damage, how will you deal with it if the tire bead is broken and you cannot re-inflate the tire?
dale farley
04-22-2008, 07:05 PM
I haven't done any jacking on the front end and don't intend to until I get some sound advice. I was hoping someone had a later manual that actually shows the jacking points.
Good point about letting the air out and breaking the bead. I guess I won't be doing that until I know the proper places to support it.
04-22-2008, 11:07 PM
Also, I would not place a jack close to the edge of your pit. I would stay back 18 inches or so if you can.
dale farley
04-22-2008, 11:17 PM
If the jacking points are where I think they are, I can't jack the front end up while over the pit.
04-23-2008, 01:00 AM
There is a Prevost spiral bound manual that shows all jacking points, front and rear, for 40 and 45 coaches. If you do not have this, call Prevost and they will send you one. When I bought my bus I called Prevost to check on any outstanding recalls and to let them know who the new owner was in the event of a future recall. The lady I spoke with asked me about this manual and I did not have it so she sent it free of charge.
dale farley
04-23-2008, 01:01 AM
Thanks Denny, I wasn't aware of this.
04-23-2008, 08:22 AM
Seems like this would be a good topic for a seminar at a rally.
dale farley
04-23-2008, 10:08 AM
I agree with Jim on this one about needing a seminar. I am totally surprised that there are not more that know where the jacking points are located on a 45" with independent suspension. I assume the rear will be the same as the straight axle models, but I haven't looked yet.
I guess I am really confused about this one point. I know there had to be some 45' XL owners with independent front ends who purchased the stands from Jon. How do those owners know where to place the stands? Am I missing something here? After I started this thread, I do realize that most of the owners have a straight axle or an XLII. I guess it is only the some of the people who have a 98-99-2000 model XL that my question applies to? I'm not even sure that is correct?
I'll be on the phone this morning with Prevost asking for the book Denny mentioned.
dale farley
04-23-2008, 11:21 AM
After talking to Prevost Parts, I was referred to Bill Jensen to get a definite answer on the jacking points. He was under a coach, and I was under mine, so I was able to verify exactly where the points are.
As I suspected, the points in the first picture I posted are the correct points. If you notice in the picture, there is a flat spot on each side where the insulation has been removed. The spots are at the rear of the "A" shaped bracket in the picture, about 16" from the center on each side. Bill said on some coaches, there is a plate on each side, on others (such as mine) there is no plate, just a flat spot. (
04-23-2008, 11:30 AM
Try to keep in mind that the supports are for the body of the bus. If you look at the body support points it will make sense.
Jacking the axles for tire replacement isnt the same.
I would call a prevost service center and see where the body support points are for a 45. I looked at one in Sevierville and would think it has to be behind the tag, not in front of the drive. I would guess that 60 percent of the bus weight is at the point in front of the drive axle.
dale farley
04-23-2008, 12:01 PM
Bill Jensen also referred me to the updated manual on the Prevost site. I went to the Technical section of the Owners manual for my bus and found the updated Jacking points for the independent suspension. The manual validates what Bill had told me. The jacking points are the exact same as on the straight front axle.
Ray Davis
04-23-2008, 06:41 PM
Can you post the link to that document?
dale farley
04-24-2008, 01:48 AM
Ray, This is the link. Once I selected my "Vehicle Type" and "Year", I found the information in the "Owners Manual". Had to go to the index and search for Jacking Points.
Jon Wehrenberg
04-24-2008, 07:56 AM
For pit owners, if the forward body support points are the same for solid axle and IFS, then it is just forward of the wheels and inboard slightly.
That point on my coach when over my pit is outward from the pit opening based on how my bus is placed over the pit and there is no problem or concern with the placement or too much stress on the sidewalls of the pit.
The picture shows the relationship of the stands to the pit which is 24" wide. I could actually move the bus forward and still have more than ample access if I wanted to get more room between the stands and the pit wall. The spacing in the rear is similar and that is where twice as much weight per stand is concentrated.
I should add that the weight, evenly distributed on the base of the stand at the rear of my coach amounts to around 250 PSI.
dale farley
04-24-2008, 10:24 AM
The manual does show those front jacking points also, and I don't think it could hurt anything to use those points. When I mentioned this to Bill, he said they recommend using the points behind the front wheels instead of the ones in front of the front wheels.
My understanding from Bill is that the points behind the front wheels are where the frame joins in 3 different spots, and therefore, offers the best support and the least stress to the frame. He said that was the reason on some of the buses, there was actually a pad on each side behind the wheels to mark the jacking spots. Once again, and especially for using the stands to store the bus, I feel sure either location is fine.
Jon Wehrenberg
04-24-2008, 02:26 PM
I have used both the ones in front of the steers and the ones to the rear. Lately because I have gotten into the habit I have been using the front ones and see no indication of any stress on the frame or shell. I have opened and closed doors, bays and windows and everything opens and closes just the same as when it is sitting on the wheels.
My information on supporting the coach showed the front support only, but if the rear support on the front frame is used it will actually reduce the weight supported at the rear which may be a good thing.
05-01-2008, 12:05 PM
There is a Prevost spiral bound manual that shows all jacking points, front and rear, for 40 and 45 coaches. If you do not have this, call Prevost and they will send you one. When I bought my bus I called Prevost to check on any outstanding recalls and to let them know who the new owner was in the event of a future recall. The lady I spoke with asked me about this manual and I did not have it so she sent it free of charge.
Denny, When you have a chance could you give me the manual edition # of the book. I can't find a person at any of the locations I have called that understands what I am asking for. Thanks, I will be out of town for a few days so take your time.
dale farley
05-01-2008, 03:19 PM
This may be the book that Denny is referring to. I couldn't find anyone at Prevost that knew of the book.
This is the link that Bill told me about on the web. This is the Owner's manual, and you can also view the Operator manual and Maintenance manual.
If you open this link, select "XL MTH, "1998", "Owner", and under Manual Section select "Starting and Stopping" hit "Search". When the page comes up, select "Starting and Stopping" and go to page 4-20, you will see the jacking points for the 45' XL MTH.
There is also a good section in the Maintenance manual about tire pressures. I noticed it recommend that we run 90 lbs in our drive axles with either 12.5 or 315 tires.
05-02-2008, 08:25 PM
I checked on the manual and it is the "Owner's Manual". On the left front cover is PA-1111 and on the right side of the front cover is AS/T-05. I think this is the book that Dale was referring to. The printed version is much easier to read and look up info in than the computer version.
I called Canada to check on recalls on my coach when I bought it and the lady I spoke with asked me if I had the manual and she sent it to me. It answers a lot of question and shows exact point for jacking.
05-05-2008, 08:40 AM
I checked on the manual and it is the "Owner's Manual". On the left front cover is PA-1111 and on the right side of the front cover is AS/T-05. I think this is the book that Dale was referring to. The printed version is much easier to read and look up info in than the computer version.
I called Canada to check on recalls on my coach when I bought it and the lady I spoke with asked me if I had the manual and she sent it to me. It answers a lot of question and shows exact point for jacking.
Thanks Denny. Looking for it now.
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